Explosives and a Frozen Wooyoung

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This chapter contains graphic material concerning experiments on humans, mentions of being drugged, murder, and an implied PTSD episode

Wooyoung tried to keep up appearances for the sake of the mission but internally, he was shaken to core. Maybe it was because he hadn't thought of it for a while, or maybe it was because they hadn't seen it since he joined the team but whatever the reason, Wooyoung never thought he'd hear about those experiments again. For a moment, he got lost in the past.

He was just a kid, maybe 16. They told him he going to be taking skills assessment, but he arrived he was drugged and when he awoke his implant was gone. At first, he had been overwhelmed with all the new emotions, and new thoughts surrounding them. However after being locked in a cell alone for several days he adapted rather quickly.

After some time, a man in a lab coat came to retrieve him.
"Come Wooyoung"

"Wooyoung! Hello Earth to Wooyoung!"

"Huh? Shit sorry Seonghwa, sorry I guess I must have spaced out." Wooyoung said plastering a fake smile on his face

"It's fine just focus, you are their eyes and ears on this mission."

"Yes of course, I know that."

"Hey are you ok?" Seonghwa ask with a look of concern

"Pssshhh I'm fine, mother" He said mockingly

"You don't have to be such a brat, I was just checking you. You look like shit."

"Oh gee thanks" Wooyoung says bitterly while rolling his eyes.

"If you two are done bickering, we have a job to do." Hongjoong says annoyed over the communicator. San and Yeosang have made it inside."

"San? I've taken out the monitors for the cameras in the building, the person able to see what the cameras see is me, for now. There are only a few guards in the vencinty and it shouldn't prove to an issue for you." Wooyoung says monitoring the area. He watches as San easily takes out two guards, their blood splatters on him but he doesn't even flinch. " You and Yeosang should split up. Yeosang the lab is on the basement floor, and it is heavily guarded. You should find a good place out of sight and wait for my signal." Wooyoung cautioned

"Will do" Yeosang responds as he hand San a sticky bomb before heads down to the basement.

"Captain, Yeosang is gonna need a distraction."

"On it, now by distraction do you mean a small one or a big one? Aw fuck it! Mingi let's make a mess."

Mingi and Hongjoong immediately begin firing at the guards outside, while making they remain alive to call for help. Wooyoung splits his attention between three screens. San has finished setting the sticky bomb. As the basement empties out, Wooyoung is about to give the signal, when something catches his eye. A man in a lab coat is going around to the test subjects and injecting some of them with something.

Suddenly Wooyoung is very far away and lost. They had been performing horrible tests on him for weeks. He wanted to go home. The other kids wanted to go home too, and they all kept begging. The man in the lab coat kept promising them that it would be all over soon. They would be relieved when he said not realizing what it really meant, but one day Wooyoung saw it for himself first hand what it really meant. A boy around his age, was strapped in the chair next to him. He lost his mind literally, he couldn't be calmed or reasoned with. The scientist ran over and injected him with something and the boy went completely still and was slumped over. The told Wooyoung that he was just sedated,  but Wooyoung wasn't dumb, he just knew the boy was dead.

"God Damn it Wooyoung give the signal" Seonghwa shouts

"Wooyoung what are you doing!? We are getting fucking murdered out here" Hongjoong's voice echoes over the communicator

Wooyoung just sits there shaking and staring wide eyed. Seonghwa can't take his inaction any longer. He doesn't know what's going on but it's interfering with the mission. He makes eye contact Yunho and gestures towards Wooyoung who is frozen, locked somewhere in his mind. Yunho nods and yanks Wooyoung out on the control chair, and out of the room.

Seonghwa immediately takes over. "Yeosang there aren't going to be any survivors plant damn bombs and get the Hell out of there! San detonate it now"

Out in the hall still out of it Wooyoung fights Yunho. He twists in his hold and lands a hard punch to Yunho's face. "Let me go I won't let you hurt me! I want to live!" He screamed.

"Ow what the fuck was that for! Wooyoung snap out of it." Yunho shouts as he dodges yet another punch, Wooyoung is not responsive to Yunho's pleas. He believes he is fighting the scientists from his past. After getting hit a second time Yunho has had enough, he flips Wooyoung off his feet and his back makes contact with the floor hard knocking the wind out of him. Yunho loses his balance and lands on top of him.

The fight leaves Wooyoung almost immediately, and he begins to cry. "I'm s-so sorry" He says pitifully

Yunho is stunned. In all the time he had known Wooyoung, he's never seen him like this. He usually always laughing, joking, or being a sarcastic brat. He doesn't know what to make of this.

"The mission was a success, they're heading back." Seonghwa says though he doesn't look happy as he approaches them. "Mingi is wounded. Yunho get him cleaned up" he says pointing at Wooyoung. "I have to go get Doc."

Yunho gently helps his fragile friend off the ground. "They are going to be so mad" Wooyoung whispers sounding painfully vulnerable.

"No, shit happens Woo, they'll understand. It wasn't your fault. However, you should talk to someone about what happened to you back then."

"Don't. I-I can't do that." He says with a shaken voice

Yunho could tell Wooyoung was still very upset and would not be receptive to pushing the topic further, so he decided to drop the topic for now. "It's OK, here let's get you cleaned up" said handing him some tissues. "We will probably have a meeting when they get here after everything is settled."

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