The Echo Of Love

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I remember your laughter,
how it filled the room like sunlight,
how it warmed my skin,
how it lingered in the air long after you had gone.
But now,
your voice is a shadow,
a hollow echo
that bounces off the walls of my mind,
fading with every breath I take.

You were once flesh,
once warm,
once mine.
But now,
now you are something else—
something distant,
something cold.
I try to reach for you,
but my hands pass through air.
You are gone,
and yet,
you are still here,
whispering in the dark,
calling my name.


The Story Begins…

They told me to let you go,
said that death was a part of life,
that grief would fade
with time.
But time—
time has only deepened the wound,
only made your absence
more unbearable.
I couldn’t let you go,
I wouldn’t.
I sought out the ancient rites,
the forbidden spells,
the rituals whispered in dark corners
where the living and the dead

I thought I could bring you back.
I thought love was stronger than death.
But love—
love is not what came back to me.


You returned,
but not as I remembered.
Your eyes,
once so full of life,
were empty,
glazed over with a cold that chilled me to the bone.
Your smile,
that sweet, tender smile,
was gone.
In its place
was a hollow curve,
a shadow of the warmth you once had.
You stood before me,
but I knew,
even then,
that you were not truly there.

I called your name,
but the voice that answered
was not yours.
It was an echo,
a faint, distorted reflection
of the love we once shared.


The Descent Into Horror…

I tried to hold you,
but your touch was wrong,
too cold,
too still.
The heartbeat that I once knew,
that I had laid my head against
so many nights,
was silent.
You were with me,
and yet,
you were not.
I had called you back
from the darkness,
but what had returned
was not the woman I loved.


I thought I could fill you again,
thought that if I loved you enough,
if I held you close,
you would remember
what it was to live,
what it was to love.
But the more I tried,
the more distant you became.
You were slipping away,
fading into the shadows,
becoming less,
becoming nothing.

I begged you to stay,
pleaded for you to speak to me,
to tell me you still loved me.
But the words that came from your lips
were hollow,
a mere echo
of what we once had.


The Final Realization…

I see it now.
I see that what I have done
was not an act of love,
but of selfishness.
I couldn’t bear to let you go,
couldn’t bear to live
without you.
But in my desperation,
I brought you back
as something twisted,
something wrong.

You are not her.
You are not the woman I loved.
You are a shadow,
an echo,
a ghost that wears her face
but carries none of her warmth.
I called you back,
but in doing so,
I lost you forever.


The End… For Now.

You stand before me still,
But I cannot bring myself
to send you away.
I know you are not her,
but you are all I have left.
So I will keep you,
this echo of love,
this hollow shell,
until the day comes
when I no longer hear your voice
whispering in the dark.


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