My brother who's my dad who is all i have left

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Howls pierce the air around me and my older brother clutches me closer to his back as he picks up speed. The last thing out mother said to us was to run and not look back. She told him to take care of me and raise me like they would have. We don’t know why all we know is they are here and most of our kind won’t survive. Even at the tender age of two and a half I had come to the conclusion that I was never going to see my parents or friends again. It was going to be me and my seventeen year old brother against the world. I wince and try to bury my head deeper into my brother’s chest as the screams of pain and anguish cut through the air and assault my young ears. My whimper echoes around us and my brother whispers encouraging words and pulls my legs tighter around his waist. The images of ripped body’s and dark red blood glittering in the moon light and sinking into the ground will remain with me forever.  Tears slip silently down my face and through my brother’s shirt; I feel his muscles clinch as he shivers when the wet drops reach his skin. His pace goes even faster as he tries to reassure me.

“It’s going to be ok Ava I promise I won’t let anything happen to you. No one will ever hurt you while I’m here.” I allow myself to be comforted for a second before I start to think about when he’s not there. If he ever leaves me what happens then? What if what happened to mommy and daddy happens to him? What if the mean doggies come for us and they take my brother away? I always wanted a puppy never understanding why I was always told cats and dogs don’t mix. Now I never wanted to see those four legged creatures again. A howl echoes around the forest and I whimper and start to shake as the sound of their pursuit follows us. My arms started to weaken and I slipped down farther down my brothers back causing me to cry out. He grips my little leg tighter before pulling me around until he is cradling me and picks up his speed even more. I burry my head in his chest and cry, I had already lost my mommy, daddy, and my home all I have left is my brother. Another earth shaking howl echoes and I start to shake even harder and sob hysterically. I don’t want to die and I know that they will catch us and kill us. Daddy didn’t want this for us mommy said that’s why he left every morning before the sun was even in the sky. She said he left to protect us but when he didn’t come back when he usually did mom started to pack stuff and throw it in our rusted up truck. Then the howling started and the blood curdling screams, mom cast us one horrified glance before she gave me to my brother Thomas and told him to run. That was when the sun was high and now the moon is creeping across the sky. I was tired cold and I wanted my daddy. I could hear the sound of a high way and people talking on phones and I sigh when I realize the mean doggies couldn’t follow us here. There were too many witnesses and giant wolves would stand out in a crowd of humans. I giggled as we emerged from the trees and into the bright lights of town we were safe at least for now. Tom puts me down and squats down to my level. I hold onto him to keep myself upright and look into his somber brown eyes.

“Ava people are going to ask questions, don’t answer them until we have a story. For now I want you to tell people I’m your dad and we just moved here because the area we were in before was unsafe. Can you do that for me?” I nod my head seriously while fighting a losing battle with my eye lids. I had been awake for well over twenty four hours and that was a long time. Tom….I mean daddy laughs and picks me back up cradling me to his chest like my real daddy used to do. I close my eyes and let myself be soothed by the gently swaying motion his stride provides. When I was half way asleep he pays for us a hotel room and lays me down in a big soft fluffy bed, the kind that’s good for jumping. He acts like he is going to leave me and I start to whimper and whine. He walks back to me and I cling to his hand. He sighs but climbs into bed with me and pulls me into the curve of his chest. I start to drift off as his body heat transfers to me. Just as I drift off into the darkness of sleep he whispers to me, “I will never let anyone hurt you little one, never.”

I jerk awake at the memory I tried so hard to forget, I look around and see I’m back in the room I was before and once again no one is around. I pull myself up tighter when I remember what happened before I blacked out. They are one of them, they are cold hearted murderers. They lead me here for slaughter like an innocent lamb, minus the innocent part. My dad probably thinks the worst, well I guess he’s my brother but it just easier to call him dad, that’s what he is to me anyway. My hands start to shake and my head starts to ache and the over whelming need for a nice baggy of some kind of drug, I didn’t really care at this point, fills my body. The darkness that inhabits my mind bust out of the tightly locked box I forced them in. Worthless, stupid, pathetic, clingy, co-dependent, ugly, not wanted. Memories I never wanted to relive bash around inside my skull. The only place I will never be free is inside me. I start to whimper and claw at my arms drawing blood but bringing pain to remind me that I am still here, I can still feel. The sound of footsteps pounding up the stairs like a herd of elephants try to compete with the words still floating around in my head but in the end they are no match for the cruelty of humanity. Slut, Whore, little girl, freak, strange, not normal, science experiment, untouchable. The door slams open and six scents invade the room but even that’s not enough to pull me out of the dark corners of my own brain. For a moment I wonder who the unknown scent is but only for a moment. Unwanted, even your own parents would rather die than be with you, your nothing more than a hump and dump, forever alone, ice cold, heartless, freak, freak, freak. The sound of my name called several times breaks through to me and I snap my bright green eyes up to warm worried blue ones. I feel the tears slip down my face and into my lap. David’s eyes are still locked on mine as he slowly wrapped his arms around mine giving me time to pull away. I let out a chocked sob and launch myself into his arms. He rubs my back and coos soothing words as I soak through his shirt, I know I’m in the arms of a monster allowing him to comfort me but I can’t find it inside myself to care and besides that I feel safe for the first time in a long time.  I hear the door shut and everybody but David leave. I try to control the horrible sounds but once I started I can’t seem to stop. I know that I shouldn’t be doing this that relying on someone will only hurt me in the end, but for some reason I feel like I should stay here forever, like he would never hurt me. And for a moment I listen to those feeling but only for a moment, and then I remember what he is and what his kind, his species, is and what they do. Almost instantaneously my cries stop and I stiffen in his arms. He seems suppressed in my sudden change and loosens his grip allowing me to force his arms from around my waist to behind him and use a silk tie I found to make sure he can’t grab me. Worthless, stupid, heartless, freak, Slut, Whore, alone, without his arms around me those words come back full force. I shudder and walk to the door and fight against every instinct to look back. Everything inside of me begs me to run back and plead for him to forgive me and take me back. I wait until I get to the door before I cast my eyes backwards and wish I didn’t. There David sits with a heart broken look in his eyes. I shake my head as if to solidify my resolve to leave but turn back to him and act as if I’m going to untie him. I smoothly walk past him toward the window. If I went down the stairs his pack would surly stop me after all they must want something since they brought me here. If I go out the window and run fast enough all they will be left with is a faint scent in the wind and if it rains like it’s supposed to they might not even get that. At least if they step on my turf I can have them thrown in the local jail for trespassing and harassment. All I need is the home field advantage because without it there is no way I can win or even escape. They have the ability to shift into a fierce wolf ruled by instinct and even without shifting they have the senses of the wolf without the inconvenience of a tail and fuzzy ears. They are monsters incapable of human emotions or anything safe. I know it’s just a matter of time until he snaps and tries to kill us like the wolves did all those years ago. With that in mind I pick up my pace and follow the road home to my brother who is my father who is all I have left. And I will be dammed if I let some stinky smell wolves who can’t control their temper take that away from me.

So I went the supernatural way. Once again I remind you that there will be drugs and alcohol involved in my story if you don't like it you don't have to read it. Later on their might be sex or something close. Don't say I didn't warn you. Comment and vote, I wont update until I have 20 comments and 25 votes. Sorry guys but I'm not getting much feedback. I am going to ask on my page and other stories for people to read it. I need to know what I need to change. Don't forget to vote and comment and thanks for reading, Also I need a cover if anyone can do that


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