Venom In The Veins

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You whispered promises once,
with lips that tasted of sweet poison.
I drank it all down,
never suspecting the venom beneath your words,
the lies that coiled around your tongue,
waiting to strike.
You loved me, you said,
but it was never love,
not really.
It was need,
it was hunger-
a thirst for something I could never give,
something that was never yours to take.


It started small, didn't it?
A touch too late,
a glance that lingered a little too long,
a lie that slipped out easily
and went unnoticed at first.
I should have known,
but love blinds you,
makes you see what isn't there.
I wanted to believe you,
to believe that your heart was still mine.
But I felt it-
the shift,
the way you pulled away,
the way your eyes sought another
even when you lay beside me.


The poison grew,
a slow, creeping thing,
slithering through the veins of our love.
I didn't see it at first,
didn't feel the venom sinking into my skin,
into my heart.
But I feel it now,
burning beneath the surface,
a fire that cannot be quenched.
It pulses through me,
with every beat of my heart,
with every breath I take.


The Story Turns Dark...

You thought you could get away with it.
Didn't you?
You thought I wouldn't notice,
that I would never know
how you slipped away in the night,
how you gave to another
what you promised was mine.
But I knew.
I always knew.
The venom told me,
its whispers growing louder,
as it coursed through my veins.

I let it grow.
I let it fester,
feeding the fire,
feeding the rage.
It became my companion,
the venom,
filling the emptiness you left behind.
It whispered to me in the dark,
told me what I needed to do.
Told me how to make you feel
what I felt.


The Poem's Crescendo...

I found you,
with him,
as if I had never existed.
As if my heart had never been yours to hold.
The venom surged,
hot and sharp,
its claws digging into my chest.
I watched you,
watched the way your hand touched his,
the way your lips met his-
and I knew.
I knew that you would pay.


The venom has a life of its own now.
It pulses in my blood,
in my bones,
whispering revenge with every beat of my heart.
I came to you,
and you smiled at me,
like you always did,
with that same false warmth,
that same honeyed poison.
But this time,
I smiled back.
This time,
I held the venom in my veins,


You didn't see it coming,
did you?
The way my touch burned,
the way my kiss stung,
as if it were laced with the same venom
you had fed me all along.
But now,
now the poison is yours to taste.
You drank from the same cup I did,
felt the same fire that consumed me.


The Final Revenge...

I watched as it took hold of you,
slow at first,
a twinge of doubt,
a flicker of fear.
And then it grew,
spreading like wildfire,
turning your skin pale,
your lips blue.
You looked at me,
eyes wide,
as if I could save you,
as if you had not done this to yourself.

The venom doesn't forgive.
It doesn't forget.
And neither do I.
You can feel it now,
can't you?
The way it eats at you from the inside,
the way it burns through your veins,
the way it claims every part of you,
until there's nothing left
but the pain.


You thought you could leave me,
thought you could betray me,
without consequence.
But love-
love has a way of leaving its mark.
And now,
you bear the mark I left on you.
The venom is in your veins now,
coursing through your blood,
feeding on your deceit,
your lies.
You belong to it now,
just as I once did.


So go to him,
run to his arms,
let him hold you
as the venom takes you.
Let him see what you've become,
what you've done.
Let him feel the weight of your sins
as they poison everything you touch.

I'll be watching,
from the shadows,
as the venom consumes you.
I'll be waiting,
for the moment you fall,
the moment you realize
that love,
like venom,
can kill.


The End...

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