Chapter 28

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Another few days passed and Nami announced that Alabasta should be within sight no later than tomorrow. Vivi and Sanji were thrilled with the news. The chef was excited to restock our supplies as our food store was dwindling dangerously low. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper all found ways to pass the time, but more often than not, Sanji had them fishing to try and stretch what little food we had.

Zoro and I spent the days training. At first, we simply sparred, but then we both agreed that I needed to practice deflecting blades from attackers or dodging the weapon's path. Even with only a single sword, Zoro had to hold back quite a bit. As a hand-to-hand combatant, I had the edge with my size, speed, and years of practice. However, the pirate had been mastering a blade for as long as I had been mastering my strikes.

While attempting to swat away the flat of the blade I learned was named Yubashiri, I felt the edge of the sword catch on the palm of my leather glove and slice right through it. A hiss of surprise slipped through my teeth as I leapt back and checked my hand.

Zoro's voice was steady and firm, but I heard the note of concern in his tone, "Are you hurt?"

I shook my head and held out my open right palm as proof, "No, but my glove is trashed," I sighed as I yanked them off my hands, "It was only a matter of time. They've been brittle ever since they caught fire back in Little Garden."

The soft hiss of leather against metal rang out as Zoro sheathed his blade, "That's enough for now. The risk of you getting injured is too high now that you don't have gloves on."

A dry laugh rumbled in my chest, "It won't matter to Baroque Works whether I have gloves or not," My hands curled into tight fists, feeling raw and exposed without my gloves on, "I'll just have to make do until I can get another pair."

Zoro's boots thumped toward me and he took my left hand in his, turning it to look at the palm, "Looks like that cut you had before is healed now," He released my hand and crossed his arms, "At least your gloves held out long enough for that."

A small smile tugged at my lips at that thought, but before I could agree with my crewmate, an overwhelming stench assaulted my nose as the air grew warmer. I began to cough and gag at every breath, doubling over and covering my face in a fruitless attempt to block the smell.

The rest of the crew must have been experiencing the same thing as I heard coughing and shouting across the ship. Even stone-faced Zoro was choking on the putrid air. Nami cried out saying we just had to bear with it for a moment and that we would be past the steam vent soon.

As suddenly as the toxic cloud came, it was gone. As I coughed and tried to fill my lungs with clean air, I heard shouting from the front of the ship. Zoro grabbed my wrist without warning and gently tugged me toward the stairs, "Come on, it sounds like trouble."

I allowed him to half lead, half drag me toward the front deck as I heard Luffy cry out, "Hold on, weird guy! I'll get you out!" His rubber limb stretched and I heard a twang as he reeled in whoever it was we had happened upon.

A man's falsetto scream rang out as he was flung into the air and crashed onto the deck of the Going Merry. I relaxed, realizing the ship and crew were not in any danger, and focused my attention on our guest. It was hard to tell since he was sitting down, but he seemed to be incredibly tall. He was wearing a coat with some kind of shoulder ornaments that stretched out at weird angles from his body.

After he dried off a bit, the stranger managed to collect himself and spoke in an irritatingly high-pitched voice, "I thought I was going to die there for a minute," He raised his head and spoke with a relieved smile, "Hey! You saved me! Thanks! I never imagined my life would be saved by a group of complete strangers."

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