Chapter 10

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The next morning Victor stayed home with Nikki and Abby to spend time with them but to also figure out what to do next. Nikki and Victor had Miguel hold off on breakfast until Abby woke up. They wanted to let her sleep as long as she wanted after the rough night she had had.

Victor and Nikki were cuddled up on the couch reading the newspaper and sharing a coffee when Abby made her way downstairs. "Well look who decided to join the living...good morning sweetheart," Victor chuckled putting the newspaper down.

"Good morning Abby," Nikki added with a smile.

"Morning," Abby replied groggily.

"Did you sleep okay?" Nikki asked passing her cup to Victor.

"Yeah," Abby replied awkwardly sitting down in one of the empty chairs.

"Are you hungry? I can have Miguel fix whatever you would like," Nikki asked.

"Uh...yeah I guess I'm pretty hungry" Abby answered. Then as Nikki moved to get up to find Miguel, Abby stopped her, "Um...can we wait on breakfast for a'd like to talk to you guys if that's okay."

"Of course it's okay sweetheart," Victor assured her wrapping his arm back around Nikki as she settled back in the position she was "What would you like to talk to us about?"

"" Abby hesitated not knowing how to say what she wanted to say "Uh...what happens now?"

"What do you mean sweetheart?" Victor asked with a puzzled look.

"Um...well what happens to me...I don't want to go back while Mom is acting like she is and those guys could come back and I don't really want to stay with Uncle Jack, Aunt Tracey is on her book tour, Uncle Billy is, well you know, Billy and..." Abby started to ramble finding her voice.

"Abby," Victor spoke cutting her off.

"Yeah," Abby stopped.

"Who said you couldn't stay here?" Victor asked.

"Well, no one did," Abby responded shyly.

"So why don't you stay here with me and Nikki?" Victor suggested.

"Really?" Abby asked shocked, "I don't want to be a burden or get in your guy's way" Abby began to ramble again.

"Abby, sweetheart, I'm your father... you are my daughter, you are not a burden nor are you going to be in our way, right darling?" Victor directed towards Nikki.

"Right, my love," Nikki seconded with a grin.

"Are you guys sure? Because Mom said you didn't..." Abby started but decided better of it.

"Your mother said what?" Victor questioned curious as to why she stopped.

"Oh it's nothing, how about you guys relax and I'll go tell Miguel to start breakfast," Abby replied trying to change the subject as she rose and was turning to leave the room.

"Abby," Victor spoke in a tone that Abby knew meant sit back down, "What did your mother say that made you think we wouldn't want you to stay with us?"

Abby looked up from where she sat and saw both Victor and Nikki looking back at her with concern in their eyes. She hated to tell them what her mother had said because now she knew it definitely was not true, but she had believed it and didn't want her father or Nikki to know it. But there was no going back now, "Mom said...uh...she said...that you didn't love me...that I was only an obligation, you only truly loved Nick and Victoria because they are the kids you had with Nikki...she said you both hated me because I came from her" Abby finally got it out. She tried not to make eye contact, but after a few silent moments passed by she couldn't help but look up. And as soon as she did she regretted it because when she looked up all she could see was the pain in her father and Nikki's faces caused by the words she had said.

"Abby you don't really believe that do you?" Victor asked breaking the silence.

"No, no of course not," Abby assured then "Well...maybe a little before...but not now."

"Abby come here please," Victor requested. Abby obliged and made her way over to sit in her father's lap, "Sweetheart, your mother and I have a very complicated relationship...I care very deeply for your mother, but I do not love her the way she wants me to lover her..." Victor started to explain.

"I know, it's okay, you love Nikki," Abby interrupted and looked up at Nikki and smiled who returned the smile.

"Yes, I love Nikki very much and we have shared a lot of our lives together...we share a great amount of history between us" taking Nikki's hand "which I won't get into..."

"I already know...well at least some of it, 'how you guys met' was my bedtime story last night and plus some cause I asked to hear more" Abby interrupted again and managed a giggle.

"Well that saves me a lot of trouble and hopefully gives more meaning to what I'm about to you know how much I love Nikki and you know some of mine and her history and you know we share two children, Victoria and Nicholas, your brother and sister whom I love very much, but just because they are mine and Nikki's children does not mean I love you any less because aren' you understand...I love all my children equally...I love you very much Abby," Victor finished explaining.

Abby hesitated at first not sure what to do next, but finally she decided to go with her instinct, "I love you too, Dad" she replied and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck.

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