ChrisMD~ School Crush

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Background info~
You had been friends with Chris for about a year but you've known him for about 4, you've had drama class with him every year in high school, as you got to know him you developed a crush on him.

Chris- 15

Y/f/n- your friends name
Your pov

It's wednesday morning in the middle of November and you were walking to school. Today you had double drama for the first 2 periods and your class was finally finishing the performance you had started at the end of October. You had the 2nd girl lead in the play, with your good friend Chris getting the male lead. This ment you got to spend even more time with him. You guys were already friends and in the same friend group but the group was like 10 people.
You only join the group last year but Chris had been nothing but nice to you, this just added on to his majestic blonde hair and his amazing ability to play football. The only person that knew you had a crush on Chris was y/f/n, she claims she always knew but your not sure how true that is. Whenever she would see you talking to one another and you look at her she would wink or have a massive grin on her face. You knew you never had a chance with him, he's only ever dated 'the popular girl's ' but he always gets heartbroken when he finds out they're dating a guy in an older year or someone from a different school.

You arrive at school and meet with the group and talk about what subjects you had later and what team in the premier league is going to win. "Chris I'm telling you Liverpool will win this year, even if they don't have Klopp any more doesn't mean we don't have a chance" I say to him knowing we've had this conversation every day for the past week, "I'm just saying Klopp was good and if he didn't get the win, I doubt Arne Slot being the new manager will get them the win!" He says, "Also Arsenal are most certainly going to win this year trust me" he adds on. "Well you're wrong and I'm done with this conversation" you say with some sass walking over to everyone else with Chris following behind. The bell rings and you head to your first class.

You're sat in drama after finishing putting up the set for the last scene which is a bar.
Thankfully this last scene is quick and simple to finish off, you couldn't bear having a big thing happening in this scene after having to do a stage fight in the last scene.
"Y/n could you come talk to me outside for a second please" your teacher Mrs. Smith says to you walking out of the class, you walk out of the class to meet her outside but the other two drama teachers are there.

"Um why is the whole drama department here?" You ask, look at the 3 of them. "So y/n, it's about the performance but don't freak out please" Mr. Payne Says looking down at you clearly trying not to laugh. "Nah You've scared me now what's going on" you say taking a step back from them. "It's nothing bad, it's only bad depending how you feel about it." Mrs. Donaldson says. "Ok...?" You say confusingly.

"Ok for the last part of the scene, you're wiping the bar counter as Chris is the last person in the bar, and he says 'well I guess I'm just going to watch the office again' while walking over to you. " Mrs. Smith explains.
"You understand so far" Mr.Payne asks "yeah sounds good so far" you say in an honest tone.
"After he walks over to the bar counter you say 'Only you would Reynolds'" she says slow comes to a pause. "Um ok I don't see the problem with that" you say confusingly, "yeah this next might not be..." Mrs. Donaldson says giving you a hopeful look.

"So after you say that to him, you're both facing each other over the counter, and at the point, you've um..." She say pause all of a sudden. You gesture for her to keep on going, "and you two have to kiss." Your face just drops, of course you wan to kiss him but not Infront of the WHOLE CLASS AND THE TEACHERS. Plus if you did, you'd be blushing like mad, this was probably the worst case scenario having your FIRST KISS In front of 30 other people.

"Y-your joking r-right" you say half laughing halfing shaking, "were not, you've got to do it" Mr. Payne says silently laughing. "No, no, no, I CANT do that, he's my friend also INFRONT OF THE WHOLE CLASS ARE YOU MAD" you shout. "Y/n clam down it's only once a performance, also you can't tell Chris because he doesn't know yet, also he has to initiate it you just have to go along with it." Mrs. Smith says hoping you'd feel better about it. "That makes it a bit better but it's scary and in front of like 30 people is mental" you explain getting quieter through the sectance. "Trust us it'll be ok, just head back into class and if anyone asks just say we were discussing costumes sizing or something" Mrs. Smith says with I hopeful smile. "Ok.." you say walking back in to class hearing Chris's name get called out and you go back to your friends.

Chris's pov

Oh. My. God. The teacher's just told me I have to KISS Y/N, "wait, what, why, does she know? " I say rushing out my words. "Chris, Chris calm down, she knows and she seems just as nervous as you, but you have to initiate it" Mrs. Donaldson says. I can't kiss her. I mean I do want to but I can't do it in front of my friends, none of them know and I'll turn so so so red if we do kiss. "B-but what if she hates me after" I say. "Trust me that will not happen" Mr. Payne says reassuringly. "Ok.." I say biting my nails and looking at floor. I walk back into the class and the first person I see if y/n, we both know what's going to happen in the next 5 minutes. Before I can go talk to her about it all I hear is Mrs. Smith says that we need to start now or we'll 'never' get around to it.

We start the scene, both of us stuttering our lines as we go, then it gets to THE part. "well I guess I'm just going to watch the office again" I say walking over to the counter, 'O-only you would Reynolds" y/n shakily says. We're now both now facing eachother, everyones staring at us. Honestly I couldnt tell you how long we were staring at eachother, but of course I bloody ME, I have to do it. Just as I'm about to do it I hear "CUT, come you two, start again" for fuck sake, now the class definitely thinks somethings going to happen if we were just staring at eachother for ages.

We start the scene, we don't stutter this time but I can feel my face burning and it's definitely bright red, I hear the words 'Only you Reynolds' which is my que to go over to the counter, I have to do it this time, otherwise people will be all confused why I'm just looking at her. I walk over to her and give Mrs. Smith a side eye of reassurance and she nods at me, I look at y/n and she smiles at me, so I go for it.

Y/n pov

When he looks at me I smile back at him, we both know we have to do it this time, and then he does it, our lips touch, his are warm, soft and everything that could be amazing. Our lips split, we the kiss was only like 3 second, "Come on over to mine" Chris says grabbing my hand, "Whatever Reynolds" you say walking off to the side of the room with him behind the blackout curtain.

Your both stood their and you kiss him again without thinking but he goes with it, you pull away and your both smiling at eachother. "Hey do you want to be my girlfriend?" He says nervously "whatever you say Dixon" you say smiling at him until someone pulls the curtains back and sees you smiling back at each other and you make eye contact with y/f/n and her face lights up, she points at you and shouts "I ALWAYS KNEW IT", Chris and I both say "Shut up" in unison, you both look at eachother and smile then realise your still holding hands and the whole class is looking , but who cares now I'm with CHRIS DIXON I couldn't be any more happier.

Thanks for 195 reads I really appreciate it, here's a Chris read I hope you enjoyed it.

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