ArthurTv~ Sick days

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Background info:
Arthur is ill and you take care of him
Status: dating
Y/n- 22
Isaac- 20
Your pov

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, I was up late last night editing one of my videos for my weekly Tuesday upload, I picked up the phone and answered not reading who it was.

(On the phone)


Hey y/n, Arthur's sick and he keeps asking for you so do you want to come round?

Hi Isaac, yeah I'll get ready, I'm gunna to to the shops do you guys need anything?

Just anything to shut this man up

Ok I'll start getting ready then come round, bye


(End of call)

I get out of bed and get dressed into black leggings, a light blue hoodie and my af1s, I brush my teeth and tie my hair into high ponytail. I grab my bag and set off to Tesco's around 9:30.

I arrive at Tesco's and go in to get Arthur and Isaac a few things, I don't actually know what's wrong with Arthur so I got some different things because knowing them two they don't have half the things yet as they've just moved in 3 weeks ago. I grabbed them a pack of paracetamol and ibuprofen, throat sweets, cold medicine and a few boxes of tissues from the health care section and them got them, some bread and milk just incase, I payed then left and drove to their flat.

I knock on the door and wait for Isaac to answer "y/n thank god your hear" he says rushing me through the door, "ok calm down, I bought some things because I doubt yous had anything to help him" I say butting the bags on the kitchen side. "And you would be correct, I don't know exactly what is wrong with him but he's being none stop asking for you and saying he's ill when I ask him what's wrong, but all I know he's a clingy mother fucker when he's sick, tired or drunk" Isaac says taking the medicine out of the bag, "ok I'm going to check on Arthur and find out what's actually wrong" I say walking over to his room, I knock on the door then walk in, "Hey Arthur, you feeling ok" I say in a soft voice walking over and sitting next to him on his bed, "y/n!" He says wrapping his arms around my next and cuddling into my chest, "how you feeling" I say playing with his hair, "I don't feel well" he says in a sad voice, "ok I know but what kind of unwell" i say lifting his chin up so I could see his face, he had big dark eye bags under his eyes and a red nose, "well I've got a big headache, runny nose, I get hot then cold and my stomach hurts a bit" he says starting to cry into my jumper, "hey, hey it's ok, just wait 2 minutes, Ill get you some medicine and a drink for you to take them we can sort out anything else, ok?" I say kissing his cheek and feeling his head, it's quite warm but he seems to be shivering a bit, "ok but be quick" he says wiping his tears away.

I leave his room and go back into the kitchen, "you find out what's wrong?" Isaac asks walking into the kitchen, "I think he's just got a bug but I doubt I'll be going home anytime soon" I say getting the ibroupen, tissues and a cloth from the cupboard, "yeah that boy is in love with you, but he is a keeper" Isaac says making Arthur a glass of water, "he just the cutest and especially when he's sick but I hate seeing him upset" I say as Isaac and I walk over to Arthurs room. "Arthur mate we got your stuff" Isaac says in a soft tone, it's nice to see that he really does care about Arthur, "thanks guys your the best" Arthur says sitting up in his bed, we give him the medicine, tissues and the cold cloth, "will you be ok with him, I would stay but I've got loads of editing to do" Isaac says worriedly, "yeah it's no issue" I say back to him, Issac leaves and I start to sort Arthur out, "ok your going to have to put the hoodie on" I say holding it to him, "whyyy" he says pushing it away, "if you want to get better soon you need to wear it so you don't get cold" I say giving it back to him, he puts the jumper on and I adjust his pillows so he's elevated, "ok I'm going to put the fan on and you have to put this on your forehead" I say passing him the cold cloth and going over to the fan, I put is on a low cold breeze.

"Y/n" Arthur says in a sad tone, "what's up" I say adjust the angle of the fan, "will you lay with me" he say in the sofy voice, "of course I will" I say laying down next to him, it takes Arthur no time to cuddle into my neck and latch onto my jumper, I lay with him and play with his hair to help him fall asleep, "you going to try and fall asleep now?" I say, "I don't want to though" he whines, "you're unwell and I know you struggle to sleep when you're like this" I say as he looks up at me, "but I've got a video to edit for tomorrow and I have to upload because well that's my job" he says then starts to panic, "don't worry, I'm sure if you told your fans that's your not well and you'll be later to upload, they'll understand" I say interlocking our hands, "are you sure?" He asks, starting to calm down, "yeah, how about this, we put it on your Instagram stories and let them know on there, how's that sound" I say looking at his tired brown eyes, "ok but can you type it I'm too tired" he says putting his head back down into my neck, I nod and type up telling the fans that Arthur's not well and that the upload with be late, I post it and put his phone down, i continue to play with Arthurs hair as him and I both fall asleep.

I wake up and there's no Arthur in the bed, I run to the bathroom to check if he's there and there he is sat on the floor holding his stomach, I run over and crouch down next to him and rub his back, "y/n I feel so sick" he crys into his knees, "Arthur calm down you'll make yourself more ill, have you been sick?" I ask him, "no but my stomach feels funny and I'm really hot"
He continues to cry, "ok well how about we go back to the bedroom and we'll get you some other medicine" I say helping him up, "ok" he quietly says as we make our way to his room. We get to his room and Isaac is here, "hey I brought the other medicine because I heard yous in the bathroom and I brought an extra drink in case" he says placing the glass on the bedside table, "thanks Isaac" Arthur says reaching out for him to hug him, Isaac hugs him back "don't worry about it Arthur that's why I'm here" he says pulling out the hug, I don't think I've seen them hug before and it kind of cute to see them look after one and other, Arthur climb back in to bed, he takes his hoodie off and I turn up the fan.

I sit with Arthur for the rest of the day taking care of him with the help of Isaac on the odd occasion.
Hey here's a basic one not posted in a while so just though if something quick to write about :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22 ⏰

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