The Broken Artist and His Ghost

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The artist sat up on his stool, paint now covered the canvas

He focused in on his work, before smashing it

The ripped, colorful fibers laid in it's broken frame

She haunted him still

He saw her everywhere, he couldn't forget her
His brush strokes remember every detail of her face

No matter if he painted the sky, the stars, he saw her

Her reflection in everything

He remembered how he painted her,
How he had treated her

Then she was gone

Now she plagues his thoughts in her ghostly presence

Even if he drowns himself in wine or murky paint water

She doesn't leave, but follows closer

Shall he suffer this personal wrath
His personal hell he colored together

Was this a curse from her?
Was this his own doing?
Why must he suffer her loss?

One glance at the mirror across from him, told all

A chilly air soon filled the room, he shivered

He wasn't alone

His ghost was in the room with him again

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