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Bella everything. Every single thing—about his entire family being vampires, Selene being a siren, and how they feed on only animals to which Jasper and the Siren were getting used to. And now suddenly, the Cullens were preparing food for the human girl who seemed not so terrified to be in a house full of human eating creatures.

"Is she even Italian?" Rosalie asks, annoyed by this whole situation of a human knowing their secret which could result terribly. "Her name is Bella." Emmett said in an obvious manner. "And according to Google it means beautiful in Italian." Selene poured the oil around the salad that Rosalie held, sitting down on the counter and slightly swung her legs in the air. "I'm sure she'll love it, no matter what." Carlisle says.

Rosalie lets out a sigh, "Get a whiff of that."

Bella stood behind Edward as they entered the room, Esme stepping over to the two first. "Bella, we're making Italiano for you"

"Bella, this is Esme. My mother of all intents and purposes." Edward introduced and Emmett waved over with the knife in his hand while Esme and Bella exchange words in Italian. The buff vampire earned a slap on the forearm from the Siren as the two weren't looking, scolding him. Who waves over to a human that just entered house full of vampires with a knife in his hand?!

"You've given us excuse to use the kitchen for the first time." Carlisle informs, "I hope you're hungry." Esme adds, to which Bella agrees with.

"She already ate."

Emmett and Selene sent each other a glance at Edward's words, speaking for Bella, as the small awkward silence was broken with Rosalie breaking the bowl of salad in her hands, glass sprawling on the floor. "My food," Selene pouts, her glance to Rosalie stepping over on the glass. "Perfect." The blonde vampire began, Emmett handing a place of cooked chicken to Selene and stepping over to his girlfriend. "Yeah, It's just because I know you guys don't eat—"

"Hey, I eat!" Selene argues, earning a small tap on the shoulder by Carlisle as he stepped over to his wife, "Of course, it's very considerate of you."

"Just ignore Rosalie. I do." Edward mumbles over to Bella. "Let's just keep pretending like this isn't dangerous for all of us." Rosalie added.

"I would never tell anybody." Bella assures with a shook of her head. "She knows that." Carlisle declared, turning his glance to Rosalie. "Yeah, well, the problem is, you two have gone public now, so..." Emmett continued, earning Esme's call on his name. "No, she should know,"

"Rose," Selene called out, earning an ignore in respond as Rosalie continued, "The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly."

"Badly, as in...I would become the meal."

Everyone snickered at her casual statement and Alice joined the conversation with Jasper by her side. "I'm Alice," She introduces and hugs the girl, but quickly backs away. "Oh. You do smell good."

Selene tilted her head to the side in confusion with furrowed eyebrows, this just got even more awkward. "Alice, what are you—"

"It's okay. Bella and I are gonna be great friends." Alice revealed. Carlisle introduced Jasper and by his expression, he really tried hard not to rip Bella's head off and feed on her blood. "It's okay, Jasper. You won't hurt her."

Edward seemed flabbergasted by Alice's statement. "Weird. Anyways...I'm going for a walk, because this just got super awkward." Selene jumped off the counter and tilted her head quickly to the side, motioning for Edward to get Bella away from the room as he understood. "You did great." Selene whispered kindly, patting Bella's shoulder and exciting the room.

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