At Luxford Academy, the elite boarding school for the ultra-rich, Adriana and Nicholas have been bitter rivals since childhood. Forced to live in the same dorm, their once-friendly pranks have escalated into daily clashes-sharp insults, constant bic...
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It's one of those mornings where I need to get out of my own head. The park seems like a good place to escape, with its quiet paths and the hum of city life just far enough away to feel like background noise. I didn't plan on being out here, just sort of ended up wandering, letting my feet guide me while my thoughts drifted.
As I round a corner, I spot a tall figure with a sleek black dog trotting beside him, its ears perked up and tail wagging slightly. The guy looks familiar—broad shoulders, dark hair, casual but somehow put together in a way that screams effortless confidence. It takes me a second, but then it clicks.
He's walking a Doberman, and the dog is all muscle and alertness, moving with the kind of grace that says it could outrun any squirrel in a heartbeat. Dom's wearing a plain gray T-shirt and jeans, nothing flashy, just like when I saw him at the bar. I hesitate, not sure if I should interrupt, but then he glances up and our eyes meet. His face breaks into that easy smile I remember.
"Ria," he calls, raising a hand in greeting. "Fancy meeting you here."
I smile back, feeling a little flutter of something—maybe surprise, maybe relief. "Hey, Dom. Didn't expect to see you out here with... what's his name?"
Dom looks down at the Doberman, who's now sitting obediently by his side, watching me with curious, dark eyes. "This is Zeus," he says, giving the dog a fond pat. "My partner in crime."
Zeus, fitting name. The dog looks every bit as regal and commanding as a god of thunder. "He's gorgeous," I say, holding out my hand for Zeus to sniff. He takes his time, nose twitching, before deeming me acceptable and leaning in for a quick head scratch.
Dom grins, clearly pleased. "He likes you. That's a good sign."
We fall into step together, Zeus walking between us like he's making sure we're both behaving. It's funny seeing Dom here, so different from the dim, introspective vibe of the bar. He seems more at ease, like he's in his element.
"So, what's the story with you and Zeus?" I ask, genuinely curious. "You always had him?"
Dom shakes his head. "No, got him about a year ago. Needed the company, I guess. Living alone can get... quiet, you know?"
I nod. "Yeah, I get that. I've got good parents, but they're back in Miami, so it's just me here. It's weird being on your own sometimes."
Dom glances over at me, his expression softening. "It's cool that your parents are supportive, though. Mine... well, they're not around. Been on my own for a while now."
I give him a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry. That must be tough."
He shrugs, like it's no big deal, but there's a flicker of something in his eyes. "It's alright. You get used to it. Zeus helps keep things interesting."
I watch as Dom reaches down to toss a stick, and Zeus bolts after it, all muscle and energy. There's something nice about seeing them together, like they've found a rhythm that works. I can't help but feel a little envious of their bond, uncomplicated and honest.