Fever Induced Mission

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Doc, is an elderly retired doctor he is an important person, in Hongjoong's life and also an important part of the resistance as the official doctor for the cause. He arrives at headquarters confused and worried.

"Doc you made it! Hurry come inside." Mingi says after greeting him.

"You boys ok? Who is my patient this time?" He says sounding fed up. "I swear I can't leave you all alone for any length of time without disaster striking."

"Geez Doc, it's not like that this time. It isn't even one of us"

"Is that wise? Don't tell me you all took in another stray."

"Fine I won't." Mingi says laughing " come on she's in Captain's room"

"She?" Doc says raising his eyebrows. "You scoundrels" He says teasingly

It takes Mingi a moment to catch onto what Doc is implying, and when he does he turns scarlet and sputters "H-hey it's not like that."

"Oh lighten up boy it's just a joke" he says laughing and elbowing Mingi.

When they arrive at Hongjoong's door they are greeted by Seonghwa, who ushers them into the room.

"Doc, this is y/n, she seems to be very sick. We gave her something for the fever but it won't come down. We called you in to examine her, she's been unconscious for about an hour now."

"I see, that does sound a bit concerning. Well let's see if we can get to the bottom of this." He reaches into his bag and pulls his health evaluator out and runs a full scan on her. "It seems your lovely friend here has caught a pretty nasty infection."

"Can you treat it?" Hongjoong asks carefully

Doc looks deep in thought. "It is a treatable condition, but I'm afraid I don't have access to my store of antibiotics, the government, seized them last week."

"What? Why didn't you tell us you were being hassled?" Yunho asked fiercely "You know we would help you!"

"I know, I know you are good boys, I just simply didn't want to trouble you. You already have so much on your plate as it is." He said patting Yunho on the back.

"Well now we can kill two birds with one stone" Yeosang stated. "We can get y/n medication and return your stock to you."

"I like your way of thinking, Yeosang." Hongjoong said "Doc if the harassment has gotten this bad you should let us move you into the community. You will be safer there, besides we could really use a doctor."

"I know you are probably right, I guess I just wasn't ready to be forced out my home yet. It concerns me that you haven't found another doctor yet. You know I'm not getting any younger right?"

"All the more reason to move into underground Aurora, who knows maybe you'll find a student or two to pass your knowledge and experience to."

After a while, they all left you in Doc's care so that can begin planning their new mission.

"What's the plan Captain?"

"Well the first thing we need to do is hack the system, and figure out where they are keeping Doc's supplies as well as any other supplies a brand new clinic would need."

The sound of furious typing began before Hongjoong could even finish his sentence. Wooyoung frowned and bit his lip as he concentrated on completing his task. Usually when it came to lower level missions, Wooyoung didn't have to work very hard at all, but this time is different. It took him ages to bypass the initial first line security undetected. He let out a low whistle at the level of encryption some of the files had on them.

"What is it?" Hongjoong asked

"Well I'm not sure yet but there seems to be something major going on at this facility. Their security is much more detailed than usual."

"Do you think if you dig around enough could figure it out?"

"Can I figure it out?" Wooyoung scoffs. "Of course I can, what kind of question is that? Seriously, you wound me Captain. It will simply take some time to do it."

"Well for now let's just focus on the immediate task at hand medical supplies, then we will worry about the rest."

"Ah ha, I found it!" Wooyoung pulls up the blueprint of the facility in question. "See this area right here to the left? That is where they keep all of the supplies." He says pointing it out. "There appear to be several surveillance cameras all through out the building, and they appear to have the supply room behind a fortified door."

"Can you get the door open from here?" Yeosang asks and is met with the sound of the key board again.

"Hmmm it doesn't appear to have any remote access. Once you get to the door, I won't be of any help."

Yeosang smiled widely, this detail meant he gets to play bombs.

"Hey what are you smiling about? I know that look anywhere and we can't just blow up everything in our way. " Yunho exclaims

"And why the Hell not?" Yeosang retorted bitterly "They have done worse and will continue to do so."

"Because we are supposed to be better than them. They maim and kill because they are told to do so, and they do because they lack the ability to feel guilt and grief."

"You always have nice sentiments Yunho, but not all of us can be passivists."

"Guys explosions might actually be the best thing to do considering what I found behind all that encryption." Wooyoung said with a horrified expression. "They are experimenting on other human beings." He whispered but everyone heard him.

"Well that changes everything about our plan." Hongjoong says slamming his hand in frustration. " San will help Yeosang sneak in while Mingi and I create distractions when needed."

"What about Jongho and I?" Seonghwa asks eagerly

"It's too risky to bring Jongho with us, he could be seen and that would be really bad. You need to stay here and rest Seonghwa. You have had so many mission back to back with no break. It will be OK, if all goes according to plan."

"And if it doesn't?"

"Well then we will be screwed anyway." Hongjoong said bluntly with a grim smile on his face.

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