The wolf in the room

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It took me forever to walk home, without the fear of being chased by the beasts I didn’t feel the need to move any faster than a slow walk. By now my brother knew I wasn’t home, so there was no point in hurrying home to the ass kicking that was waiting for me. He’s my brother it wouldn’t be the first time he let the anger get the better of him. I’m a fighter I always give it right back to him. A car pulls up behind me, slowing down to a crawl. I look over to see a truck full of boys, three in the cab and four in the bed. The one driving has light blond hair that sweeps down in his blue eyes. 

“Hey, you wanna ride?”He smiles at me, his eyes seem to shine. A small part of me feels guilty for what I’m about to do. I don’t know why I feel guilty and I hate it even more that I don’t know why. 

“Sure,” I smile back and jump in the bed sitting right in between two guys. I look into the woods and wince at the eyes staring back at me with pain in them. I’m not sure who it is but I know it’s not a normal wolf and I have a sinking suspicion that it’s David. I shake my head and lean against one of the boys whose names they told me but I don’t care. It’s been a while since I’ve slept with anyone besides Pete and this time I won’t be doped up on drugs and who knows maybe these boys will be really really really good and make my time worthwhile. I turn and climb onto a brown hair boys lap and instantly latch onto him, I feel another boy come up behind me and start to press against me. The rest of the boys hoot and holler. A deep growl echoed around us, the boys looked around trying to locate the origin of the almost terrifying sound. David, still in wolf form slinks out from the forest growling his eyes locked on the boy I was sitting on. I smirk and swing my head back around locking our lips together. And for once since I started back on the drugs I didn’t feel a need to go smoke something or shoot up. David’s growls increase in volume. David shifts his back legs like he is going to pounce, I roll my eyes and give the boy one last kiss before I climb down from the truck. The boys start shouting at me to get back up in the truck, that it wasn’t safe. I smirk at them and start walking down the road away from both the mutt and the horny boys and toward my house where the feel good drugs and my bed where. Today did not go as I thought it would. 

School, whoever decided school was necessary needs to be hunted down and killed slowly and painfully, no matter how far back in time we would have to go to do so. I was currently sitting on a picnic table outside the cafeteria, so far the boys were nowhere to be seen which was really weird for them. I expected them to be hounding me for more answers. Get it hounding and their mutts? I pull out the sandwich I stole from some freshman before third hour and bite into it. That nerdy boy whose name I don’t know walks by, I whistle gaining his attention but he quickly looks the other way and quickly walks away. I furrow my eyes brows and growl when I see the boys walking toward me confidently with smirks on their faces. Ugh I don’t need this today. The boys sit down around me David plants himself right next to me and when I don’t get up and move he starts to smile like a kids that got everything that he wanted for Christmas. Josh just rolls his eyes and huffs before looking the other way towards the woods. I lean back until I can look up at the sky and wish I was anywhere but here. The twins clear their throats at the same time causing me to look at them with one eyebrow raised. 

“What do you want mutts?” Josh growls but shuts up when David throws him a glare. They twins try to look like angels.

“What we can’t sit with our best friend” I roll my eyes and glance back at the sky before throwing myself forward and on my feet before they can react. I glare at all of them saving David for last trying to ignore his hurt look. 

“Leave me alone you monsters, I don’t want any of you near me, especially you future Alpha.” I say future alpha with a mocking tone. He jerks away like I’ve hit him, for a moment I get a brief bit of pain in my chest but I push it away before I storm off, giving my little warning the perfect ending. I head into the woods hoping being around the green and soft tones of nature will calm me down. But my mind keeps drifting back to the look on David’s face when I told him I didn’t want anything to do with him and that he was a monster, he looked like I just ripped out his heart and for some reason that made me want to cry and I don’t cry easy. I growl and start running hoping if I exhaust myself I won’t be able to think. I start jumping over limps and low hanging branches grabbing them and throwing myself through the trees. I ignore the cuts I gain on my arms and push myself faster and harder, I hear a howl echo around me a curse, I must be in their territory. Suddenly several sets of paws are racing behind me, I throw myself up higher and higher into the tree until they won’t be able to reach me unless they shift which I really hope they don’t, I do not need to be seeing any guys junk. The circle the tree I’m sitting in and act like they are waiting for something or someone. I groan once I realize they are probably waiting for their alpha or future alpha. Just as I think that David and his little gang come walking out of the trees in human form, he smells and looks over joyed before his expression falls and he looks heartbrokenly at me. 

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