The Devouring Heart

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It began as all loves do,
with sweetness, with promise,
with that first stolen glance across the room,
that spark, that heat in the chest.
We thought it was love.
We thought it was something pure,
but we did not know
what lay beneath the surface,
the hunger that grew quietly inside.

At first, I felt it only in small ways—
a longing for you that never seemed to be satisfied.
The more I had you,
the more I needed.
Your touch was not enough,
your words never filled me completely.
I began to crave more.
You were everything I wanted,
and yet,
nothing you gave could quench the fire in my heart.


The Story Begins…

I remember the first time I realized something was wrong. We were lying together, your head resting against my chest, our bodies warm beneath the blankets. But my heart—my heart was pounding too fast, too hard. It felt… heavy. I told myself it was just love, just the intensity of my feelings for you, but deep down, I knew it was something more.

You noticed it too, didn’t you?
The way I clung to you,
the way I held you just a little too tightly.
You said you liked it, at first.
It made you feel wanted, needed.
But then, you began to pull away.
Just a little.
Just enough for me to feel the distance.


The Poem Continues…

But love—real love—shouldn’t hurt,
shouldn’t consume.
And yet,
the more I loved you,
the more I felt the gnawing inside.
It was as if my heart had grown teeth,
sharp and insistent,
gnashing at my chest,
demanding more of you,
more than you could give.

I tried to hide it.
I told myself it was normal,
this ache, this need.
But soon, it became unbearable.
You would touch me,
and I would feel the hunger grow stronger,
like a beast trapped within my ribs,
its claws scraping at the bones,
its mouth watering for more than just love.
It wanted to consume you,
to devour every piece of you.


The Story Deepens…

You started to notice the changes.
I saw it in your eyes, the way you would look at me when you thought I wasn’t watching. You’d touch my chest and pull your hand back,
as if you could feel it—the weight, the heat beneath my skin.

My heart wasn’t just beating anymore. It was throbbing, pulsing,
like something alive and separate from me.

One night, I woke up gasping for air.
The hunger had spread. It wasn’t just in my heart anymore; it was in my veins, in my bones.
I reached for you, and for a moment,
I thought I would crush you, tear you apart, just to quiet the beast inside.


The Poem Turns Dark…

I loved you—
I still do.
But my love had become something else.
It had grown monstrous,
a ravenous thing that could not be sated.
Your touch, once so sweet,
now felt like fuel for the fire.
Every time you looked at me,
I felt my heart swell,
its hunger gnawing at the edges of my sanity.
I wanted you closer,
always closer,
until I realized…
I wanted you inside me.


The Horror Unfolds…

I didn’t mean to hurt you.
I swear I didn’t.
But the hunger—
it took over.
It wasn’t just love anymore.
It was need,
a dark, insatiable need
that devoured reason,
that fed on fear and desperation.

I remember the night it happened.
You were leaving,
just for a moment,
just to get some air,
but I couldn’t let you go.
My hands found yours,
pulled you back,
and I kissed you—
harder than I ever had before.

You tried to pull away,
but my heart,
that monstrous thing inside my chest,
was pounding so loud,
so fast,
I couldn’t stop.
I could feel it—
the claws tearing through my skin,
the teeth sinking into my chest.
It was as if my heart had come alive,
and it wanted to consume you whole.


The Poem’s Crescendo…

I held you tighter,
as the beast inside me roared.
Your breath caught,
your eyes wide with fear,
and in that moment,
I realized—
I was losing you.
Not because you were leaving,
but because I was taking you,
devouring you.

Your warmth—
it filled me,
filled the void,
if only for a moment.
But even as I held you close,
I could feel the hunger returning,

I loved you,
but love was not enough.
I needed all of you.
And so,
I let the beast inside me
take what it wanted.


The Final Realization…

You’re gone now.
I don’t know where you went,
or maybe I do.
I can still feel you,
inside me,
beneath my skin,
your warmth feeding the hunger
that never truly dies.

My heart is quieter now,
but not for long.
The hunger will return,
and I know,
deep down,
I will find someone else to love,
someone else to devour.
Because that’s what love is,
isn’t it?
A hunger that never ends,
a fire that burns,
a heart that devours
until there’s nothing left but ashes.


The End… For Now.

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