Chapter 7

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Newt's pov

A day had gone bye and still no food, or anything else, really. I had barely been able to sleep because of it all.
     Last night Tommy and I had a bit of a talk after he had woken up from his nap. The bugger had cried himself to sleep, of course no one really needed to ask what was wrong, and no one had. So after he woke up and seemed to have a bit of a hard time keeping it all together I talked with him about how all of this reminded me of first waking up in the Glade. Thirty guys with wiped memories and no idea how we got there, but just like right now, it was clear there was a purpose to it all, so back then we organized and went to working and exploring.
     "But we're already done exploring here." He had said. "No animals, no food, no Maze."
    "Yeah, but come on. It's the same concept, " I responded. "We're obviously here for a buggin' purpose. We'll figure it out eventually."
     "If we don't starve first."
     He had a point, but I came here with the purpose of lifting spirits among the Gladers that seemed a bit more down than the others, and I wouldn't let one argument from a sulking Slinthead stray me from my path. So I pointed at the bathroom. "We've got plenty of water, so it'll be at least a few days before we drop dead. Something will happen."
     Although I could see my words having an effect on the shank, clearly they had not been enough yet. "But what about all those dead people we saw? Maybe they rescued us for real, got killed, and now we're screwed. Maybe we were supposed to do something, but now it's all been messed up and we've been left here to die."
     I could not help but burst out laughing at his theory. Maybe not the best move, sure, but like I said, couldn't help it. "You're one depressed piece of klunk, Slinthead." When I saw the mixture of confusion and irritation on his face, I continued. "Nah, with all those corpses magically disappearing and the brick walls, I'd say this place is more like the Maze. Weird and impossible to explain. The latest and greatest mystery. Maybe our next test, who knows. Whatever's going on, we'll have a chance, just like we in the bloody Maze. I guarantee it."
     Did I believe those words myself? Partly. This place definitely made me think of the Maze and it was clear to see that it would be part of whatever Wicked had in store for us next. But that did not mean I also was not bloody terrified for the possibility Tommy could be right instead. Besides David had been among the dead bodies, and I would be eternally grateful for what he had done for Cally, and the warning he had given me. If it wasn't for him she would have bled out or been taken from us just as Teresa had.
     "Yeah," Thomas murmured to himself, seeming deep in thought for a moment, considering his next words. "Hope you're right. As long as no Grievers suddenly show up, we'll be good."
Before he had stopped speaking, I had already started shaking my head, horrified by the idea those bloody things would show up again. "Please, Shank. Careful what you buggin' wish for. Maybe they'll send something worse."
     "Who's the cheerful one now?"
     I let out an amused huff of air, "You got me there." With that, I got up, Thomas's mood seemed to have improved a little and there were more Shanks I wanted to check up on. "Guess I'll go bug somebody else till the excitement begins, which better be bloody soon. I'm hungry."
     "Careful what you wish for." Tommy shot back at me.
     "Good that."
     He had been right. I shouldn't have wished for it. Because here we were, no excitement and no food. Cally also still had not woken up and I would be lying if more worry had grown inside my stomach beside the hunger. Clint, Jeff, Minho and I had been taking turns keeping an eye on her, changing the cloth on her head to keep it fresh and cool. Cals seemed to be doing a little better, although her sleep occasionally went from peaceful to tossing and turning, sometimes she mumbled some words. I could barely make them out most of the time. Although I did pick up Ezra's name ones or twice.
     Felix had kept his distance for as much that was possible in these three rooms. He did, however, keep an eye on Cally, watching us as we took care of her. I did not like it, but I also could not help but feel a bit of sympathy for the guy. He clearly cared about her, too, and no matter how much I wanted to ignore his bloody existence, I couldn't.
     "Do you know how long a person can go without food?" Minho asked me, breaking a long-lasting silence within the smaller sleeping quarters where he lay on top of the higher bunk bed, face half smudged against the mattress, one arm hanging over the edge.
     I let out a deep sign, glancing up at him from my spot on the bed closest to Cally. "Nope."
     "Me neither." Minho responded with a bit of a defeated sign.
     My eyes fell on Cally, who had settled back in a calmer state for the first time in about an hour. "I bet Cally would know."
     Thomas, who lay on his back a few beds to the left, decided to join in on our little conversation with a sarcastic, "I bet Clint or Jeff know too."
     "Nobody asked you, Newbie." Minho snapped at him. Everyone's energy levels had gone down dramatically without anything to eat. Unfortunately, Minho had also become way more irritable because of it. Thomas, not looking for a fight with Minho, stuck his hands in the air as a sign of surrender.
     From the other side of the room, Clint's voice sounded loud and clear. "It's three weeks, just in case you would want to ask me."
     I could not see the shank from where I sat, but still, I called out a "Thanks, Clint."
     From between some bunks, I now did see an arm that looked very much like Clints's sticking up a thumb to us. I leaned over a little to see Clint laying curled up against Jeff's chest, arms gently around the guy.
     With a smile, I leaned back against the bed pool. Ever since we had ended up in here, those two had become a lot less secretive about their relationship. It suited them. Although I could not help but feel a bit of jealousy tug on me when I saw them like that, I wanted that with Cally as well. Cuddle up with her, hold her in my arms, entirely calm and content. We had had so little of those moments... Would we have more of them? And not like the times we slept in the same bed because we were desperate to not be alone, but as that one time in the Deadheads before leaving the Glade, just because we wanted the other close. Oh, I bloody hope so.
     Movement on the other side of the room. Felix walked through the door. His bright blue eyes not leaving Cally as he walked towards the bathroom. "Look at the Shuckface," Minho whispered to me, "using this bathroom just so he could spy on Cally."
     I bit down on my lip before making a decision. "Hey, Felix." I called out, standing up from the bed.
     "What are you doing?" Minho hissed at me in a whisper voice, but I ignored him.
     Felix froze, his hand on the door leading to the bathroom. Slowly, he turned his head around, glaring at me, "What?"
     I waved him over, and after a moment of hesitation, the shank turned around entirely and made his way over to me. His eyes glanced down at Cally one time before focusing on me again, distrust clearly visible in the way he seemed to analyze me. "Yeah?"
     I had to bite my tongue not to let my dislike for him take over, "could ya do me a favor and watch Cals for a minute? I'm bloody exhausted, and the other Shanks are, too."
     I could sense Minho starting to protest, but I shot him a glare, which shut him up for now.
     Felix still looked at me as if he waited for a shoe to drop, "Are you for real right now?"
     I nodded, not really able to believe it myself either. "Yeah."
     "Alright." The dark haired guy said eventually, the tiniest hint of a smile tugging on his lips. "I'll be right back."
     As Felix made his way to the bathroom, a pillow hit me on the back of my head. "What the hell, shank?" Minho bit at me once Felix had closed the door behind him. "Why did you do that?"
     I picked up the pillow and dropped it on a random bed. "Like I said, I need a nap."
     "I could watch her. Why ask that shuckface?"
     "Like you said, the shank comes here just to check up on her, let 'm have this. What's the worst that could happen anyway?"
     Minho glared at me, processing my words. "I'm still gonna watch him."
     I shrugged, "Good that." Even though I tried to act like it didn't matter to me, it did actually make me feel a bit better to know Minho would keep on eye on them. I shouldn't let myself be led by my jealousy, but fully trusting a random guy who showed up out of nowhere was never a good idea.
     "I can tell you are relieved I'm gonna keep an eye on them." Minho sounded smug, which really did not faze me anymore seeing his behavior the past day, it was better then the endless irritation and sarcasm. The sound of the bathroom door opening got both our attention. We looked at Felix walking our way before locking eyes again.
     "Whatever ya say, Pretty boy." I answered only half teasing, letting myself fall onto a bed on the other side of the room and pulling a blanket over my head to block out the light. Cally would be fine with Minho and the others looking after her, and I really needed to get some sleep.

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