Chapter 5

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It was bold of Earn to invite the Doctor to her apartment to discuss their marriage. Even the code to the apartment was their anniversary date. It seems that her intention is to show how much she still loves the Doctor.

"Would you like to drink anything? Maybe some snacks? Or wine?" Earn asked.

"Water is good. There won't be a need for snacks because I won't be staying long." Fahlada responds dryly.


"How did you even get a very realistic certificate? I didn't know you were this desperate for my attention. What is it going to do to you if you don't get the job?"

"Nothing. Except the certificate is real and we did get married. As funny as it sounds, I don't know how we got it. It was mailed to me by my landlord a week ago."

"There's no way you don't remember. You never got drunk like ever. I was..." she paused as she remembered the anniversary before their breakup.

"Yes the date on the certificate is our third year anniversary."

"So. You're not thinking of dragging me into the game you're playing, are you? We can both sign the divorce papers and never see each other again."

"You see. I thought of this as a sign. It was like the world is telling me that I should try to fight for our love again."

"But you know why that's impossible! How do you think it is possible for me to love someone like you?"

"Then if we get a divorce and people find out? How do you think the public will react? I don't mind if they say stuff about me because the only person I will ever love is you. But what will they say about you? Just let me be, even if we have to keep this a secret for as long as you want."


Earn now frequents the Doctor's office for skin visitations. No one thought of it as anything because Dr. Fahlada was known for being one of the best skin doctors in the country. Fahlada has also decided to do the promotional shoot for the hospital with Earn after the wife of hers said that not doing it would only make her suspicious.

The first day of the shoot was interesting because the Doctor was no longer throwing glares. She was surprisingly very calm and followed the directions of the director very well.

There were moments that you would miss if you had not been paying attention, but Susie saw it all. Fahlada's hand on Earn's waist when the clumsy actress was about to fall, or sacrificing her hand to protect the actress' head when she was leaning under the table. Although the actress never told her exactly what the relationship was between the two were, she could tell that there was more to it than just a random feud.

*music cue: เธอคือฝันดี (Reverie) by Mint Mintita

The Remnants of Our Love | LingOrm (LadaEarn)Where stories live. Discover now