The End? Oh No Baby, This is the Beginning

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Smoke, it was everywhere. Explosions had been happening for a month straight now because the whole world was at war. You and Ateez had been working on interdimensional travel, for a long time now. Everyday you woke up anxious that it would be your last, that you would never see them again. Your boys mean so much to you, that very thought broke you. All of these thoughts ran through your head as the facility alarm blared over the speakers. You ran towards the control room unaware of what was happening. As you entered the control room, you were met by solemn faces. Your heart is pounding, and it was as if the air had been snatched from your lungs,

"What's happened?" You questioned quietly

They looked at you sadly and Hongjoong takes your hands in his. "We knew this would eventually happen." He says gently

"No, what do you mean? The machine is not ready it can only carry one, there are 9 of us!" You shout hysterically

"Shhhh it's OK y/n. We all decided you should be the one to escape....we don't have much time." He says pulling you towards the machine.

You struggle against his hold, flailing and digging your heels in. "No, I won't let you do this! I won't leave you all to die! Why must you always play hero, Kim Hongjoong!?"

San quickly moves forward and picks up your legs. "Sweetheart, this is the best solution we could come up with, we want you to live."

"Shut the fuck up. Why would I want to live in a world where you are not?" You sob as the two men force you into the travel pod. You bang on the thick glass of the pod in vain. " Please don't do this" you say covered in tears and snot.

"I'm sorry princess, it has to be like this. Find us in the other world, our story doesn't have to end here." Seonghwa says

You put your hand against the glass. " I love y-" An enormous blast rips through the lab as your pod barely manage to escape to your unwanted new home.

As you come to, the pod door unlocks and you stumble out of it. Your eyes widen as you take in your new surroundings. At first, you think there is a possibility that it didn't work. This area around you was so rundown it very well could be a war zone. "Guys? Hongjoong!? Is there anyone out there?" You called.

You were so concerned with looking for your boys you weren't fully paying attention to your surroundings. You wind up tripping over something large, and faceplanting in the street. You get up and brush yourself off. What the fuck was that? You ask yourself. You walk over to examine the object only to realize its a person, and not just any person it's you. Holy shit! Is she dead? You take a closer look and realize that you, well not you, is definitely dead. You are so overwhelmed. You realize how close she is the pod. I must have hit her coming in. The universes way of correcting imbalance. As you investigate the body in front you, you don't realize someone is watching you. Suddenly you are jerked backwards and something cold and sharp is pressed firmly against your throat.

"I was sent here to kill her, but it appears somebody beat me to the punch." A familiar but slightly cold voice says from behind you. You almost forget to breathe San!? You almost call out to him, but then you remember, this is not your San. This San does not know you. He grips your shoulders harshly and spins you around his knife still pointed dangerously close you. " You wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you? Hold on....what the Hell? But your dead over there, are you not?" His fingers dig into your shoulders painfully, as he scans your appearance. Your face is tear stained and swollen and you have a bewildered expression on your face. He makes a sound as he must have somehow found something. "You shouldn't be crying....where is your implant? Mingi! Get your ass overhere" San shouts.

Mingi skids into views. "What's happened?" He asks, then he looks from you to the dead girl on the ground. You could feel the utter confusion radiating off of him. "What the fuck?"

"I don't know but we are about to get to the bottom of this." San responds gruffly " get pictures of that strange vehicle overthere. I'm gonna blindfold this one. He pulls something out of his bag and you snap out of your shocked stupor. "Wait I mean no harm. I have no idea what's going but is this really necessary?" You say backing away from him a bit. Surely this San can't be that different, I can reason with him.

You were wrong, you now lay on the dirty ground. Not only were you blindfolded, you were now also restrained. It could not possibly get any worse. You tried read his emotions but they were all over the place and of no help to you.

"Mingi pick up the body and I'll carry the woman." He says throwing you over his shoulder. "The others want to see this, they will know what to do"

" What are you going to do with me?" You ask almost afraid of the answer.

"That's not up to me to decide, that's captain's decision" he answered leaving no room for argument.

He carried you for felt like hours, and with all the twist and turns he took it would be impossible to ever find your way back to where you started. Finally San slows to a halt and you can hear him knocking on a metal surface in a specific pattern. You can hear the heavy sound of very large doors or a wall moving, and then San begins to descend down a long staircase.

San comes to an abrupt stop as the sound of Seonghwa's voice rang through the air. "What the Hell do you think you're doing, San!? You brought someone here of all places!"

"Wait you're gonna want to see this!" Mingi says hastily as he dumps the body on the floor. San sets you on your feet and yank the blindfold off your face.

"Well, well, well it appears we all have much to discuss" You almost gasp at how cold Hongjoong's voice sounds in this world.

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