WillNe~ Twin Sister

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Background info:
You're George Clarke's twin sister, you live together with George but his friends are always over for YouTube videos but this time you meet one of his new friends that goes by WillNe.

Y/n- your name
Y/h/c- your hair colour
Y/e/c- your eye colour
You- 23
Will- 24
Wills pov

Today I'm going round to George Clarke's flat to meet with him and then go meet with some other friends for a big YouTubers collab video. I drive over to his flat and walk up to his room to get him. I Knock on the door and wait.

Your pov

It's 9:30am so who on earth is knocking on my flat door on a Saturday morning, like I'm not even out of my pajamas yet, I walk over to the door and see who it is. I open the door and there's an unfamiliar face but god is he hot, "um hi, can I help you" I ask him with some confusion, "um yeah I'm Will I'm friends with George and I believe he lives here" he says looking at the room number next to the door, "yeah he does, do you want to come in I'll go see if he's up" I say letting him in, "thanks" he says making his way in.

I quickly make my way over to Georges room and see if he's up, I knock on the door and wait for him to answer them let myself in, "George, Will's here" you say to him "ok, I'll be back around 18:30 tonight, I'll take a key, will you be in?" He asks putting his phone in his pocket "um yeah I should be back by then" I say walking out his room, george and will leave which means I can now get ready for the day.

(Flash forward to 3 weeks later)

I'm finally back after being out all day, like really how does going to B&M and Tesco's make a whole day out. I put the shopping away and by the time I'm done putting the shopping I hear the door open and George comes through the door. "Hey George" I say "Hey y/n, in like an hour I'm going to the pub with some of the guys from earlier, you wanna come?" He asks making his way over to the sofa, "yeah sure, who's going like" I say sitting on the other side of the sofa, "like Isaac, both Arthur's, other George, James, and a few others, oh and Will from earlier" he tells me, WILLS GOING OMG some how after only knowing him for 3 weeks and hanging out like 3 times I'm obsessed, "Oh um yeah I'll go, what time you leaving at and are you sure it's ok I'm coming" I say nervously towards the end, "leaving in about 50 minutes and it's totally fine my friends love you, like literally it's not even funny" he says getting more stern with his tone at the ends, "ok well I'm going to get ready then" I say making my way over to my room.

I'm almost ready, my hair is half up half down, I've got a slim black dress on and white Air forces, "Y/n come on we need to go!" George shouts from the front room "I'm coming one sec" I shout tying my laces, I grab my handbag and run into the living room to meet George, "ok have you got a key" I ask, "um yeah but don't you have one?" He asks "yeah but you never know, let's go" I say making my way out the door.

We arrived at the pub and we say hi to our friends and then I spot Will. I decide not to go over just yet and get a dark fruits, when I get my drink I turn around and I see Will approaching me, shit, I want to talk to him but I don't know what to say, before I could think of anything Will sparks up a conversation, "hey y/n!" he says "Hey Will" I sat back, "yeah do you um wanna go have a chat?" He asks shyly, "yeah of course, let's go" I say and then smiling at him, we go find a table and sit down, and start a conversation.

Will's pov

Ok I'm sat with her and gosh is she gorgeous and funny, like how did George pull her, the best I can do is befriend her"so how long have you dated George" I ask taking a sip from my beer, "WHAT, Jesus Christ he's my brother, what made you think we're dating" she says in horror, shit she's going to hate me now, but she isn't dating George and hopefully no one else, "oh um sorry it's just because you live together and are like the same age and stuff" I say nervously, "oh ok yeah no he's my twin brother" she explains, wow, since when did George have a twin?! "Oh wow I never knew he had a twin, like knew he had a sister but not a twin, like he's spoke about you but as if you were like 19!" I say thinking if he'd ever said anything about a twin
"Yeah he's over protective, like he's 2 minutes older and he acts like he's my dad, and he's always saying how his friends are off limits, like that's so unfair" she says taking a big gulp of her drink, fuck she off limits thanks alot George.
"Yeah no that's not fair you should be allowed to date who you want, you literally and adult" I say trying to agree with her, "thank you, like it's not fair, there's people I'd happily date but I can't" she says, I can tell by her face she didn't mean to say that last bit because he face is blushing like mad, "Ok lass who then?" I say teasing her but I do really want to know who.

Your pov:

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Why did I say that, to the guy who I WANT TO DATE. Well now he's asked who, I mean if I admit it to him I can always run home. Well here it goes

"Ok um he's got brown hair and he's tall and funny" I list pointing at my finger each point I make, "ok nice, nice" he says but he looks like he's thinking of something to say but before he says anything I ask him a question "what about you, you fancy anyone" I ask, he goes bright red and goes to answer "oh um yeah" he says, "are you going to add anything on?" I ask, hoping to get an answer out of him. "Well er she's got
y/h/c and y/e/c, she's really funny and I just met her" he says finishing his drink, "oh nice I just met him too" I say looking at him, he's still blushing and looking back at me smiling.

"Ok then lass, you wouldn't mind us going on a walk then?" Will asks me, "Yeah sure let me just tell George so he doesn't freak out when he can't find me" I say picking up my handbag, "ok I'll come with you" he says letting me walk first, I walk over to George and a beg he doesn't make a big deal of me goig on a walk woth someone, "George I'm going on a walk with Will, just letting you know I'll call you if I head home or anything" I say with a smile to help lit up the mood. "Ok y/n I'm not going to fight with you but you know the rule ok, I'm not doing it to be mean I just don't like seeing you when your hurt" George admits, it's kinda sweet seeing that George cares about me, "Aw thanks George, I'll talk to you in a bit" I say smiling and walk over to will, "You ready lass" will asks, "indeed I am lad" I say smiling at him, he laughs at me saying 'lad' as we walk out the door.

We've been walking for 20 minutes, with our hands brushing against one and others laughing about random things, our hands brushed again but this time he grabs my hand, our fingers are interlocked, his hands a cold but so are mine but what was I expecting it's October, "Will since it's freezing out here how about we go mine, it's only 10 minutes away?" I ask him, "Yeah sure but wait a sec, heres my jacket" he says taking off his jacket, "No Will, it's yours I'll be fine" I say, I mean im so cold but I don't want him to freeze, "no your having it I'm not cold and you are you will have it" will says putting the jacket on me, he honestly the sweetest man ever, "thanks will" I say taking his hand again."You should probably tell George or he'll freak out" will says while laughing at his own joke, "yeah I probably should" I say pulling out my phone and texting George that we're heading back to the flat.

We arrive at my flat and go inside inside, "oh thank god it's warm in here" will says taking his shoes off, "why did you give me your jacket" I say feeling bad for using his jacket, "No I'm fine I wasn't freezing, it was just a wee bit cold" he explains as we walk over to the sofa. We sit down next to each other with Will puting his arm around my shoulder, "ok what should we watch" I say resting my head on his shoulder, "I don't mind I'll watch whatever, you pick" he says smiling at me, god he's got the cutest smile ever, "ok how's, Grease" I ask as it's like the only thing other than the news or music channels.

Will's pov

We're watching Grease and it's actually a good film. The films almost over and I hear soft snorns coming from y/n, i go and find her room, I found one of her hoodies, un tucked her covers so I could tuck her in properly. I walk in to the living room and put her jumper on her, I pick her up bridal style and bring her to her room, I tuck her in her bed but before I can leave I hear her talk to me, "will stay here" she says holding my hand, "I'm not leaving I'm going to the living room, I didn't want you to be home alone" I say in a soft voice to her, "no I mean lay with me I don't want to be alone" she says in a persuasive tone, god I can't say no to her, I walk round to the other side of the bed and lay with her.

I lay next to her for about 10 minutes she decides to lay her head on my chest, and her hair smells great it smells like strawberries, I lay there playing with
y/n's hair.

I don't know how long I've been laying here for, but I honestly don't mind, she's the cutest sleeper ever. I hear the front door open which means George is home, he comes down the hall and y/n's door opens, George and I are just staring at eachother before I could say anything George speaks up "Ok Will, I'm not a happy man right now, but, I feel like she trusts you, so I'll let it slide but if you hurt her, you'll have hell to pay. " George says, pointing at me, "thank you so much George I won't let you down I promise" I say to him, I honestly feel like a teenage girl who just told their crush that they like them. I just know I won't let George down, she's perfect.

Thanks for reading I hoped you liked it, please leave feedback if you have any!

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