Frank the Plank

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It was lunchtime at the Gallagher's. The family was there with two new additions; Karen and Steve.

Melanie entered through the front door with Nick hot on her tail.

The blonde girl's eyes immediately focused on the tall male.

"Hey, Nick! I saved you a seat", she patted the empty spot beside her.

The Milkovich's gaze narrowed as she watches the boy take the offer. With a huff, she went to an armchair and refused to look at anyone else.

With a confused face, Nick called out to her.

"Sweetheart, I saved you a seat".

The girl frowned perplexed at the lack of place on the couch. Then, realization filled as the boy pointed to his lap.

Normally, she would decline flustered. But not this time. She felt the need to make a point in front of the Jackson girl.

To the surprise of everyone, including the person who had the idea in the first place, she made herself comfortable on his thights. She proceeded to send a smug smile to the girl next to her.

The boy below her kept still in fear of her changing her mind. His heartbeat increased to a fast pace, and he was aware of how sweaty his palms got.

"Burgers comin' through!", announced Ian bringing paper bags. The aroma made the black-haired girl's mouth water.

"Uh, Lip, napkins", requested Fiona.

"I can get it", offered Melanie.

"Oh, no, no, no, you sit", Lip told her.

Nick sent a grateful look to his twin, still feeling like his tongue was tied.

Steve and Ian started calling out the orders as if they were the workers of the fast food chain company. Everyone called out "me" when the burger matched their specifications.

"Extra onions, jalapeños".

"Me!", said V out loud as she appeared.

"Make room", Fiona ordered Nick.

The boy gripped the younger girl's waist tightly as his sister scooted closer to them, fearing she would fall.

"Who's this?", asked Veronica watching the unfamiliar girl.

"It's Karen", replied Lip in her place.

"Hey, Karen, Nice top. What size are you?"

"Shh! Shut up!", Fiona shushed her.

Everyone watched engrossed in the fishing show that was playing.

Melanie ate her burger with vigor and leaned back on the hard chest behind her.

"You are quiet", she whispered.

Nick gulped before he dumbly asked.

"Do you like your burger?".

She smiled.

"Yeah, you want a taste?"

He choked at her response, and his older sister started shushing him ignorant to their conversation.

"You want a bite?", she repeated herself with another choice of words.

"Oh-uh, yeah, sure. Thanks".

She held up the delicious grilled burger and he took a bite. He hummed approvingly, before offering the same to her.

From their side, the blonde girl watched them with a careful gaze.

Everyone enjoyed their meals for a while before Frank Gallagher headed to the kitchen with a bloody face.

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