Chapter 31

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Nikki looked down at her watch and seen her time was up and Dr. Collins would be kicking her out any second, "Darling...I hate to leave you, but your Doctor said I could only have 15 minutes and my 15 minutes is up," Nikki informed her husband who now had a very disappointed look on his face.

" please baby, don't go...stay with me, I love sitting here talking to you," Victor begged.

"I wish I could, but I don't want to wear you out especially since you are supposed to have a lot of tests tomorrow," Nikki replied.

"Wear me out? I'm not even a little tired... you aren't going to wear me out, we are just would be different if we were doing other...things," Victor grinned and raised his eyebrows.

"Victor Newman!" Nikki exclaimed blushing, but relieved he was obviously feeling better.

"What? Don't tell me you wouldn't rather be home alone with me in our bed instead of here in this hospital room...if I knew no one would walk in on us, I would convince you to join me in this bed right now," Victor replied.

"If you weren't recovering and could guarantee we wouldn't get me it wouldn't take much convincing," Nikki teased leaning in closer to her husband, "You have no idea how much I want you right now."

"You are killing me," Victor growled as he stared into his wife's eyes and thought about all the other things he would rather be doing with her instead of being in this hospital room. He couldn't take it anymore, he used all the strength he had to pull her into him and kissed his wife with so much passion she felt it in every part of her body.

Forcing themselves to break apart, Nikki tried to speak and catch her breath at the same time, " need...your rest...I have to go...but..." Nikki leaned in and gave him one last sultry kiss to hold them both over, "We will most certainly finish this later when you are up to it...I'm going to take Abby home and let her get some rest in her own bed, but I will be back in the morning...unless you want me to stay here...I could stay in the waiting room and let Nicholas and Victoria take Abby home," Nikki offered not really wanting to leave him.

"I will hold you to that my baby," Victor grinned mischievously, "But no darling you all go on home and get some rest, I forgot that Abby was here too...and she would be more comfortable with you at the ranch, I will be fine...there is no need for you to spend the night in the waiting room...go home and sleep in your all's own beds," Victor encouraged her.

"I'll miss you," Nikki pouted.

"Oh my baby...I'll miss you more," Victor took her hand and pulled her to him for another kiss, "Now please darling, go home and get some rest."

When Nikki pulled back Victor could see the single tear fall from her eyes, "I'm so glad you're okay...please don't do that to me again...please"

Giving her a quick peck on the cheek, Victor looked his wife in the eyes, "I'm fine, I, please go home" giving her hand a firm squeeze.

Nikki squeezed back and smiled at her husband, he always knew how to make her feel better about a situation. When she made it to the door, she turned around and called out, "I love you," and blew him a kiss.

"Baby, I love you more," Victor replied with a wink, giving Nikki what she needed to finally leave the room and go in search of their children.

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