Chapter 24

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After a long day at the office, Victor and Nikki finally called it quits and gathered up their things and Abby's and decided to head home after saying goodbye to Nicholas and Victoria. Abby talked all the way to the car and halfway home, but by the time they got back to the ranch she had fallen asleep in Nikki's lap. Doing his best not to wake her, Victor picked her up, as Nikki grabbed all their stuff, and took Abby up to her room. Once he got Abby settled, Victor and Nikki had a light dinner and then decided to head to bed themselves.

When Nikki came out of their bathroom in her robe and nightgown she found their bedroom empty. Worried she went in search of her husband; she ended up finding him, and his pajama bottoms, downstairs in the living room drinking a cup of coffee. "Victor...what are you doing down here? Aren't you coming to bed?" Nikki asked with a worried look on her face.

"Of course darling...I just came down here for a quick cup of coffee...and to think" Victor explained as he rubbed his side which had been hurting again but he didn't let on and Nikki didn't seem to notice at that moment.

Taking his cup of coffee to take a sip, Nikki sat down beside him, "What are you thinking about? Ashley?"

"Yes, about her and Abby" Victor replied "I just can't believe Ashley would make such a spectacle of herself in's absolutely ridiculous!" Victor flinched from pain on his left side.

"What's wrong?" Nikki asked worry flashy back in her eyes.

"Nothing just a cramp...I'm fine" Victor assured biting back the pain "Well I'm not fine but that's because of this recent issue with Ashley!"

"Now Victor we don't know exactly what and I both know that reporters like to twist the truth" Nikki tried to calm him.

"Yes, but you and I also know that typically there is always some amount of truth to the story especially when reporters show up at the office like they did today" Victor countered.

"I know darling...I'm just saying, and you know I'm not defending Ashley especially after how she's treated Abby and us, but I just think you need to discuss this with her and find out what actually happened...I mean if she actually was drunk enough to strip in public then she really does need to get some help...and definitely does not need to be around Abby anytime soon" Nikki explained her point.

"You're right...I need to discuss this with's just I'm so infuriated with her right now I don't know how I'll react when confronting her because it's just been one thing after the other with her lately...she isn't thinking about anyone but herself" Victor replied standing up getting worked up again.

"Baby," Nikki stood as well and took his face in her hands putting his attention on her "First I'm glad you see I'm right I could definitely get used to hearing those words from you" she teased causing him to smile and roll his eyes "But you cannot let her get you this worked up especially when you talk to her...I understand that you are worried about Abby and the effect this is going to have on her so am I, but it will do her no good if both her parents are acting irrationally"

Wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close he lightly kissed her on the lips "Why is it that you are always so calm and level-headed about these kinds of things and can always help me see the big picture?"

"Well I'm not always so rational but that's why we have each other...when one of us is acting crazy and not thinking straight we have the other to help us think it through...that's a part of being husband and wife" Nikki responded.

"Well then I'm the luckiest man alive to have you as my wife" Victor replied "And now that you have helped me think clearly about this issue I think I know what I'm going to do...I'm going to take Abby to pick up her things from Ashley's tomorrow and use that as an opportunity to talk to Ashley about getting her life straight...that way it doesn't seem like I've come there to jump her."

"I think that's a perfect long as you keep a cool head" Nikki smirked.

"Oh my darling you know me so well" Victor chuckled.

"You better believe it" Nikki laughed as he pulled her in for a passionate kiss.

They broke apart, eyes glazed over, breathing hard "I say we stop talking about Ashley and make the rest of the night about us" Victor suggested.

"And what did you have in mind Mr. Newman?" Nikki smiled.

Victor leaned in and whispered something in her ear then moved to kissing her neck then he swept her off her feet "I like the way you think" Nikki stated as he carried her upstairs with her kissing his neck. They spent the rest of the night wrapped up in each other not thinking about anything else but each other.

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