B1: Chapter 3

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Despite the wind blowing by fast, the gentle feet of a butterfly danced upon Noemi's face. The canopy above the trees of Mirkwood was a sight to behold. It reminded her of the festivals they held back in Whirylia. Like the one they hold every 10 summers to celebrate the upcoming years of harvest. It was only ever cold and snowy during autumn, winter and fall. While it was always sunny and warm in the summer. That was the only time when some places did not have snow in them.

As she continued flying above Mirkwood, she could already see the river at the other side of the forest. Rustle after rustle, Noemi could see the leaves rustling under her, something was under there, something vicious, something evil.

She did not wish to find out what it was and she could only hope her friends would be safe, which they most likely were but what could she do about it? Nothing.

The river gets closer and closer to her. Diving down from the skies and letting out a few powerful flaps of her wings before landing onto ground.

Now what to do. She was right at the designated spot where they would meet, the end of the path they have taken. But she still had around a day worth of time. So why not catch a few fish? That wouldn't hurt anyone now could it?

Noemi reaches down and takes off her boots so they wouldn't become wet by the water. The cooling sensation of the water running against her feet. The sounds of beings moving against and with the water could be heard as she concentrated on the sounds.

One was moving almost right next to her, she had to act fast since the fish was also fast. One muscle after another, in the blink of an eye her hands were fast wrapped around a fish as she raises it from the water and throws it onto solid land.

She smirks to herself as she follows behind and steps back onto land. Taking out her small dagger, she stabs it into the fish and makes a clean cut to degut the fish in order to eat it.

She gathers some sticks from the nearby forest, not going too deep. Setting them on fire was quite easy since she had some flint and steel with her.

She leaves the fish on a skewer she made from a nearby stick to cook as she looks for a couple berries which she could make a Whirylian snack named gawait with. Gathering them, before cutting them and then mushing them all together.

She creates a berry paste, with a few sprinkles of herbs in it that would make it more nutritious and dry faster than normally, which she then puts onto a cloth and leaves it to dry in the sun right next to the fire she had started.

The fish had just finished cooking so she puts a few herbs on it to make it a little more seasoned. The first bite was quite bland, but the second wasn't so bland at all. One fish was thankfully enough for a couple days, as she was used to not eating anything for a while on her travels.

But now she was yet again extremely bored, the sun had started to set. What should she do? Maybe sleep? No, she can't, what if the dwarves came and she wasn't awake? Or even worse, what if orcs come?

Well whatever, a little shut eye never hurts. Right? Sitting down next to the fire and wrapping her wings around herself in a cocoon to keep herself warm.

Shutting her eyes and taking a couple deep breaths in, smelling the scent of the woods and berries, listening to the calming sound of the water as it crashes against the rocks of the river.

Her consciousness slowly slips away and into the land of the dreams as the sun covers itself in darkness and transforms into the moon which is lit by the path of the stars.

Snow Winged (Legolas x OC) (TH and LOTR)Where stories live. Discover now