the lab (finale part)

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Y/N yells in pain as he lays there bleeding but luckily for him the creatures sharp claw managed to go through a few inches inside but he is still bleeding bad, Y/N Then looks around and sees another med-kit hanging on the wall and when he does he slowly sits up and limps towards it almost falling a few times as blood pours out of his wound "oh...god" Y/N said unable too say anything due to the pain. He manages to grab the kit and place it on the ground he looks inside and sees some bandaged cloths, alcohol and Tranexamic acid injection, he looks at the injection and recognized it for stopping bleedings so he takes a syringe and sticks it in the injection bottle and fills up the Tranexamic acid "" Y/N says before injecting it in the wound making him shout in pain as the needle plunges through his wound, after injecting it he throws the needle aside and slowly grabs the bandages rolling the cloth around his stomach body before falling on the ground groaning in pain while holding his side "I have to get of here" he says as he lays there.

A few minutes later

Y/N sits on a wall looking at the creature on the floor that stabbed him with most of its head blown off due to Y/N shooting it. Y/N energy is completely drained due to him losing quite a lot of blood from his wounds 'i have to keep moving, but where?' Y/N said he could try to find his way back toward the vent he crawled out of but then he realized he won't be able to due to it being on the roof he there has to another way, as Y/N sits there he hear him the creatures in the distance "will i ever get out of here?" he said to himself as he hears the creatures in the distance. "Wait" he said before pulling the fuses he found out of his pocket and looked at the words on it "elevator fuse" "right! The elevator! I could use that there has to be one around here somewhere around here something" he said, but wait if he does get out of this lab there's a good change the creatures will find a way out and move to sauce it will be much harder to try escape with the critters and those things running around but then Y/N remembered something, something in dr sawyers office "*gasp* right the self destruct sequence!" Y/N said "i could use it to destroy this place, but wait wouldn't it also destroy playcare?" he questions himself whether he should do it or not as he doesnt know how far the blast will go, but of course if wants to kill all these things then he's gonna have to do it and maybe he cloud kill some of the critters with it as well hopefully at least and maybe by doing it he could free the kids who were turned into these things and end their suffering that this damned place has given them "i have to do it for them" he said looking at the tubes before trying to get it but fell right back due to his wound and still being weak." Ah damnit" He said, annoyed. He then looks back a the kit and sees something he didn't see before, he sees a little container that says Epinephrine adrenaline "oh i definitely need this" he said before grabbing the syringe in filling it up with Epinephrine and immediately begins to feel a whole lot of adrenaline coursing through his body which made his eyes widen his to tense up "Holy fuck!" he said as pulls the needle out and threw it on the ground, "i think i put a little bit too much!" he said before slowly getting up and grabbing his guns that he dropped earlier.

Than out of nowhere BANG! Y/N turns around towards the other door he entered earlier when he was getting chased by those creatures and sees the doors off they're hinges and see dogday enter her body covered in blood, once he sees her he immediately starts to sprint towards the other door and when did that dogday sees him and and rams after him calling out to him "Angel wait!" she said running after him but unfortunately for her he was much closer to the door so he opens it with the white keycard and closes it behind him, dogday bangs on the door "Angle please open the door we're just trying to help you!" she said trying to convince him to open the door.

"I don't need your help!" he said " ill figure something out without you freaks!"

"No you won't those things will kill you if we don't protect you" dogday said

smiles terror blood and obsession: BULLETPROOF LUSTWhere stories live. Discover now