Underground Aurora

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It had been a week since the mission, y/n was doing much better, but she was confused. She hadn't seen Wooyoung since before everything happened he stays holed up in his lab and as far as she can tell he hasn't come out. Over this short amount of time you and your new teammates, excluding Wooyoung were getting more comfortable around each other. You weren't typically one to choose favorites but so far you seem to be closest with Jongho, Mingi, and surprisingly Yeosang.

To say that they were completely different from the guys in your dimension would be a huge understament, but you have noticed a few noticeable similarities in character. This did comfort you a bit, and you were enjoying getting to know them individually. That is why when Hongjoong asked you tagalong on an outing, you jumped at the opportunity. He also decided to take Wooyoung, and San. Although you had no clue where ya'll were going, or what you would be doing, you were still happy just to be going somewhere.

San laughed as he watched you bounce around all giddy and bubbly. You smile brightly at him as you approach, and you decide you like this side of San. "Where are we going today?" You ask

"We are going somewhere very special today. We can't wait to show it to you. We're just waiting on Captain to bring Wooyoung down"

You were still a little nervous and standoffs with Hongjoong and Wooyoung due to spending the least amount of time with them. If you were honest with yourself you'd admit you find Hongjoong a bit intimidating, he is way different than Hongjoong you knew.

Suddenly you are struck by a barrage of negative emotions, as Wooyoung and Hongjoong make their appearance. Those emotions are emanating from Wooyoung, they are powerful and painful, but Wooyoung wears a blank expression.

"Hello Wooyoung, long time no see." You say trying to break the ice. Wooyoung says nothing to you, choosing to ignore you.

"Let's just get this over with Captain."

It was then you noticed Doc was with them. "Hey Doc, will you be joining us today?" You ask politely. Doc has been teaching you a lot about first aid and medications while he's been at headquarters, and you have been really enjoying your time with him.

"Ah y/n, yes I am actually the reason behind this little outing." He says smiling brightly at you. "Your Captain here has secured me a residence in the underground city." You remember hearing bits and pieces about an underground city hidden somewhere nearby, but it was hard to imagine something that large being hidden in plain sight. The fact that you now knew that was your destination, excited you to no end.

"That's wonderful" you say enthusiastically " I think I'll miss you terribly."

"Oh don't worry y/n I'm not going far" He said walking towards a seemingly ordinary wall. Hongjoong follows him and places his hand on a specific spot on the wall and to your shocked and amazement, the whole entire wall moves.

Hongjoong smirks at your dumbfounded expression. "Pretty impressive right? Wooyoung and Yunho designed and created all the secret passages in the headquarters including the entrance to the underground."

"Wow that's amazing! Wooyoung are you some kind of genius?"

Wooyoung just rolls his eyes and say nothing. You can feel the agitation being directed at you. Not for the first time you are tempted to influence his mood but ultimately you decide not to.....for now anyway.

"Everyone ready?" Hongjoong asks leading the way down a long spiral staircase. You fall behind Hongjoong and Wooyoung happily chatting with Doc and San. "Wooyoung, I know you are going through a hard time right now but you shouldn't take it out on her. She has been nothing but kind and helpful to everyone. If you want to be aggravated just be aggravated with me, I dragged you out of your cave."

Wooyoung hadn't had a peaceful sleep in days, and it showed. He overly pale and he had deep dark circles under his eyes. He sighs heavily raking his hand through his hair and his face. "It isn't necessarily that I dislike her, but just always so bubbly and she wears her emotions on her sleeve. It just so annoying sometimes how oblivious and naive she is. I don't understand why she has to become a member of our team, she doesn't even have any beneficial skills."

"Which is why Doc decided to take her on as his student. I think you maybe judging her too harshly. Try to give her a chance."

As you all reach the city, you can't believe what you are seeing. It really is an actual small city. Though there are no vehicles, the city is bustling with people walking to and from. You can smell delicious smells of street food and can see bright colors of a marketplace.

"You excited?" San says with a twinkle in his eye. San is not sure why but he is always so soft around you. He loves how free you are with your feelings and he enjoys learning about you and your past. He hopes you never see his dark side. "Here let me show you around while Hongjoong gets Doc settled" He pulls you along behind him.

San takes you all around town introducing you people he knows, and showing you the market place. This is the happiest you have been in a long time. "Thank you for taking the time to spend time with me, San. I know you don't have to do this, but I'm so glad you are."

"Don't sweat it y/n, you're part of the family now." He said and you could feel the content feelings coming off him and you knew he was telling the truth, and you couldn't be happier.

"I'm glad you feel that way. When I first got here I was sure I'd never smile again, but you have all treated me so well I'm beginning to have hope for the future again."

"Do you want to sit with me? I'd very much like to learn more about you." He says hopefully.

"I think I'd like that." You say.

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