Chapter 7 | Bowling

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"Lane 7" Clyde said as we sat down at a table near our lane.

"7 is my favorite number" I smiled.

"Me too" Clyde smiled.

Craig walked up to the tablet and started to input our names.

"Any special requests" He asked.

Tweek quickly rushed over to him.

It was just me and Clyde. I took a sip of my lemonade.

"So" Clyde said awkwardly.

"I hope I'm not intruding on some friend tradition" I sighed.

"Nah you're good, mainly we've just been third wheeling ever since Tweek and Craig started dating" Clyde said as we looked over at them.

They were play fighting over who gets to mess with the tablet.

"Tolkien and Jimmy usually hang out with me but they are at some college thing. A type of like orientation or something" He sighed.

"Why didn't you go?"

"Well I'm not really sure what I want to be. I haven't found anything I'm passionate for" (Clyde)

"Hm" I smiled.

"What about you?" He asked.


"Yeah, what do you want to do when you grow up" (Clyde)

"Well I don't know" I softly spoke.

"It's hard because you really have to put thought into it. Is it something I'm going to be happy doing 10 years from now, would I want to do this everyday for the rest of my life. It's hard and time just flies by" He said visibly upset.

"But hey, why worry about the future. Let's focus on what's in front of us" He smiled.

I smiled.

"O-okay guys, we did it" Tweek said happily as he and Craig walked back to our table.

"Whoever loses...has to..." Craig spoke.

"HOST A SLEEPOVER" Tweek smiled.


"That was not my fault" Craig scoffed.


"Well dude, you called me gay" (Craig)

"Craig, you are gay" Tweek said confused.

"Oh yeah" Craig nodded.

I laughed.

Time Skip

"Looks like I lost" I softly chuckled.

"What a fucking loser" Craig grinned.

"L-looks like you are hosting the sleepover" Tweek laughed.

I chuckled.

"Alright me and Tweek should head home now" Craig said as he put his arm around Tweek.

Tweek smiled.

"Alright see you guys tomorrow" I smiled.

Craig and Tweek walked off.

"I'm going to get a refill on my drink" I said as I grabbed my cup.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" Clyde asked.

"You don't have to" I said as we walked up to the soda refills near the snack bar.

"It's not a problem really" Clyde smiled.

I smiled.

"Is this guy bothering you?" A familiar voice approached us.

It was Kenny.

Clyde scoffed.

"Hey Kenny" He sighed.

"Hey Ken" I smiled.

I looked behind him and standing behind him was his whole gang.

"Are you guys on a date?" Kyle asked.

"No" Clyde replied.

"Seems like it" Stan chuckled.

"Can we go bowling now" Cartman rolled his eyes.

"In a minute" Kenny scoffed.

"Marj, do you want to play with us?" Kenny asked.

"I was actually going to head home" I awkwardly chuckled.

"Yeah with me" Clyde stepped forward.

Kenny rolled his eyes.

I looked closer at Kenny. I got closer to him and leaned in.

"Are you high?" I asked.

Kenny laughed.

"AHEM" Stan cleared his throat loudly.

"I'll see you at school" Kenny smiled and walked away with his group.

Clyde sighed.

"Do you not like them?" I asked.

We began to walk to the exit.

"Who does" He rolled his eyes.

I chuckled.

"They are are just so, annoying" Clyde shrugged.

We headed to the parking lot and went in his car. He started it and began to drive.

"So, you and Kenny?" He asked.

"We are just friends" I replied.

I got on my phone and opened my messages.

"Delivered" it read.

"Plus I have a...boyfriend" I softly spoke.

"Everything okay?" (Clyde)

"I could feel us drifting apart you know, but its okay, every couple has bumpy roads sometimes" I reassured myself.

"Maybe he is just adjusting to the whole move" Clyde suggested.


"Look, I'd back off developing a further friendship with Kenny, he fucks anything that can breathe, I just don't want to see you get hurt" He gripped the steering wheel.

"We are just friends, if you got to know him you would know that he doesn't fuck everything that breathes" I said half annoyed.

"You guys are all so quick to judge"

"I grew up with him, trust me, he's been like this since we were kids" (Clyde)

I grew up with him too.

I stayed silent.

"I'm sorry" Clyde apologized.

"It's okay, I get where you are coming from" I sighed.

Clyde smiled.

My phone buzzed. I quickly checked it. It was Kenny.

"So lame" He texted.

I turned off my phone.

It does feel weird. Suddenly Kenny became so attached to me. Is it because I remind him...of him...

I clenched my fists.

But I'm not him.

I will never be him again.

Sorry for the delay everyone, i started school again and was busy with school work, I'll try my best to write when I can :(

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