Chapter One.

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 Kieran PoV:
I was making dinner for me and my cat when I saw a flash of white outside the window. I shake my head. 'Snowball, the neighbor's cat,' I assumed, 'I should go chase him off.' I sighed, looking down at dinner. I don't wanna burn it, so I stayed inside. My cat, Chia, meowed, standing by my ankle. "Almost done, okay?" I say to her. She meows again in protest. I see the white again. Chia arched her back and hissed. Chia never hisses.I look outside. "Hmm," I continue staring outside. "Well, it's going to have to wait. Dinner's done." I filled Chia's bowl with her cat food, sitting down with my plate of quesadilla.

A few minutes later, I got a call. "Hello?" I ask. "Hello. Who is this?" "... I don't know much of anyone else, so. Don't ask," I told him. "...I don't know your voice. I think you have the wrong number." I sigh. "Do I?" He said. "Yeah, it's fine. Have a nice night."

I hung up and went back to my dinner. The phone rang. I sigh. "Yes." I said. "I'm sorry. Guess I dialed the wrong number." He said. "Then why'd you call back?" I ask. "To apologize." He told me. "Forgiven. Bye bye now.." I said. "Wait! Wait, don't hang up. I wanna talk." I sigh.
"I don't." I hung up again. My cat rubbed against my leg. I smile. My phone rang again. I groan and pick up. "Call again and I'm blocking you. Who is this?" I muttered the first part. "Tell me your name, I'll tell you mine. Also, I heard that." He said. "I.. Don't think so." Chia hissed again. "What's that noise?" He asks. "Chia," I said. "I think I might watch a movie. Horror movie.." I say. "Do you like scary movies?" He asked. "...Yeah. Guess so." I said, sitting back down at the table. "What's your favorite scary movie?" I look up. "Uhh.. Probably.. All of them. You?" "Guess," "Nah." Silence. "Got a boyfriend?" He asked. "Nah. Trying to ask me out?" "Maybe." "Hmm," I reply. "You never told me your name." He said. "Why do you wanna know?" I ask, staring out the window. "I wanna know who I'm looking at." He said. I laugh. "Really. I gotta go." I told him. "Weren't we going out??" He asked. "Not tonight." I sighed. "Don't hang up." He told me.
I hung up. The phone rang. "Listen, fucker.."
"No, you listen, bitch. Hang up again and I slit your pretty little throat, and take out your insides! Hear me?!" He yelled, sounding serious and angry. "Okay.. What do you want, then?"

"To see what your insides look like."

This sounds like the 'Scream' script.. Wonder what happens if I go off of it.
The doorbell rang. I walked to it. And locked the door.
"Who's there?" I asked. The voice on the phone replied. "Never say 'who's there'. It's a death wish."
"...Leave me alone.. Or else." I told him. "Or else what?" He asked. "I.. My girlfriend will be here any second." I said, keeping fear out of my voice. "You better leave, she's big and tall, and she'll beat the shit outta you." "..Her name wouldn't be Heather, would it?" My eyes went wide. "How.." "Turn on the porch light, back door." He says, a smirk in his voice. Heather is tied up, gagged. She's been roughed up, but alive. "Please don't hurt her."
"Depends on you. Now.. I wanna play a game. Say no, and Heather.. Dies." I gasp. "This is how to play.. I ask a question. And if you get it right.. Heather lives. Easy category.. Movie trivia." He said. I pant slightly, staring at Heather, terrified, tied up.. "Fine." He chuckles. "I can hear your breathing. I'll give you a warm-up. Who was the killer in 'Halloween'?" "Michael Audrey Myers." I reply, confidently. "Yes! Good.. Now for the real question. Killer in 'Friday the Thirteenth'." "Uhh.. Jason? No! Pamela. Pamela Voorhees!" I yelp the last part as I saw a flicker of motion in the dark.

"...Wrong the first time. Lucky there's a bonus round.. But Heather.. Is out!"

He said. I look out the window, turning on the light. Heather is ripped open, her eyes wide. Her insides had been torn out and were on the ground, steaming. I step back and grab Chia. "Final question. What door am I at?" "I.. Um.. Trick question, either you have a friend and you're at both doors, or you're lying and you left." I said, backing up. "Look, I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry." I heard the man yelling. "Get her, come on! BREAK THE DAMN DOOR DOWN!" I flinch. "Please don't yell." "I'LL YELL IF I FUCKING WANT TO." A crash from the front door. I grab a knife from the dresser. A buck knife.I already have two knives with me, hunting knives. Strapped to my thighs. My heart was racing. I get myself close to an exit, pressing my back against the wall, listening. "Chia. Run..!" I whisper to the cat, letting her race off into the dark. I hold my knives in a ready pose. Taking a deep breath, I run silently into the tall grass. My dark clothes help me hide. Listening closely, I heard it. A whisper. "Ch-ch-ch-ah-ah-ah.." Jason? Jason Voorhees? I turn slowly. I whimper as I see the hockey mask. Bloody machete. I stand slowly. He stepped forwards. I hugged him. He stopped, instantly. I heard a little whimper of confusion. "I.. Those counselors should have paid more attention. You.. You shouldn't have died. It's not right, letting a kid drown.." I said, letting go. He stared down at me. And then patted my head. I smile. "Um.. I don't mean to be rude, but there's two people trying to kill me for no reason?" He tilts his head. Another form next to the trees. Wearing a white mask. Michael Myers. Michael Myers?? He tapped his foot, watching me and Jason. I gasp slightly. "Who else.." I whisper. Jason shrugs. He held a hand out to me. I take it, following him. Michael looked at me and shook his head. "THERE SHE IS! GET HER!" I heard the male voice yelling. I unsheathe my knives and step into a ready pose. "COME AND GET ME, YA FUCKERS!" As they get closer, I see they're wearing Ghostface masks. Some Ghostface wannabe assholes. That explains why they were on the 'Scream' script.. One of them tripped. The other stopped to help him up. The second one was smacked and sent to kill me. The first got to his feet after a moment, and the second grabbed me. I cut his hand. A scratch on the back of his hand. The first grabbed my hands and held them away. I kicked the second's mask off, they were picking their knife up. "OW!" He yelped. "Stu?! How the hell?! No, this isn't right.. What is going on?!" I scratch the other man's mask off. "Both of you?!" I sigh. Jason stood. I rip my hands away from Billy's. "Billy?" Stu asked. "Kill her, she's right there!" Billy wiped blood from under his eye, where I had scratched him. "No.. Freddy would have fun with her, wouldn't he.." "He would." A burnt man stepped out from behind a tree. He had a razor glove on one hand. I gasp. "Are all of you real?!" I yelp, stepping back into Stu, who put his head on my shoulder, leaning on me. "Mayybe." He said. "Scared yet?" Billy whispers into my other ear. "No- Why?" I shivered as I felt cold metal on my cheek. Billy's knife cut a small mark into my cheek. I gave a little gasp, and Stu giggled. "She's mine.." Freddy said. "She's available.. Her girlfriend's dead." Billy said. "She's about ready to cry."

"Just imagine when we get to Leatherface's." Freddy said with a laugh.
My eyes open wide.
"He-He's.. Y-you.. What..??" Michael crossed his arms at me. He nodded. "Well.. We should get her to the Mansion. He's waiting for us to get home." Billy said with a sigh. "Who's got the keys?" Michael threw them at Billy. "House key?" Jason lifted a leather cord with a key on it.
A few minutes later, I was tied up in the back of a black van. Hours later, we arrived at a mansion, and I was dragged inside. I was sat down against a wall, and a tap next to my head startled me. "...Hello, Brahms.." I whisper. Another tap. I smile. "How's the stab wounds?" I asked. "They're alright," A small child-like voice whispered back. "Thank you." I sigh. Surrounded by killers, at least two want to kill me, maybe three or four, depending on how Michael really feels, and if Freddy visits me. "Are you okay?" Brahms asked. "Me? I'm fine. Just.. Long day. My friend got killed today.." I say. "...I'm sorry." Brahms said, tapping the wall again. "And two of the people here want to kill me.." I lie down. "And someone said something about Leatherface.. I can't let them take me there, I've seen 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre', the family's cannibalistic.. They'll eat me alive." I continue. "I always get left here, alone. They go places, and I can't leave." Brahms replied. I nod. "I've never talked to a wall before.. Well, a person inside a wall." I smile. Brahms giggled. "Just get Billy to like you, then you got Stu," He told me. "They're both simps." He whispered the second part. I giggle ,then  look around. "They're headed out to Leatherface's house tomorrow." Brahms told me. "Go prepared for anything. They're violent." I nod. Michael walked over, picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I wince as his shoulder dug into my bruise. He took me upstairs, and dropped me in front of Billy. Billy held me down, kneeling beside me. I stare up at him, keeping my face blank. He smirks, shooing Michael off. Stu bounces exitedly on the edge of the bed. "What do you two have planned with me." I say. "I think you know." He pulled out his knife and cut another mark into my cheek, running the tip down my face, to my neck, to my collarbone.. He cut my shirt open and Stu squeaked. Billy smirks, getting over top of me. My eyes widen. He holds my arms down and Stu sat down next to me. "Get her, Billy!" He said, giggling. Billy unzipped my dress. I cross my legs, and he tore them open so that he could unzip his jeans and slide into me, holding my waist. Stu kissed my neck, biting gently. I moan lightly. Billy sped up, making me pant a bit, Stu moved down to my collarbone and left hickeys on my breasts and collarbone. I whimper and my boy shook slightly. Billy kissed me. My legs cross over his back. "Mnh, Billy.." I whisper. He smirked and kissed me again. Jason banged into the room.. I look up. Billy jumped and got off of me, zipping his fly back up. I fixed my dress and held my shirt together. Jason grabbed me and carried me out to a different room, getting me a new shirt. "He's back." Freddy said, going back downstairs. A boy my age was putting groceries away. Norman. Norman Bates. I walk over. "Hi. Want some help?" I ask. He stared for a second. "Sure." He turned and continued to put groceries away. I helped. "Um.. What's your name?" I ask. I know what his name is already. "Norman." He said. He's very quiet. "...I'm Kieran." I said. He walked past me. He didn't answer. I sigh. "Michael?" I call. "He touched my shoulder from behind and I turned quickly. I stare at him. He stares back. I huff slightly. "Huh." I mutter. Michael hesitated, then sort of kinda half hugged me. I hugged him back, I smiled.  tuned around, looking for a weapon. To defend myself at the Sawyer's house. I touch the buck knives strapped to my thighs. Michael looked at me.

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