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Tonight, you stayed up for me
Even though you had things to do.
Even though youd be up with the birds in the morning
Standing in the early dew
Tonight, you stayed up with me
Because you knew something was wrong
You kept asking but i swore there was nothing to fear
I was lying with tears in my eyes
Because i wasnt "fine" i was worried and lying
Because im not used to this
Youre so kind
And i dont know how to accept it
So i push you away and say im okay
But you know that im lying and you sit and you stay
You put your needs second
And thats why i love you
Because if i say that color is black you'll agree too
Even if you think its blue you'll lie to make me smile
You'll put your needs aside to make sure tomorrow i think life is worth while
Tonight you stayed up with me
Not because i asked
Because you refused to sleep until you knew i was relaxed
Tonight you stayed up with me because you love me for me, not for anyone else other people want me to be
You stayed up because you cared and because you cant stand to see me sad
And for that i say i love you
More than anyone ive ever had.

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