Chapter Eleven.

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I sat next to the man who had rearranged my guts just the night before. I had hurriedly packed my clothes, not really caring what had gotten stuffed into my bag because I knew whatever was in there would look good on me because all the clothes I owned were in my colors- Black, grey, and white. Tex let me lean on him, smiling over at me. I fell asleep a few minutes later. I hadn't gotten much sleep last night.

"I'm back, slut. Miss me?" Freddy asked from the steam. "Oh, fucking wonderful." I groan.He laughs, stepping out. I glare. "Come on, you'd have a round with any other guy in the house." He complained. "Hey, no I wouldn't. And the guys I did go with, they were actually hot." I cross my arms. He copied me, but moved closer. "If I fuck you, you'd leave me alone?" I ask. "Yeah. For a while." He said. "Why, considering it now?" Another step closer. "Yeah, maybe, if it makes you leave me alone." He growled, grabbing me with his other hand. He dragged me off to a different room, laid me over the desk. "Ow." I complain. "Shut up." He told me, I heard his pants unzip and I was pulled closer to the edge of the desk. I felt his burnt pizza dick inside me. It felt weird. He held me down with one hand on my stomach. I felt him shape-shift. I stared up at the ceiling, trying to zone out. It wasn't quite working. I felt the tip of a knife run between my breasts. Blood welled up and stained my shirt. "They can't wake you until I leave." He laughed, climbing up onto the desk. "Fine..." I hiss. He had taken the form of Glen Lantz, which wasn't terrible... But it's still Freddy. I allowed myself to make a soft noise. "So you like it now. Slut." He laughed. 

Finally, he finished and shifted back to himself. I woke up. I was in the backseat, with Tex between my legs, curtain drawn across the front two seats so no one in front of us would see. Loud music played from the front seat. "Tex..?" I groan. "Yeah, darlin'?" He asked. "What are you doing..?" I ask. "Well, you were wet dreamin' , so, I thought it'd be alright if I..?" He said. "No, you're fine, love.." I breathed shakily. There was a bloodstain spreading over my shirt. I pulled up my shirt to see the wound. "You're hurt." He said, pulling away from me. "It's small. I'm fine. " I told him. He looked over me. I sat up. "You done, then?" He asked. I nod, pulling my skirt back down over myself. Tex opened the curtains. Hannibal, Billy, and Stu were discussing something, Jason was driving. Michael signed something like 'That's fine.' "It would get her used to eating... Different things." Hannibal shrugged. Stu seemed agitated. "But-" " If she doesn't survive, she can't be very useful. And Tex can protect her." Billy said. "Ah. There you are." Hannibal said, nodding to the others, then looking over at me. Michael looked over, tilted his head. "We're almost to the first stop. Kieran, go with Michael to get firewood.. We're camping in that forest for tonight." Hannibal said. "O-okay.." I reply. 

Finally, we parked on a little path in the forest, covered the van, and Billy, Stu, Hannibal, Tex, and Jason pitched tents. Michael wandered off and I followed. He had me carry lighter sticks back to camp, bringing the heavy pieces back himself. We went back out into the forest, further in, and he pulled off his mask. I got on my knees as he unzipped his jumpsuit. He paused, blushed, then picked me up and held me against a tree, hand going up my skirt. I whimpered at his touch, blushing. "Michael? Kieran?" Billy called. Michael dropped me roughly, putting his mask back on. "Michael!" I hissed. He led me back to camp, where Hannibal had a small fire going. He raised an eyebrow at the pink tinge over the bridge of my nose. Tex looked at me and sighed. "So we only had five tents..?" He said. "Are you offering to let me sleep with you." I ask. He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I mean, unless Michael already offered.." He said. I sat down beside him. His nails were painted dark blue, I noticed. 

That night was a bit cold, so I cuddled with Tex. 

The next morning, we got in the car an hour early. I sat in the front seat with Michael. He put a hand on my thigh, but moved it quickly. I look at him. Finally, at around 3:30PM we arrived at Last Chance gas station. Tex switched for the driver's seat to get us to his house. He parked in the grass, Nubbins came out to meet us. "Drayton's beating up Thomas." He told us, then ran back inside. I got the gun, made sure it was loaded, and hid it in my bra. The cold metal on my flesh felt nice.. I followed Tex inside and saw him push Drayton off of Thomas. "Quit fightin'!" Alfredo yelled. "And in front of a lady, too..." He shook his head. I growl. I don't like being here. The weight of the gun was a bit soothing, knowing I could hurt someone if I needed. I still had my knives. Chop-Top watched from the stairs. "Give up, Drayton!" Tex yelled at Drayton, who was in a headlock. "All right, fine! I give up! Now get off of me-" Tex let him go, dropping him on the floor. We stepped over his body, trying not to step on him. He shot a glance up my skirt, so I accidentally stepped on his hand. Hannibal sighed. He sat down in the living room with the 'adults' which meant him, Michael, Drayton, Tex, and for some reason, Alfredo. I sat down with Billy, Thomas, and Stu. 

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