Chapter Thirteen.

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"Don't, hon.." Tex said, half awake. I groan. "What..?" He asks. "I need my pain pills. They're in my bag. " I said, trying to stand up again. He pulled me back down. "You can't walk on that." He said. I heard him getting up. He handed me my bag after a minute. I found the pills and took two. Tylenol PM. It knocked me out almost instantly. 

When I woke up the next morning, it must have been early because the sun was barely up. "Six AM, darlin'. Time to wake up." He said. "Fine." I said, sitting up. Tex helped me up, letting me lean on him. His hair was wet- He'd showered already. He let me take my shower by myself. It was quiet, unlike the afternoons when Drayton was yelling at everyone. Hannibal called me around 7. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Yeah, I got some sleep.. Headache, still injured but not bleeding anymore. Can't walk very well. Tex refuses to leave me alone with anyone but Thomas. He just looks like he wants to hurt me." I reply. "Headache? What from?" He asks. "Well, I hit my head when Alfredo tripped me, cut my face on my knife, but I think I can still see out of it. Painful. It'll leave a scar." A pause. "Well... We can come pick you up tomorrow morning. Okay?" He asked. "Okay." I agreed. He hung up. Tex put his arm around my shoulders. I ate a vegan breakfast because I don't trust the sausages Drayton made. I watch everyone at the table closely, noticing every little move. Alfredo looked at me, and if looks could kill, I'd be dead. 

The day couldn't possibly move any slower.

I spent most of the day outside in the yard, with Tex and hyperactive twins. I sat on the ground and watched them wrestle with each other. The sun was hot, Tex and the boys wanted drinks after a while, so Thomas made iced tea. I had a sip. It wasn't terrible.. I thanked Thomas and took a cup, about to sit down when I heard a hiss and a rattle. I jumped back and got out my knife. "What?" Tex asked. "Snake." I said, watching the grass. He picked me up and moved me. "You are not going to try to kill that snake. I'll make Alfredo do it. Mmkay, darlin'?" He asked. "Okay." I agreed, putting away my knife. He smiled at me, and I felt that familiar squeeze in my abdomen as I felt myself getting wet for him. "Oh, I know that look, hon.." He said, picking me up again, carrying me inside. Up the stairs.. To his room. He put me on the bed, removed my clothes and locked the door behind us. His clothes slid the tree floor with mine and he joined me on the bed. He hooked his arms under my shoulders, grinding his hips into mine. I kissed his cheek, putting my arms around his neck. He groaned and I whimper in reply. "Shh.. We gotta be quiet.." He whispered. I nod. He kept going and I did my best to stay quiet. 

An hour or so later, he rolled off of me, both of us coated with a light sheen of sweat. He chuckled, watching me pant, still blushing. "That was nice." He said. "Mhmm.." I agreed, sitting up. I got up and put my clothes on, leaning on Tex's shoulder slightly. He chuckled and stroked my hair. Finally, we went down to dinner, I ate a small amount, still not eating anything made of meat. I went out and sat on the porch, taking a picture of the sunset quickly before it disappeared. It was a nice sunset, the sky purple and pink and yellow. I put my phone back in my pocket when. I heard the door open and close. Thomas. 'You look sick.' He'd written on a piece of paper. "Ouch, my feelings. Yeah, I'm not feeling great either. It's from barely eating." I reply. 'Why' He wrote back. He didn't put a question mark at the end. I stared at the note. I asked for his pencil and added one. He gave me a questioning look. "You didn't put a question mark at the end." I said. 'Don't change the subject.' He wrote. I smile. "I tried. I'm eating less because I don't trust you guys to not make anything out of humans." I shrug. He looked at me before getting up and going back inside. I sigh, looking up at the sky. I had a headache that was slowly getting worse. I laid on my back to look up at the sky, until Tex came out to get me. "Hey, hon. Time to come inside.. Wouldn't want you to freeze to death." He said and scooped me up. I giggle and kiss his cheek. "Ew." Nubbins said, watching. I roll my eyes. Tex looked at him. He put me on the floor in his bedroom. Hannibal texted. 

Hannibal:'U still up? This is Billy btw' 

 Me: 'Yeah, why?' 

Hannibal:'Cuz I have to remind u were picking u up tomorrow morning'

Me: 'We're*'

Hannibal: 'annoying bitch'

Me: 'Love you too." 

I smiled and put my phone down, laying down next to Tex. He hugged me from behind, and I heard my back pop. "Ow, babe.."I whisper. He chuckled quietly and let go. I took a deep breath. "You cracked my ribs.." I said, rolling over to face him. He put an arm over my side, pulling me close. I kissed his cheek. "Get some sleep, hon." He whispered. "I'll try... If you quit kissing me and hugging me and shit." I joke. He kissed me again. "I can't help it. You're cute.." He told me, but stopped and let me fall asleep. 

When I woke up the next morning, it was around 7, Tex was in the shower. I knocked, letting myself in after a second, but covering my eyes. "Mind if I join you?" I ask."You can open your eyes, hon." He told me. I dropped my hand from my eyes, undressed, and got in the shower with him.  I heard a car pull into the driveway as we were getting out of the shower fifteen minutes later. Tex looked up from the spot he had me pinned down on the bed. 

(Shit, sorry this took so long. Preparations for the Renaissance Faire distracted me.)

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