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When you all returned to headquarters, you had expected there to be hurt feelings and a demand for answers from you. However, instead Hongjoong didn't say a word, and he forbade Wooyoung from saying anything about it as well.

"I understand you feel strongly about the situation. However, there were wrongs made on both sides, Wooyoung." He looks to you next. "When both of you calm down and speak in a levelheaded manner, we should call a team meeting to discuss all of this."

"This is bullshit! She's no better than the fucking government, controlling other people emotions with no regard or remorse. She should be thrown in the-"

"If you finish that sentence, you might find yourself in the pit instead." Hongjoong spat viciously. "Everyone has been trying to be understanding of your emotional state but you just keep sweeping it under the rug. You're angry, you have every right to be angry, but you better make damn sure you are angry at the right person."

You watch the two of them have it out but you say nothing. Part of you is still hurt that something precious was kept from you, but another part of you felt like you deserved all their anger. Now that you have had time to think about things from their perspective, Wooyoung 's anger is justified. However, after everything that was said, you selfishly didn't want to see Wooyoung look at you like that again.You have doubts about whether or not he would even accept an apology from you. The whole way up from Underground Aurora you had not made a sound nor did you make eye contact with any of them.

Not wanting to draw attention to yourself, you quietly slipped away from the conflict and went straight to your room. You vaguely heard Yeosang attempting to greet you, but you walked right past him. You lay on your bed staring at the ceiling.

How did everything get so messed up? I've probably ruined any progress I made with them. I definitely ruined trust if there ever was any.  They would probably be better off if I wasn't here. You shoot straight up. That's it!  You would wait until everyone was asleep and then you would simply leave. You look around your room and gather your small amount of possessions into a small bag you and then you wait a few hours.

You make your way downstairs and begin raiding the kitchen you chucked as many canned goods as you could comfortably carry into the bag, then you head to the area you knew they kept weapons and you grabbed a small blaster. You then went back up to your room and wrote two separate notes. You can hear Wooyoung as you creep passed the lab, and straight towards his room. You slip on of the notes under his door and you place the other carefully onto the kitchen table as you leave the headquarters for what you believe is the last time.

You can't stop the tears from falling, this decision was much harder than you anticipated. However, you made the decision and you were going to stick to it. You headed for the outskirts of the city into the unknown.

Later that evening, Wooyoung was heading to bed finally but as he opened his door he realized her stepped on something. Curious, he turned the light on, he bent down and pick up the note addressed to him. He didn't recognize the handwriting, but he began reading it Wooyoung, I've been wanting to talk to you all day, but I didn't know what I would say or how to approach you. After having time to think about it, I've come to realize, you were right. I didn't go about any of this the right way and I certainly didn't take into consideration how you all would feel about what little I did influence. What I mean to say is that I'm so very sorry, anything I did do wasn't done with malicious intent and I certainly wasn't trying to change any of you. I understand that I have broken your trust, as well as everyone else. I have decided to leave, you all would be better off without someone like me messing everything up. Who knows, maybe we will see each other again? Until then, y/n

The letter falls out of Wooyoung 's hands as he finishes reading. He panics as guilty rushes through him. This wasn't at all what he had wanted. Not really. Maybe she hasn't left yet. He thought as he raced towards your room. He pushes open your door without knocking, but is devastated to find it empty with your bed made up nicely.

San came around the corner and found your door ajar with Wooyoung standing in there all alone. "What are you doing in here?" San asked sharply he looked around the room but found you were not in there. "What's going on? Where's y/n? Did you do something to her?"

"No of course I didn't, San you know me I would never do anything to harm someone for no reason. I just noticed she left me a letter. She said she was leaving. I came into here to stop her but she was already gone." Wooyoung said

"What!? What do you mean she said she was leaving? Did you check the rest of the headquarters? Maybe she didn't really leave."

The two of them checked the whole building, but you were nowhere to be found. They found the note you wrote for everyone else downstairs that expressed how she felt about them and her reasoning for wanting to leave. Eventually they had no choice but to wake up the others, you didn't know what you had gotten yourself into, or the danger you were putting yourself in. They reviewed the footage of the cameras that watched you leave. They saw the tears streaming down your face and they saw you heading for the outskirts of town, which happened to be one of the most dangerous places to be.

"What are we gonna do Captain? We can't just leave her out there." Yunho asks nervously

"I don't intend on it, Yunho. We will find her, and we get her back we will deal with all these problems everyone seems hellbent on avoiding."

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