The Truth Shall Set You Free

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San lead everyone back to the wrecked pod.

"I can't believe this thing really exists!" Yunho says rubbing his hand down the side of it.

"That's even if she's being honest, it might just be a fancy hover craft" Yeosang snorts finding this whole scenario ridiculous. He was all for killing you, and moving on, but Hongjoong and his bleeding heart actually wants to believe you.

"Oh don't be such a pessimist, you know I know all make and models of hovercraft and this is not one of them." Yunho retorts as he pulls out his latest invention, the digital backpack. This device has the ability to digitize non organic matter and store it digitally, although he has never tried to store anything this large before.

"Is that piece of junk even going to work?" Yeosang teases

"Hey don't shit on my inventions man, of course it will work" Yunho responds indignantly.

"All of you shut up before we attract unwanted attention." Seonhwa says on guard surveying the area

"Agreed, hurry up so we can get out here. At least she crashed in the dead zone." Hongjoong says with his hand on his blaster.

Yunho begins typing in directions and specifics of the items he wishes to store. Rhythmic beeping can be heard as the pod is digitized and stored. "Alright it worked ladies! Let's get out of here!" Yunho said grinning smugly.

Once back at the hideout the pod is restored to its normal state in Yunho's tinker lab. Hongjoong sends Jongho to relieve Mingi from his guard duty in the pit and they all begin investigating the pod.

"Well she was right about one thing, this thing is truly fucked. I doubt it can salvaged and I can't make heads or tails of its inner workings."

"What do you think it is?" Hongjoong asks

Yunho hesitates to answer at first. The idea that this traveled between dimension is far fetched, and without seeing it operational he couldn't say for sure. On the other hand, Yunho had never seen anything like it in his life. It could literally be anything. "I'll have to investigate it further to find the answer to that question, Captain."

Meanwhile Yeosang had been investigating the cockpit and he stumbled onto a major clue. Up until this point he believed you to be a liar and a spy, however one brightly colored scrapbook found stuffed beneath the seat and small box full of letters changes everything. "Hey guys! I think you need to see this."

They all sit down cross legged on the floor as Yeosang shows them the items he found. As he opens the scrapbook a hand written note falls out onto the floor. Seonghwa reaches forward and picks it up nearly dropping ot again as he let out a big gasp.

"What is it? What happened?" Wooyoung asks

Seonghwa's hands shake as he unfolds the note. "I'm not sure yet....but that's my hand writing."

"How is that possible?" Wooyoung asks shocked

"I have no idea." Seonghwa says quietly

"Well what does it say?" Mingi asks ashe enters the lab

Seonghwa clears his throat and begins to read, "My dearest princess, if you are reading this now I suppose you're pretty pissed at me. It means that I'm gone. It's odd writing that sentence as I watch you laughing and dancing with the others. I'm so sorry we failed to accomplish our goal of escaping with you. Truth be told we stopped working on the other pods months ago. Hongjoong knew there wasn't enough time to complete 9 of them, and none of could bare the thought of having to choose who would live and who would die. I know it's awful to keep such a huge secret, but you look so happy I just can't bring myself to ruin it for you. I hope you can forgive us for being selfish, and though none of us ever confessed, know that we all loved you dearly. I packed the scrapbook and all our letters so that when you feel lonely or helpless you can find comfort in them. Yours truly, Seonghwa"

Silence followed chaos ensues directly after the letter was read.

"How is this possible!?"

"It has to be some kind of trick maybe someone has been spying on us."

"Yes it must be forged"

"ENOUGH" Seonghwa shouted "I'm just as confused as you all but if this is a forgery it's a damn good one. Yeosang open the damn book"

Yeosang opened the book and was immediately greeted with some kind of goofy holiday group picture. He didn't know how to react, it was them but not them. Beneath the picture was written "Christmas 2254"

"What is Christmas?" Mingi asked

"Ya! We find out that she was telling the truth and there were alternate version of ourselves and you ask a question like that!? Unbelievable!" Yeosang says rolling his eyes. He continues flipping through the pages and he finds another photo. It's his alternate self curled up with y/n by a warm fireplace sipping some kind of drink. It hits him that you must have been very close. You all look so happy. It made him feel sort of envious. That in spite of all the stress you all clearly went through, you had been allowed to feel. San digs through the box and finds a USB stick they pug it into the computer. They were not prepared for what was on it. Jongho voice can be heard making a beautiful melody.

"Is" San asked hesitantly music had been outlawed for so long in this world there werent many left alive who could remember hearing it. "It has to be right?"

Wooyoung goes to reach in the box again but Hongjoong stops him. "I think we've seen enough, these were meant to be private. They are not our memories to share without permission."

"Well what do we do now? She was clearly telling us the truth"

"Knowing what we now know we can't just leave her in the pit, she doesn't deserve that." Yunho says sympathetically.

"I agree but we can't simply let her go either,she's seen all of our faces." Yeosang counters

"We bring her into the resistance" Hongjoong says as though it were the most obvious answer in the world

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