A Confusing Mess

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You are harshly pushed into the nearest chair. "Start talking, or you'll wish you had." Hongjoong growled out dangerously.

"I-I don't know where to s-start" you stutter out terrified

"Hmmmm I don't know how about you lead with your fucking name, and what is going on here!" Hongjoong wasn't sure why it felt so wrong looking at you and your dead body but clearly he knew something about this situation was wrong subconsciously at least.

Should I tell them the truth? I doubt they'll believe me but I can't lie-

"We are waiting, princess." Seonghwa sneered

"My name is y/n, and believe or not, I'm not supposed to be here."

"What does that mean?" Yeosang asked

"You all wouldn't believe me even if I told you" You look around and realize they are all glaring at you and you know they aren't going to accept that response. "Fuck it here goes nothing, I'm from a different dimension."

The room goes silent, and suddenly Wooyoung starts laughing. "Do they really expect us to believe this crazy bullshit. I mean really, they don't really think we're that stupid, right?"

You tilt your head in confusion. "They? I'm afraid I don't understand what you are talking about. Who is this 'they'?"

Wooyoung and Yeosang exchange looks. "The government of course. I'll humor you though. Say you did come from another dimension, how did you get here? Why did you come here?"

You look at Wooyoung, as you read his emotions you can tell he is the least suspicious of you despite his words. If you were to influence him just slightly you may wind up with ally in this interrogation. "My world was coming an end." you say sadly " I was close to your counterparts....they sacrificed everything to send me here. The white vehicle Mingi took pictures of is the pod I arrived in. It's damaged beyond all repair or recognition"

"Let me see" Wooyoung says snatching the memory card with the picture from Mingi. He immediately pulls it up on his computer. "Woah I've never seen anything like this before. You two dummies didn't leave this thing out in the open did you?" Wooyoung asks sternly

"No, no, no of course not. I had Mingi camouflaged it before we left." San says looking a little offended

"We have to figure out a way to get back here. Yunho? Have you finished tweaking that scanner thingy?" Wooyoung asked

"Scanner thingy? You mean the digital backpack? Yes, but I have never tried to store something that big."

"Well we can't just leave it out there. If it's really what she says it would be completely disastrous if it wound up in the wrong hands. Besides, I'm dying to tinker with it, aren't you?"

"Another dimension, eh?" Hongjoong asks "I can't say I fully believe you, you must admit it is a crazy story. However, I will allow you to live.....for now. If we retrieve this machine and it appears to be as you say nobody need to be hurt, but if you're found to be lying, you'll wish you were dead. Mingi?"

"Yes Captain?"

"Take our guest down to the pit until this matter is fully investigated. We will take turns guarding her cell. You take first watch, the rest of us will go back for the pod"

"Understood." He said moving towards you. This time you don't put up a fight as you knew it would be futile.

As Mingi leads you out of the room you hear Hongjoong ordering San to do something with the body. He leads you further underground to dark and damp room similar to a basement. There are chains hanging from the walls and a primitive toilet along the far wall. You look around for any weak points that you can exploit to escape but you see nothing. There is only one entry point and there are no windows or any sign of the surface world. Mingi chains you up and at first the two of you sit in awkward silence and he just sits in a metal folding chair, and just stares at you. You try to ignore his stare and focus on the wall but it doesn't last long.

"Must you stare? Where am I really going here?" You say gesturing to the chains

"Order are orders, girl. Captain said to watch you and that's what I'm gonna do."

" I have a name you know? It y/ n, not girl"

"Fine y/n, stop talking you are annoying me."

You try not to his words personally reminding yourself that he is not the Mingi you know, but he looks just like him, and sounds just like him. It's too much. It hurts. Everything that happened today finally crashes down all around you. Tears stream down your face uncontrollably and your breathing comes in fast sharp gasps. Your chest hurts.

"Are you crying!?" Mingi says in disbelief "Hey stop that! I didn't mean.....I mean I don't want.....just don't cry ok" He says flustered. For a moment you feel a guilty emotion flicker through him. Perhaps he isn't as cold as he seems you think to yourself.

"How can I not? I'm so overwhelmed and it's frightening"

Mingi is taken a back by your honest confession. Emotions are not really a thing here, in fact most of the inhabitants of this world do not feel emotions let alone discuss them. He is confused. You decide to use your ability to influence his feelings towards you. You plant feeling of sympathy, and mild feelings of trust.

"Hey its ok, if you were being truthful, then you have nothing to worry about. Captain is not as scary as he seems, he's a fair man."

"Does that mean you all might be willing to let me go?" You ask full of hope, only to immediately have said hope dashed.

Mingi grimaced "Letting you go is not an option but perhaps you can join us and make yourself useful."

"Join you? I don't even know what you do."

"It's a great cause y/n I promise, just behave and nothing bad has to happen."

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