Chapter 11

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After a few moments, they broke apart. Nikki who was all teary eyed now from watching the father-daughter moment, decided it was her turn to speak to reassure this little girl about how she felt about her.

Nikki waited until father and daughter pulled apart before she spoke, "Abby, sweetheart, I know your father has already confirmed this but I think it is important that you hear it from me too" Nikki paused to make sure she had the little girl's attention "I don't hate you...yes me and your mother have had our differences but that does not taint my feelings for you I promise...I care very much about you and would love to spend more time with you and get to know you...if that's ok with you."

"Abby what Nikki and I are trying to make sure you understand is if you do not feel comfortable going back to your mom's just yet that you are welcome here...always...if you want to, there is no pressure you can go back home after breakfast if that is what you want" Victor explained.

"We just want you to feel safe wherever you are" Nikki added.

Abby couldn't help but smile back at the two people that the night before she was sure hated her but now knew she couldn't have been more wrong. But that didn't change her confusion...she just didn't think she could decide in that moment she needed some time to think it over. "Wow...that's some offer ...and a lot to take in at once...first off, Nikki I would really enjoy getting to know you better too...that would be great" Abby smiled at Nikki who returned it with a smile " And as far as staying here goes...I really appreciate it guys'm not saying no but can I think it over for a little bit...I would really like to have today to think about it...would it be ok if we all spent the day here today...and I told you my answer later this evening...maybe at dinner?" Abby hesitated afraid they would be upset about her not giving them an answer right then.

But they weren't upset at all. "Sweetheart that is perfectly fine...this is a big decision and we don't expect you to take it lightly or decide right we darling?" Victor asked.

"Of course not" Nikki replied "you can give us an answer whenever you are ready."

"Okay" Abby smiled relieved they weren't mad.

" that that's settled...are you ready for breakfast sweetie?" Nikki asked.

"Oh yes...I'm starving!" Abby exclaimed her stomach growling right on cue.

"Well then we must do something about about you and me go find Miguel and decide what we want for breakfast and your father can call Nicholas and Victoria and tell them the office is all theirs today because we will both be staying here does that sound?" Nikki suggested to Abby.

"Really? You guys are going to stay here with me all day...I think that sounds great! We can go riding and watch movies and...and all kinds of other stuff" Abby exclaimed really excited about the idea.

Nikki looked to Victor now, hoping he would go along with the idea since it seemed to have made Abby so happy. "I think that is an excellent idea...I will call the kids while you girls start breakfast" Victor confirmed smiling at his daughter then winking at his wife.

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