Chapter 30

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When their mother had left to go see their father and Nick sat back down, Victoria passed Abby to him and began to pace the room. "Did you hear what the doctor said...stress...stress caused Dad's heart attack...this is all Ashley Abbott's fault...she did this to him," Victoria got more enraged with every word.

"Vic...that's not entirely true...Dr. Collins also said poor diet could have played a part in it so let's not over least not until we know more," Nick tried to calm one sister while trying not to wake another.

"Poor diet? Nick you know that is a load of bull...Dad is as healthy as a horse for his age...and even if he isn't his diet wasn't enough to cause a heart attack bad enough for him to need to have surgery, you and I both know that...this is on Ashley....she has been adding stress to Dad and Mom's lives ever since she informed everyone that Abby was Dad's and then decided she wanted Dad back..." Victoria rolled her eyes "She probably has this sick idea that if she could get Dad away from Mom that they: her, Dad and Abby, could all three be a perfect little family...crazy bitch!"

"Geeze Vic, is that really necessary," Nick looked down at Abby hoping she really was asleep and not hearing any of this, "You are talking about her mother."

"Oh give me a break, if Abby were awake she would probably agree with heard her call Mom 'mom' just as well as I did...she wants away from that horrible woman just as much as anybody else," Victoria replied matter-of-factly.

"Yes I heard what she said...but I think it is more complicated than that...I just think you need to let up some on Ashley and not throw stones when we all live in glass houses...we don't know what she has went and is going through...and besides she isn't any of our business, the only people that you should even be worried about right now is Dad, Mom and Abby...and Mom and Dad are together right now and they are fine and Abby is right here with us and she is how about you just be grateful that everyone is okay and not worry about Ashley Abbott who is none of your concern," Nick pleaded with his sister to make her see his point, but all Victoria saw at the moment was red.

"She became my concern when she almost killed my father...he almost died because of her and she's going to know it," Victoria grabbed her purse and phone and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Nick softly, but firmly called after her.

"Out...I'll be back in a little bit...but if not don't wait for me... maybe then you will see my side of things instead of having to be Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes, having to see the good in everyone all the time" Victoria turned back around and started to leave again but stopped, calling over her shoulder, "If Mom asks where I went, tell her I needed some air," and with that she was gone.

"Please don't do anything stupid," Nick mumbled to himself.

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