B1: Chapter 1

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The cold wind had never felt better as Noemi felt it running through her wings while soaring through the skies. Although she did enjoy it, it wasn't the main goal of tonight and she had to hurry, as the small moth had just whispered a message in her ear that she was needed elsewhere. She had heard of Gandalf going on yet another adventure, but she could have never guessed that he would need her for something.

The eagles flying alongside her only fueled her imagination of what the message was for. And although she had grown up with their kin in the northern lands of Whirylia, she did not personally know these eagles. Thankfully they had the same goal of finding Gandalf, she knew the southern eagles were not too talkative, but they seem to have taken a liking to her somewhere along the road.

The cold mountain range of the Misty mountains seemed to move under her on their own, peak after peak she made her way over them. She was unsure of where to find him but the wails of women carried by the wind guided her and the eagles. Each flap of her wings brought her closer to her goal.

The loud wails of women only loudened, which meant we were getting closer and closer. The darkness of the night did not help with finding her way, or so she thought since as she got closer to the wails, she could see the flaring light of fire.

What shocked her the most wasn't the fact that there were 13 dwarves, one dwarf and Gandalf. It was that there were no women screaming and instead they were dwarves. The tree was swaying and a couple of dwarves were hanging from the tree, holding on for dear life. One dwarf was beginning to slip from the hold of the others. Noemi quickly dove down to retrieve the wailing dwarf from the hands of pending death.

The dwarf could feel the wind blow past him as he falls, when suddenly he could feel gentle hands wrap around him and the wind slowed, as if a guardian angel was protecting him. He looked up only to be met with what looked like an angelic young woman flying with the wind looking down at him in her arms.

''Are you well my friend?'' The sound of her voice was quite comforting in this action filled hour. Noemi could only describe the dwarf as quite... hairy? He had quite the facial hair and all in all looked a bit shocked, though she was still sure he was a wise man behind it all.

''Y-yeah...'' The dwarf was still quite shocked by the whole 'falling to death' thing so he couldn't seem to muster up anything sane as he was brought back up in the arms of the gentle 'angel' who saved him.

The two could hear the rest of the company being rescued by the eagles as they screamed for their lost brother. Noemi looked up and saw the eagles already flying away from the scene so she sped up a bit to get back into the flock.

Noemi flew back to the eagles and dropped the disheveled dwarf on the back of one of the eagles. The other dwarves had now also noticed the flying woman. ''Is that a flying lass!?'' someone shouted which brought a smile onto Noemi's face.

They continued to fly until they were on safe land and the sun was starting to peek over the horizon. The eagles dropped each person one by one on a mountain peak, one of the dwarves seemed to be in a bad state as he was unconscious.

''Thorin! Thorin.'' The gray wizard yelled as he approached the unconscious dwarf. He knelt down next to the dwarf while the other watched in worry.

Gandalf whispered a couple words and Thorin opened his eyes again. They exchanged glances and a couple words before they both rose up once again. Gandalf made sure to remind Thorin of Bilbo's presence and they both quickly turned to him. This made Noemi raise an eyebrow in confusion as she could sense a very tense spark between the two.

Snow Winged (Legolas x OC) (TH and LOTR)Where stories live. Discover now