Hunters Of The Night

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They come when the moon hangs low,
when the earth sighs under the weight of darkness,
and the winds carry no name but silence.
They are not seen, yet always felt—
like a breath on the back of your neck
when the world has grown too still.
You know them, though you have never met their eyes.
Eyes are not needed to know fear.
Fear has a taste, a scent,
it is thick in the throat, sour on the tongue,
and in the deepest part of you, you are already prey.

The hunters move in shadows,
but not of the forest or the night—
they slip through the shadows of your mind,
hunting not with claws or teeth,
but with whispers, with the promise
that you were always meant to be devoured.
Their hunger is not for flesh—
no, flesh is the vessel,
but what they seek is the tremble beneath it,
the pulse that quickens when you know you are watched.

They hunt for your soul.


You walk alone, don’t you?
In the night, beneath the stars, thinking yourself safe,
thinking that the darkness holds no power over you.
But you are wrong.
For the night is alive,
and it watches, waits, listens—
it is patient, for it knows you will falter.
You always do.
The night does not hurry, it has no need.
Its hunters know that you, too, are a hunter,
though you hunt for something smaller—
for power, for control,
for the illusion that you command your own fate.

The truth?
The hunters are amused.
They watch you with quiet smiles,
their breath as cold as the wind that slips through the trees.
They have seen your kind before—
so many times,
men and women who think they walk the earth unclaimed,
as though you are not already marked.
You carry their scent in your skin,
you have since the first breath you took in this world.
Did you think you belonged to yourself?
Did you think your body was your own?

Foolish, foolish prey.


They circle now, closing in.
Can you feel them?
That prickle on your skin, the tightening of your chest,
the way your heart pounds faster in your ribcage,
a silent drum that calls to them.
You are already theirs, and deep down, you know it.
There is no shame in fear—
it is the oldest emotion,
the first taste of life when we are born
and the last when we die.
Fear feeds them.
It feeds the hunters more than blood, more than flesh,
more than the warm pulse of a throat beneath their teeth.
It is your terror they crave,
the moment when you surrender,
when you give in,
when you realize that nothing can save you.

And in that moment,
they will devour you.


But it is not just the terror, is it?
There is more, isn’t there?
More beneath the surface, deeper than the fear.
There is a thrill, isn’t there?
A spark that ignites when the darkness closes in,
when you know you are being hunted.
Yes, that’s it.
It isn’t only fear—
it’s desire.
The hunters know this too.
They have felt it in you long before you did,
they have watched the way you have danced with the night,
the way you have flirted with your own destruction.
Oh, you think you fear them,
but the truth is far more twisted.

You want them to find you.


You think of them as monsters,
but monsters are simple things,
creatures of teeth and claws.
These hunters are something more,
something darker,
something you cannot name—
because you have always longed for them.
Yes, you have.
In your dreams, in your waking hours,
when you stand on the edge of reason,
when your breath quickens and your skin prickles,
you want the hunt to begin.

It is seductive, isn’t it?
The idea of being caught.
The thrill of losing yourself
to something greater, darker,
to something that knows you better than you know yourself.
The night is not your enemy.
It is your lover, your master,
and you have been waiting for it all your life.

The hunters are here,
and you—
you are ready to be found.


They move in silence,
but you feel them in every step you take.
The weight of the night is heavy on your shoulders,
and yet, you keep walking.
Do you walk faster?
Or do you slow down,
knowing they are closing in,
knowing that you cannot escape?
It doesn’t matter.
They do not rush.
They have already won.

You can smell the earth, wet and cold,
feel the pull of gravity as it beckons you to fall,
but still you walk,
as though walking will save you.
You fool yourself into thinking that there is hope.
But hope?
Hope is a fleeting thing,
a candle flame in a windstorm.
And here, in this place,
in the shadows of the night,
there is no wind,
only the silence of your surrender.


The hunters are closer now,
their breath on your skin,
their whispers in your ear.
But you do not run.
No, you cannot run.
Because what is there to run from?
What is there to flee
when it is not just them you fear,
but yourself?

You were never running from the hunters.
You were always running from the truth—
that deep down,
you wanted to be caught.

And now,
the night has come for you.


In the final moment,
when the world narrows to a single point,
when the darkness swallows you whole,
there is no pain,
only the soft, quiet realization
that this—
this is what you wanted all along.

And the hunters,
they smile.

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