Let's Settle This

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You hadn't been gone for more than a few hours but you were already regretting your decision to leave. For one thing, you were very jumpy, you held the blaster in your free hand with a death grip. It was cold, and to top it all off it had begun to rain. You ran towards a small bench under an awning hoping to wait out the rain. Maybe I should just go back home. When did I start thinking of HQ as home? Would they even want me back? As you sit deep in thought, an unfamiliar man comes and sits down next to you.

"Y/N? All of us have been looking everywhere for you. We all thought perhaps the Black Pirates had gotten a hold of you after all."

For a moment you are startled that someone you don't know knows your name, but then you remember your dead alter. This man probably knew her, which meant he wasn't someone you wanted to deal with for an extended amount of time. You think quickly and decide to use the poor lighting in the area to your advantage.

"I believe you have the wrong person" you say speaking in an intentionally different voice. "If you'll excuse me I have somewhere to be." Your heart is pounding, as you stand and attempt to walk away as calmly as you can. Don't show fear, don't show nervousness, no emotion y/n! You chant to yourself like a mantra.

"Wait why are you avoiding me? I know that you are y/n, I can't be mistaken."

You momentarily freeze. You know now he won't be fooled, either you can stand there and wait for him to realize you don't have an implant or you can run. It's not even a choice, you run like Hell. You take as many turns and twists as you can to lose him. On your last turn you climbed a fire escape that went all the way to the rooftop, where you finally hid absolutely exhausted. You knew you wouldn't be sleeping tonight. Too much had happened and you were too paranoid. By this point, you were completely lost and terrified. Only now do you realize you have made a terrible mistake, if only you had listened to Hongjoong and talked about everything. You could only hope that somehow they would find you.

What you didn't know is that the pretty bag Seonghwa gave you, had a tiny tracking device attached to it.  They were already zeroing in on your location, and you nearly died of a heart attack when San dropped down next to you from a slightly taller neighboring building.

"Holy shit you scared me!" You exclaim clutching your chest. After it fully sinks in that he's really there, you fling yourself into his arms. "Thank God! Thank God you found me! Oh I was so stupid! I wanted to come back as soon as I left but then someone was chasing me and I got so lost."

You rambled on and on San gently reached up and covered your mouth. "We will all talk back at HQ, say nothing more while we are outside. You never know if someone may be listening. " He picks you up and begins the descent down the fire escape. As soon as you reach the bottom he set you down in front of a very cross looking Hongjoong. "We will be having a very extensive conversation about this little stunt as soon as we get home. What you did was so wreckless." He growled out menacingly. "Both of you keep up, I'm ready to leave this area."

Not a word was spoken between the three of you the entire way home. Nobody excitedly greeted you upon arrival everyone just simply got up and headed straight for the living room. One person however, could not contain himself any longer, Wooyoung had been on pins and needles from the moment he learned you left. He hurdles towards you, you flinch expecting him to be angry at you. Imagine your shock when the man in question wraps you up in a hug, and you feel nothing but relief coming from him. "I'm sorry I made you feel like you shouldn't be here. Please don't ever do that again."

When you return the hug, he finally releases you. "Are we good now?" You ask

"We are more than good y/n"

"Well I'm glad you two idiots are good now." Hongjoong interrupts "Now get your asses in the living room."

He follows the two of you in to join the others. "As some of you know there was quite a bit of drama today. Wooyoung and y/n both found out they were lying to one another, and terrible disagreement ensued. There is a reason I am always encouraging you all to talk things out. It's so that dumb things like don't happen. Wooyoung you are dumb for doing so many things and ignoring sound advice given to you. Today you set out looking for something to justified your foul mood and resentment towards y/n. Y/N you're dumb for making the rash decision to leave head quarters in the dead of night, worrying all of us half to death. Do you have any idea what could have happened to you? The fact that you don't have a visible implant alone could have had disastrous consequences, if you had been seen."

Your face must have betrayed you because Jongho zeroed in on something. "Something happened didn't it?"

"Someone recognized me, well not me the other me."

The room filled with an audible gasp.

"Did he notice anything else!?" Hongjoong said frantically

"No it was dark he couldn't see me very well. He said that the others thought the Black Pirates had actually got me, whatever that means."

Hongjoong visibly relaxes " That was definitely a close call, but now that opens up a whole new set of problems now that one person has seen you, they won't stop looking for you now. We thought we had more time to prepare you but the consequence of this action tonight will make that impossible now. We discuss everything in full tomorrow afternoon."

You stumble upstairs to your nice comfy bed and fall asleep. Yeosang sleeps with his door open across the hall, not trusting you not to run off again.

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