Chapter Twelve.

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"Well.." I said, looking around. Thomas went upstairs and Nubbins hit the back of my head. I turned around, standing up with my knives in my hands. "What was that for?" I ask. He giggled. "Because." And he ran off. I sat across from Billy, Stu tried to sit on my lap. "Ow, babe, you're heavy." I complain. He laid down with his head in my lap instead.  "... Wait, why are you calling him babe?" Billy asked. "Jealous?" I reply. He growled, and started pacing. Finally, Hannibal came out with the rest of the 'adults'. 

"We didn't tell you in the car... You're going to stay here for a while.  Couple days. The rest of us will rent a hotel and stay in the city." Hannibal told me. "What?!" I stood up fast. "Why?" Stu pulled me back down and Billy sat down with me, an arm around me. "Well, we think it would be a good idea to get you used to.. Well, violence. Being around them, too. They're going to come live with us at some point." "Just so you know, I thought it was a bad idea. We could just take her with us for a few kills. She'd get used to it." Stu said. I looked at Michael. He just tilted his head. "...So we're gonna go.. Have fun. Good luck." Billy said, kissed my cheek as he got up, and joined the rest of the group. Stu followed reluctantly. A few minutes later I heard the van take off, leaving  me alone with the Sawyers. I went outside to try to be left alone. It didn't work. Alfredo came outside and tried to put an arm around me. "Unless you have a death wish I suggest you get the fuck off." I said. He pulled away. "Get away from her. That's my bitch." Tex said. I look up. Alfredo scrambled off the deck, tripping and falling into the grass. I giggle. Tex sat next to me and smiled. "I take it you wanna be left alone.. You're scared?" He asked, leaning slightly on me. The weight was comforting. I gave a little nod.  "You can sleep with me, if you want." He paused, blushing. "I mean, in my room." I look out to the forest. "I can do both.." I whisper. Alfredo shut the door behind him. Tex got up and went inside, leaving me alone. By myself. I laid on my stomach on the deck, letting the sun soak into my skin. I listened to music, and at some point must have fallen asleep, because someone had picked me up. Thomas, Alfredo, or Tex, because the arms felt strong. 

I opened my eyes and tensed, ready for a fight. Alfredo dropped me. I was locked in the basement. With him. "I can hurt you." I said. "I can hurt you too, darlin'.." He growled. "Only Tex can call me that." I hiss back. He lunged at me, holding me against the wall. One hand went into my bra, finding the gun. "What's this for?" He asked. "I'll scream." I warned. "Yeah, you will, slut." He said and tugged at my shorts. I punched him with my free hand and went for my dagger, which was on the table.  I picked it up, but Alfredo tripped me and I almost took out my eye with it. I felt blood running down my face. There was a long scratch down my face. 'That's gonna leave a mark,' I thought, getting up and running for the door. Alfredo grabbed me around the waist. I aimed a kick for his diaphragm, winding him and giving myself time to try to open the door. I banged on the door, forcing it open. My head hurt. I found my other dagger on the dining room table. I picked it up and ran upstairs, to Tex's room, where I knew I would be safe. He wasn't there, so I hid under his bed, hopeful that no one would find me. I wiped blood out of my eye, steadying my breathing. I heard footsteps. I forced myself to stay calm. My calf suddenly started stinging, and I knew I shouldn't be running on it anymore. The blood trail probably ratted me out. "Tex?" I ask. "There you are, bitch!" Alfredo said, dragging me out. I clawed at his arms, leaving long scratches. He winced and sat on my legs. "What the hell!" Tex yelled. "In my room, too? Fuck's sake!" He grabbed Alfredo by the shirt collar and threw him out. 

"Darlin', you're bleeding..." He said. I limped to the bathroom, running water over my calf. "Let me help." Tex asked. I nod. He cleaned it out and bandaged it. Then he started on my eye. "My phone.. I'm calling Hannibal. Or someone with sense." I growl. He handed me my phone. I dialed Hannibal, he picked up right as I yelled 'FUCK' because Tex was using rubbing alcohol. "Oh my." He said. "Sorry. Tex is fixing  a few stab wounds. Rubbing alcohol." I explain. "STAB WOUNDS?!" Hannibal yelped. He apologized to someone in the background. "Sorry. Stab wounds??" He repeated. "Yes, Ow- Stab wounds. Alfredo got to me. It was not fun." I said. "Fuck... Well, are you okay? Should we come get you?" He asks, sounding concerned. "You sound like you care." I hiss. There was a pause. "Well, Billy says you're being a baby.. Michael thinks you should stay a little longer.. Jason seems agitated but he agrees with Michael." Hannibal told me. "Fine." I said. He hung up. I look at my phone. Tex carried me to this bed and sat down with me in his lap. I fell asleep after a few minutes. 

It was dreamless sleep, but I woke up sometime at night. It was dark, and I felt Tex asleep next to me. His arm was over my side. My head hurt, probably from hitting my head on the table when Alfredo tripped me. I sat up and tried to get up to find some pain pills, almost fell down, and was pulled back onto the bed. "Don't, hon.." Tex said, half awake.

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