Chapter 20

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After announcing their marriage, they have been even more busy with wedding preparations. They didn't want a big wedding, but that did not mean that they want to just have a wedding. To them, this would be the official mark of their married life. Although they have been married, it did not happen while they were conscious nor were both sets of parents on board with it. Now, their parents were supportive of their marriage and they had fixed a lot of their problems.

"P'Mor. How many kids do you want?" Earn suddenly asked as they were looking through ideas for their pre wedding pictures.

"As many as you want to carry. But preferably three because I grew up with two siblings and I liked it. Why do you ask?" Fahlada responded.

"I was just curious. We've been together for so long and we're finally going to start a family. It just made sense to ask. But what do you mean by how many I want to carry?" Earn lifted an eyebrow.

"I don't know if I can handle pregnancy. I'm always busy and I can't even take care of myself. How can I take care of a baby inside me?" The Doctor explained.

"But you take care of me very well. See? I'm still in one piece." Earn reasoned.

"You see. That's different. You're Earn. Of course I will take good care of you. I'm just not good at taking care of myself." Fahlada rubbed her temples.

"I was just joking. I don't expect you to be the one bearing our children. I want to be the one to do that. The one to carry your babies." Earn looked at the Doctor with loving eyes.

"Ok. Before we decide to make babies, we should give them photos that would wow them. Beautiful photos of their mommies." Fahlada patted the Actress' head.

"But... why don't we start the baby making process? You know how it starts with two people showing their love to each other physically. Maybe it could help us think about the photos." Earn smirked.

"Earn... Stop..." Fahlada was blushing.

"Remember, we want three..."


Fahlada walked into the Hospital with her steps tracing to her friend's office. Her wife had talked to her about starting a family and she wasn't sure how to proceed.


"Why do I have the pleasure of you gracing my office today?" Prem looked at her friend confused.

"Just needed some advice since you're the most sane out of the gang."

"Okay... what is going on? You look nervous."

"That's because I am. Do you know what Earn said to me last night?" Fahlada was fidgety.

"Wait. Don't tell me about your late night activities." Prem warned.

"No... I wanted to say that she told me she wanted children. Like right now. I kind of need advice."

"So... do you want children?" Prem asked.

"Yes, I do."

"Then what's stopping you?"

"Well, we have the wedding coming up. I just don't want to make her anymore stressed than she already is. And we're both women, just trying to think what is possible for us."

"Why don't you tell her that? I'm sure she will understand. And Lada... you literally own a hospital, there's nothing you can't do. Or you're worried about something else?" Prem further questioned.

"I mean she had already told me that she's ready and just waiting for me to be ready. But what if she regrets it? She's an actress, a beautiful one too. Once she carries our baby, there will be changes to everything in our life. She told me that she wants to carry my baby, but what if my eggs aren't good enough? I'm much older than her..." Fahlada keeps on rambling.

"Lada. I say you talk with Earn again. Maybe even take time to think about it together. And you're not the one who should decide on what she wants to do with her career. I'm pretty sure she had already thought this through before she told you. And don't tell the others, but I can see you being worried. I worry about Pat everyday because she's an actress too. Who are we to decide. They're with us because they love us and are ready to take on whatever the future holds." Prem held her friend's hand, assuring her.

"Thanks. Who would've thought your straight ass was gay this whole time. And not only that, your girlfriend is friends with my wife." Fahlada loosened up a bit.

"Better thank her for breaking up my wedding with that man." Prem laughed.


"So... I have thought about it." Fahlada starts the conversation as they are eating.

"About what?" Earn stops eating, trying to read her wife's mind.

"About having kids. If you're really sure about it, then I am onboard."

"Really? Can we have them now?" Earn gave Fahlada her puppy eyes.

"Teerak. Don't you think it is too fast? We still have our wedding." Fahlada wanted Earn to think clearly.

"Nothing is ever too fast with us. I don't mind rocking a bump for the wedding." Earn replied, holding the Doctor's hands.

"Then I'm ready! You know we always talked about having a family back then." Fahlada caresses her wife's hands.

"We will get just that. My Doctor will always keep her words."

"Of course. You the only thing that matters to me."

*music cue: โต๊ะริม (Melt) by Nont Tanont

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