The Doctor And The Poet

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She sat there,the poet,cloaked in her grief like armor,her heart tethered to the past,to a love long lost but never let go

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She sat there,
the poet,
cloaked in her grief like armor,
her heart tethered to the past,
to a love long lost but never let go.
Her words were heavy,
dripping with sorrow,
each line a lament,
a requiem for the love she buried
but refused to leave behind.
And I,
the doctor,
stood before her,
knowing that no soft touch,
no gentle word,
could cut through the chains she had wrapped around herself.

I had to be the storm.
I had to be the force
that would tear her open,
the enemy she would despise.


“You’re killing yourself,” I said,
and she flinched,
her eyes narrowing,
her jaw tightening.
“You sit there,
writing your misery into poetry,
as if your pain makes you special,
as if holding onto him—
to that memory—
gives your life meaning.”

Her silence was a blade,
sharp and cold.
But I wasn’t done.
I couldn’t be.

“Do you think he’d want this?” I spat,
leaning closer,
watching the fury rise in her eyes.
“The man you loved—
do you think he’d want you to rot away like this?
Do you think he’d want you to die with him?”
Her breath caught,
and I could feel the storm brewing,
the fury building behind her trembling hands.


“You don’t know him,” she hissed,
her voice cracking like thunder,
her fists clenched so tight
her knuckles turned white.
“You don’t know what he meant to me.”
Her words were venom,
dripping with rage,
and for a moment,
I thought she might strike me.

But I had to keep pushing.
I had to make her hate me.
I had to become the force
that would shatter her world.

“I don’t need to know him,” I said,
my voice hard,
“I know you.
And I know what you’re doing.
You’re using him—using his memory—
as an excuse to avoid living.
You’re hiding behind your grief,
letting it consume you,
because you’re too afraid to face the truth.”

Her face twisted in fury,
her eyes burning with hatred.
I could see it,
the fire in her,
the rage that had been buried beneath her sorrow,
the storm I had unleashed.


“You don’t know anything,” she snapped,
rising to her feet,
her whole body shaking with anger.
“He was my everything.
He was the only thing that mattered.
I loved him—
I still love him.
And you—”
Her voice broke,
tears brimming in her eyes.
“You have no right to tell me how to feel.”

But I did.
I had to.
Because I wasn’t here to comfort her,
to tell her it was going to be okay.
I was here to make her face the truth,
even if it tore her apart.

“You think this is love?” I demanded,
stepping closer,
my voice rising with intensity.
“This isn’t love.
This is an obsession.
You’ve tied yourself to a ghost,
to a memory that no longer exists,
and it’s dragging you down.
You’re not living—
you’re drowning.”


She recoiled,
her face pale with fury,
her breath coming in short, sharp gasps.
“You bastard,” she whispered,
her voice trembling with rage.
“I hate you.”

I said nothing.
I didn’t flinch.
I knew this was coming,
knew that I had to be the one she would hate.
I had to be the villain in her story,
the enemy who shattered her delusions.
Only then could she face the truth
she had been running from.


“I hate you,” she said again,
her voice louder now,
her body vibrating with anger.
“You don’t know what it’s like.
You don’t know what it feels like
to lose someone and never get them back.”

“I know exactly what it feels like,” I replied,
my voice steady,
“I know how it feels to lose someone
and think you’ll never survive it.
But you can’t let it destroy you.
You can’t let it become the only thing you are.”

She stood there,
staring at me,
her chest heaving with the weight of her anger,
her pain.
I could see it in her eyes—
the storm,
the battle raging inside her,
the war between holding on
and letting go.


“Get out,” she said,
her voice cold,
“Get out,
and don’t ever come back.”

And then she stormed out,
her footsteps echoing down the hallway,
the sound of her anger still ringing in my ears.

I stood there,
watching her leave,
knowing that I had done what needed to be done.
She hated me now,
and she would hate me for a long time.
But I knew,
deep down,
that something had stirred in her.
Something had cracked.
The truth,
the storm inside her—
it had been unleashed.


The Hope Beyond the Storm…

She was gone,
but I wasn’t worried.
I had done my part.
I had ripped open the wounds
she had been nursing for so long,
made her confront the reality
she had been avoiding.
She could hate me.
She could despise me.
But I had planted the seed of truth,
and it would grow.
She couldn’t hide from it anymore.

I wasn’t her savior.
I was never meant to be.
I was the storm that broke her,
the enemy she needed
to set herself free.


And maybe,
just maybe,
she would find her way
out of the darkness.
Even if she hated me for it.

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