The Intruders Of Cognition

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In the labyrinthine corridors of my consciousness, a sinister awareness grows

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In the labyrinthine corridors of my consciousness, a sinister awareness grows. It starts as a whisper, a fleeting thought that seems innocuous at first. But soon, it multiplies, divides, and infects every corner of my mind.

These thoughts... they wear my voice, but they are not my own. They slither through the synapses of my brain, leaving trails of doubt and paranoia in their wake. I try to grasp at what I once knew to be true, but my certainties crumble like sand through desperate fingers.

Days blur into nights, and I find myself a stranger in my own skull. The mirror reflects a face I no longer recognize, eyes wild with a madness I cannot comprehend. Who is puppeteering this flesh? Whose will drives these hands that I once called mine?

In moments of lucidity, I claw at the walls of my psyche, trying to excavate the original 'me' buried beneath layers of invasive cognitions. But the more I dig, the deeper the foreign roots seem to go. Have they always been there, lying dormant, waiting for the right moment to bloom into this monstrous garden of insanity?

Sleep offers no respite. In dreams, I see vast networks of pulsing, alien synapses overlaying my own. They whisper of cosmic horrors and truths too terrible to comprehend. I wake screaming, only to find the whispers have followed me into the waking world.

Reality bends and warps around me. The boundaries between what is and what isn't blur into a nightmarish tapestry. I watch helplessly as my body moves of its own accord, driven by thoughts I cannot claim as my own. Am I the victim of some eldritch possession, or is this the true face of madness?

In rare moments of clarity, a chilling thought occurs: what if this has always been the case? What if our minds have never truly been our own? What if we are all merely vessels for something greater, more terrible, and utterly incomprehensible?

As I pen these words, I feel the alien presence growing stronger. It knows I'm trying to warn others, to leave some trace of my true self behind. But it's too late. The intruders have taken hold, and I am lost in the vast, terrifying expanse of a mind no longer my own.

Remember, dear reader, when the thoughts come... when you feel that slight shift in your perception... ask yourself: are these thoughts truly yours? Or have the intruders found you too?

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