Chapter 3

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Season 1, Episode 8

"I know Cesar doesn't want me to worry, but I can't help it," Olivia said. Leslie rolled her eyes as she kept hearing his name repeated over and over again.

"You don't have to rationalize it. Getting rolled up on is no joke," Monse told them before returning to her work. Olivia sighed softly.

"Cesar said you were there with him. What exactly happened?" she asked. Monse looked at the ground, obviously thinking about something.

"I don't want to think about it," Monse replied.

"Shouldn't we do something? It's Cesar!" she stated. As soon as Olivia said it, the door opened and Ruby came in. "Hey, hey, no more Cesar talk. My boy can handle himself," he said, holding a huge package.

"Yeah, isn't he a Santo or something?" Leslie said. The two looked at her before looking back at Ruby. "Olivia, imagine everyone is quietly waiting for you, and then suddenly, you appear..."

"In this," Ruby smiled as he pulled out a yellow puffy dress that looked ugly as hell. "Oh. I mean, oh! It's so.." he tried to lie but just couldn't.

"Forget it. I can't even fake it," Ruby confessed as he threw the dress on the ground. "What am I gonna do?" Olivia pleaded.

"Nothing. You will do nothing, I will fix this, Princesa," Ruby said, pointing his finger at her. "How? There's no time. And we don't have money to get anything new, this is such bad luck," Monse argued.

"However, it's lucky that we're such positive, resourceful people who can find a solution to any problem," he lied.

Leslie sighed as they continued to argue, she got up to use the bathroom, and the only thing she heard before closing the door. "I don't think so, this is a huge disaster,"

6 minutes later...
Don't ask what she was doing in there

Leslie closed the bathroom door behind her and walked into the kitchen. "Hey, I've gotta bounce," she said. Ruby and Olivia ignored her as they were busy asking his abuela to fix Olivia's dress. Leslie sighed softly as she walked toward the door.

She opened the door and felt the wind on her face. It was November so it would be cold, anyway, she got on her bike and started biking.

Looking around at the drug deals, prophets beating people up, and other shit. She was used to that stuff already, mean while her classmates were just normal kids. Getting to live with two parents, doesn't hear gunshots every second.

Well I mean some kids get to live like that, not all of them. Anyway, she rode past Cesar's house since she lived close to there too. Surprisingly, Oscar and Cesar weren't there.

Even though Cesar had a green light on him, he probably Oscar took him somewhere else. She didn't know, she wasn't related to a santo😏

Leslie remembered how her mom needed something from the gas station, she looked around and saw one. Some Santos were there, she rolled her eyes as she parked there and locked her bike.

Hoping no one would try to steal it, she looked through her backpack and saw some money that Lillian had given her. She grabbed it and placed it in her pocket, Leslie walked into the gas station.

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