Chapter 14

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Fahlada truly believed that she was the only one hurt from the end of their relationship. Now hearing everything that she had heard, she wonders how hurt Earn must've been to endure everything on her own. The Actress is always putting herself first, and when the Doctor had thought differently, she still did not waiver and kept the pain to herself.

She is back home and is packing her stuff. She no longer felt comfortable in the house that she grew up in. Her family knew of her mother's actions, yet decided to keep quiet. It made her think that although they were not visibly pressuring her to become the next director, they were manipulating her into doing what they wanted.

Khun Ying Rasamee arrives home with the rest of the family. Knowing her daughter was home, she walked over to Fahlada's room. She still needed that document that Fahlada had fetched for her.

"Lada! What are you doing?" Khun Ying Rasamee looked confused at her daughter's actions.

"I'm leaving the house and the Hospital. This time, you're not allowed to say anything." Fahlada throws her last shirt into her luggage.

"Lada. Listen to Mom. I don't know what is wrong with you, but just calm down and we can talk it out." Khun Ying Rasamee was frustrated by how she was not able to have control over her daughter.

"Calm down? Mom I cannot let you control me anymore. I am not marrying P'Nu. And I will not stay in the Hospital for you to treat me like your puppet."

"Visanu is a good person. You will be happy once you marry him."

"He is a good person, but I cannot marry him. I will never marry someone I don't love."

"Love can come later. Just believe me. Once you have your own family, you will love each other and grow old together."

"Then why can't I marry the person I love? I can start a family with them and grow old with them."

"Lada! Do you think marrying the person you love is good?"

"Why won't it be good? They support me in everything."

"Supporting is not good enough! Definitely when the person you love is a woman!" Khun Ying Rasamee realised that she slipped.

"A woman? And you pretended not to know? I really wished you did not do all of those things to Earn. But those words came out of your mouth so easily. Why can't you accept me for the person I am and accept Earn as the person your daughter loves? Why did you have to go so far to hurt the both of us?"

"That is because a love like yours is not right. You will bring shame to the Thananusak family. For goodness sake, you won't be able to have a family if you're both girls."

"Then don't stop me from leaving the family. Once I'm out, you won't have to worry about me bringing shame to the Thananusak family." Fahlada leaves the house, her father and siblings look at her with guilt.

Dr. Phuthares Thananusak is mad at himself for not protecting his youngest daughter. Ever since she was young, she has done nothing but listen to their words. When they told her to become a doctor, she became one even if it wasn't the kind of doctor they wanted. When they did not let her go out to have fun like other teenagers, she would obey with no sign of disagreement. It is now his turn to listen to his own daughter.

"Dear. Lada has already done so much for us. This time, can we just let her do what she wants?"

"You want her to marry a woman?" Khun Ying Rasamee almost shouts.

"It's not our time anymore. Our country is more open minded and it's now legal for women to marry women."

"But all of my hard work in shaping Lada into the new director will go to waste."

"How does her ability to be the director have anything to do with her being in love with Earn? If you just supported her throughout, she wouldn't have decided to leave the Hospital. We should let our kids think for their own sometimes. They love each other and that's all that matters." Dr. Phutares speaks before leaving to his study.

*music cue: ยิ้ม (Pretend) - Oat Pramote and Pop Pongkool

The Remnants of Our Love | LingOrm (LadaEarn)Where stories live. Discover now