Chapter 17 | Pool Side

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Kenny's POV

I looked around, checking any place I can think of. The backyard had people in groups, there were people at the campfire, near the door, and just randomly scattered. I walked towards the pool and saw someone sitting there, dipping their feet in the pool, it was Marjorine.

I place my phone in my sweater and raised my pant legs higher. I joined her, dipping my feet in the pool.

She looked at me with a sad expression.

"What's-" I said before being cut off.

"Im so sorry" She said as tears ran down her face.

"It's okay" I reassured her.

She looked down at the water.

"I know we were supposed to hang out today" She said she swiftly moved her feet through the water.

"I've just been...I don't know" She sighed.

I looked down at the water.

"Life just feels overwhelming" She said as she continued to kick her feet gently in the water.

"I get it" I said as I stared into the water.

"There was a point in my life where I thought nothing good would ever happen to me, just always something going bad" I sighed.

She looked at me.

"I thought it wasn't going to get better, and when I thought it was, it just went downhill again"

"And how did you fix it" She asked.

"You can't" I admitted.

"Sometimes you can't just fix things, you can only just move on and have a better outlook. It's hard, but at long as you keep your head up, it starts to hurt less" I said as I looked at her.

"Not letting my feelings take control of my life you know" I slightly smiled.

"You can't always fix everything" I awkwardly chuckled.

"I guess so" She sighed.

There was silence.

"God I feel like shit" She tilts her head to look at me.

"But you look nice" She smiles.

I smile.

"Really nice" She said.

"Well yeah, sorta thought we were going to hangout tonight" I say awkwardly.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I'm such a shitty person" She lays down with her feet still in the pool.

"You aren't"

"But you got all dressed up for me?" She sat back up.

"All I did was shower" I playfully roll my eyes.

"Righttt" She giggles.

I chuckle.

"All dressed up for meeeee" She teases and leans towards me.

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