Chapter 52

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"I really do not need all this poking and prodding...I'm I would really appreciate it if you would stop," Victor started to argue with the nurse right when Nikki and the kids stepped into his room.

"Now darling, I hope you aren't giving this poor nurse a hard time," Nikki said making their presence known.

Victor couldn't help but smile when he saw his wife and children standing there, "You know I would never do that, my baby."

"Oh yes I know," Nikki grinned, coming over to give her husband a kiss then moving out of the way so Victor could hug his children. Victoria and Nicholas did not hesitate; they rushed straight over to hug their father. Abby however was frozen in her spot in front of the door, as a few tears rolled down her face.

After hugging his two oldest, he noticed Abby had not come over, when he looked up Victor found her with his eyes, she didn't move just stood there crying and staring at her father. The others did not push her they knew the little girl was going through a lot; Nikki's heart broke as she witnessed the pain in her 'daughter's' face. As watched his youngest cry, Victor himself shed a few tears, before he finally motioned for Abby to come to him, "Sweetheart...please come her...I promise you won't hurt me."

That was all the assurance Abby needed to jump up on the bed and throw herself into her father's arms, it also released the rest of the waterworks.

Nikki and the kids pulled up chairs to sit close to Victor's bed. Finally Abby turned him loose and stopped crying, "So Dad are you really okay this time? For real?" Abby sniffled.

"Yes, sweetheart," Victor began, but when he looked up and seen the look on his wife's face he knew it was not a good idea to sugarcoat his condition, "Well yes and no, it is going to be a lot of touch and go for a while, but I have every intention on here being here with you guys for a very long time."

"Okay...good," Abby answered, appearing to be satisfied with that answer as she snuggled up to her father.

"Thanks by the way," Victor looked down at the little girl to see her face, "You saved my life you know."

"You're welcome...anytime," Abby grinned.

"So when do I get to leave and go home with you guys?" Victor asked not beating around the bush.

Nicholas and Victoria looked at their mother knowing their father was not going to be happy with the doctor's orders, "Well darling...the doctor said it would be a few more days, so they can keep an eye on you," Nikki informed her husband.

"What?" Victor growled, "You have got to be kidding me...I feel fine and I would feel much better at home with you. This is outrageous!"

"Now, darling, you need to calm down and listen to me for once," Nikki said in a tone that Victor knew meant he better shut up and listen, but before Nikki had the chance to tell him what she had arranged the nurse came through the door wheeling another bed into the room.

"What the hell is this?" Victor yelled, "Not only do I have to stay here longer, but now I have to share this room with someone else!" The nurse's eyes widened and she blushed as she put the bed into place and ran back out the door. All the kids could do was try to stifle their laughter at the situation and their father's reaction. Only Nikki knew what was going on as she sat there with a smug smile as she watched her husband.

"Well if you are so against having someone stay with you then I'll just tell the nurse that I don't need the bed after all," Nikki spoke up getting all their attention, Victor being the most shocked, "I knew you were going to hate staying in the hospital longer and Dr. Collins really didn't want to argue with you, so I convinced him to get me a bed to put in here so I could stay here with you, but if you done want me here..." Nikki got up and moved like she was going to get the nurse, but Victor stopped her as he grabbed her hand.

" please that was an excellent idea and will make being stuck here all the better," Victor told her and then got this mischievous look on his face as he pulled her close to him so he could whisper, "Although I don't know why you needed the other bed, we could have easily shared this one...among other things," Nikki giggled, but both were shocked when Abby laughed as well, obviously hearing what her father had said.

"What's so funny?" Nicholas asked him and Victoria feeling left out.

"Nothing," Victor and Nikki said at the same time.

"You ARE obviously feeling better," Victoria smiled.

"I really am...Jacka...Abbott can't take me out, I wouldn't give him the satisfaction," Victor joked, but then he remembered what he and Jack had been arguing about, "How's Ashley?"

"How did you...oh right, Jack," Nikki rolled her eyes. Nikki then noticed how solemn and quiet Abby had gotten, thinking that discussing this again in front of her might not be such a good idea, "Victor, baby, can we talk about her later?"

"What? What's wrong?" Victor pushed, never being one to be kept out of the loop.

"Dad...really you need to rest, we can talk about it later," Victoria said taking her mother's cue.

"No we will talk about this NOW...tell me," Victor demanded.

"It's okay guys you don't have to keep secrets from him because of me," Abby spoke up, "Just tell him, I have to go to the restroom anyways, so..." the little girl kissed her father on the cheek and jumped down heading for the door, but then turned back, "I love you Dad."

"I love you too, my sweetheart," Victor said, a little confused as the door closed, "Alright who is going to tell me what the hell is going on?"

"I'm sorry darling we weren't trying to keep anything from you...we're just worried about Abby...Ashley has liver cancer," Nikki informed him.

"Wha...what?" Victor could not believe his ears.

"It's true darling, we just found's terminal she only has a month at best to live," Nikki took her husband's hand and squeezed it trying to offer some comfort to him, knowing her might not have loved Ashley the way she wanted him to, but Nikki knew he cared about her.

"I cannot believe this," Victor replied, still taking it all in, "How is Abby taking all of this?" worried about his daughter and all she had been through.

"Not very well...Ashley wants to see her, but Abby refuses...I'm worried about her Victor this is a lot for anyone to handle let alone a child," Nikki told him.

"Yes it poor little girl," Victor worried, but realized what he had to do, "Victoria, Nicholas will you go find your sister...your mother and I need to have a talk with her."

Victoria and Nicholas both nodded and headed out the door, This time Victor squeezed Nikki's hand, "Are you sure you are up to dealing with this?" Nikki worried.

"Yes I'm fine baby...I promise...we need to take care of our daughter and make sure she understands what she is saying no to," Victor assured his wife, "because she doesn't have the time to waste."

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