The Good Girl's Not So Good

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            It was my first day at Winchester high and I had no idea where I was. The hallways in this building all looked the same and the map the impatient secretary gave me was lost in the abyss of the halls after the fifth flight of stairs I had to climb in the past twenty minutes. I hated being late for class, tardy’s didn’t look good on your record and I couldn’t afford a single blemish on my record. I sigh as I once again come to a set of stairs that I’m almost positive I have gone up or down at least twice. I was looking for room 205 and so far I had found every room but 205 including 204 and 206. I had three different textbooks and my notebooks and pencil bag so I couldn’t really see where I was going. It didn’t help that my long and pin straight chocolate brown hair kept floating in my face and tickling my nose making me sneeze. I could hear a group of footsteps coming toward me but due to my stack of academics I have yet to see them. I continue to walk forward and the sound of their laughter and good time fill my ears. I start to smile until I realize they must be the trouble makers and I need to stay far far away from them. I hunker down so it almost impossible to see me under my stack of books and continue on in my difficult journey for my class that has disappeared. I only have the time to take a single step before an invisible opponent knocks me on my butt. My leaning tower of books fly’s everywhere as I lay on the ground gasping like an idiot trying to get my breath back. I could hear the group laughing at me as I rolled to my knees and started to collect my things. I looked up to see five boys all dressed in black leather to help enhance their bad boy essences. I can feel my eyes grow to about three times their normal size and they feel like they could fall out of my head. I lock eyes with the one who looks like he is in charge, he starts to smile and reaches a hand out to help me to my feet, and the brilliant human being I am just stared at it like it was a foreign object. I could hear one of the boys in the back chuckle but he is quickly shut up with one look from their fearless leader. I slowly reach for his hand almost like I’m afraid it will bite me, the leader chuckles and grabs my hand hauling me to my feet. Another one of the boys hands me part of my stuff and the bigger half to the leader boy. I go to reach for it but he just pulls it away, and shakes his head and for the first time he speaks.

            “I knocked you over it’s the least I can do to make sure you get to your class safely and be your tour guide for the rest of the day.” Once again my eyes feel like they’re going to pop out of my head. Since when did the bad boy of the school help the little nerd? I feel like I’ve stepped into a parallel universe. His entourage is even looking at him like he might have lost a few brain cells in his last fight. He smiled at me and a dimple in his left cheek made an appearance. I almost started drooling, he had the bad boy look down and he had dimples, he is the perfect package. Way better then Peter, looks like my dad knew what he was talking about after all. I smile back and nod, I timidly squeak out that I’m looking for room 205. If it’s possible his smile grows and he starts to walk off. I have to run to keep up with his monstrous footsteps causing the group to chuckle and call out to their fearless leader to slow down or they were going to lose the newbie. He looks back and smirks but slows down allowing me to catch up. The bell rings signaling the end of the period. One of the boys snatch my schedule and tell the leader to go to room 115 which results in all of us doing a u-turn and dive into the crowd. The boys had formed a circle around me making sure I wasn’t swept away. I smile; maybe my first day won’t be so bad after all.

            For the first time since in a long time I didn’t go home right after school. I spent the next two hours after my last class with the schools bad boys who’s names I found out were David (The leader), Josh (Second in command), Markus (Jokester) and the twins Travis and Trent. I found out that David was the leader because he was the head honcho of the school. He was always in some kind of trouble, doesn’t matter what it was. After two hours I was finally able to untangle myself from the twins who had officially adopted me as their little sister, oh joy.  I was a mile from my house when I started to let my mind wonder, unfortunately for me I wasn’t always the good girl, something my memories constantly reminded me of. We had to move because of me and my actions. I used to be the female counterpart of David, spent every other night in jail and had no regard for my life. My dad is an ex marine and he is the only reason I was not thrown in the big house forever. I was caught in a drug meeting with one of the big drug lords. They threw me in a juvenile detention center, which is where I met Peter. At first I blew him off, refused to even acknowledge he was even alive let alone in the cell next to me. After about six months of his constant chatter I gave in and told him my name and my age then went back to ignoring him. After a another two months he finally got the hint I wanted nothing to do with him and left me alone, at least for the time being. Happily, I cheered in joy. But it didn’t take long before Peter was back and more determined than ever. Later I found out he only had a few months left from his five year sentence and was trying to make the most of them. I learned through one of the guards who were easily persuaded that he had an ex girlfriend back home that he was trying to replace. Apparently he was in for a charge of assault and her parents were not too keen on the idea of their sweet innocent angel going out with a boy capable of beating a full grown man into a coma. However I bet they didn’t know that the man Peter put into a permanent coma was about to rape their perfect little girl. He was a young rebel, and she was so delicate. Although he had a bad reputation, his heart was capable of love. He was the bad boy of his town just like I was the bad girl and David is the bad boy of this town. I sigh as I’m brought out of memory lane by the sight of my house. I looked around and realized I was out a lot longer than I thought I was, like it was around eleven thirty. I could see my dad pacing in the living room. Bald as an eagle, I saw him through the window. I shook my head and trudged up the side walk to receive my punishment. As soon as I open the door I can hear him barreling into the entry way. He’s almost invisible as he sweeps me up in his arms and swings me around.

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