Bombshells All Around

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You and San sat and chatted for what seemed like hours. You felt so relaxed around him maybe a bit too relaxed as you tell him things you hadn't even thought about telling the others. Up until this point, you had kept conversations about your past, strictly to retelling stories about yourself and their alter selves. You purposely avoided talking about your abilities, their abilities and any topics that might paint you in a negative light. However, when he made a seemingly harmless comment, you were startled by it and it made you feel a little guilty.

"Things have been so mellow since you have been here. Everyone seems to get along much better, there isn't as much fighting. It's amazing really, maybe you're magic y/n" He said.

Your smile drops as he finishes. How long can I keep this to myself? They have been so kind, it's wrong to lie to them. You think to yourself. You had been trying to make a conscious effort not to mess with their emotions as much as possible but sometimes you felt it was unavoidable. Just two days ago, you used your ability to influence Yunho and Mingi's whole entire mood because they were fist fighting. You hated seeing them at each other's throats. A day before that you influenced Seonghwa on accident he was stressed and looked so tired, so you influenced him into a state of calm. He woke the next morning telling everyone he hadn't slept that well in ages. You told yourself at the time that what you were doing was necessary but now you aren't so sure. At the end of the day, you were influencing their feelings without consent and it left a bitter taste in your mouth.

You looked like a deer in the headlights and this caused San to become concerned by your sudden change in mood. " y/n are you ok? Is something bothering you?"

You anxiety ramped up with his question. You knew you must look like a wreck you felt like one.

"You know, you can talk to me" He said looking thoughtful "I swear I won't judge"

"I think you all give me far too much credit. I'm not this amazing or pure person, I think you all see me as. I'm worried as you all get to know me better you will find, I'm not all I seem to be."

San chuckles a bit. "Nobody is ever really as they seem, there is always going to be something that people bury about themselves. There will always be something you don't like about yourself, but that doesn't necessarily have to change someone's perception of you"

Neither of you realizes there is someone nearby eavsdropping on your private conversation. Wooyoung had been told by Hongjoong to join the two of you, and make sure to bring you all back to the meet up point in an hour. He had begrudgingly agreed and came there with that intention, however when he showed up he found the two of you deep in conversation. He was curious about the direction of the conversation so he did not reveal himself.

"San what would you do if someone close to you was hiding a big secret from you" You whisper closing your eyes. Am I really going to do this?

"Well that depends, would this secret be dangerous to other people I care about?"

"Not intentionally" you say holding your breath

"I do not believe you would intentionally hurt us y/n, that being said everyone has someone kind of secret they are afraid to reveal. I won't pressure you, but if you want to discuss things with me further I'll listen and I will fully hear you out before making any assumptions."

"In my world, the global powers were experimenting people and eventually after several decades, the experiments caused genetic mutations that caused people to be born with various abilities." You say pausing to make sure San was following and absorbing what you saying. "As time went on the government would periodically search through databases to find people with abilities that could be useful to them and their agendas. Their greed often caused conflicts between other countries resulting in war. We were also ironically apart of a revolutionary group as well. Your alter selves had what was known as superior abilities but when the government came looking for them they turned down every offer that was pitched to them. Opting instead to work on interdimensional travel in hopes of escaping our doomed dimension, but it was mostly a failure as you know only I escaped."

"What is your ability, y/n?" He asked the question you were dreading. You took a deep breath. "San, I posses the ability to sense emotions and influence them." As soon as the words left your mouth before San could even react, a loud gasp could be heard from behind the bushes nearby as Wooyoung stepped out of them.

"I fucking knew something wasn't right about you." He said with venom. "Tell me y/n has it been fun controlling our emotions? Wait until the others find out about this!"

"Wait Wooyoung, it isn't like that." You say horrified

"Oh I doubt that very much. If you can lie about something so big what else are lying about!? You think just because you had a strong bond with alternate version of us that you can just do whatever you want with our feelings? Admit it you just want to mold us into them don't you? The scrapbook and photos might have dropped the others guard around you but it doesn't mean shit to me!"

"Scrapbook? What are you talking about?" You say utterly confused. You look at San who looks incredibly uncomfortable and conflicted

"Oh don't play dumb, I'm certain you know all about all the sappy shit that was planted in that pod."

Your eyes widen, you are saddened as you realize they had found something of great sentimental value to you in your cockpit and they had said nothing. In the heat of the moment, you had become irrationally upset. You slapped Wooyoung. "I could have done something to alter your absolute shit mood today, but I chose not to. I chose to allow you the opportunity to work through your problems. I hoped you would find someone to confide in. I can't believe I was concerned for you."

You stomped past both speechless men and found Hongjoong, your day having been ruined.

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