Whoops I wasn't supposed to know that was I?

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It had been two hours and I was still in shock. What happened to the nice caring boys from yesterday. So far every time I see one of them even if their alone all I get is a glare that bring the phrase if looks could kill to mind. On the other hand every other boy in this god forsaken place has plastered themselves on me, some of them dumped their girlfriend in front of me and then tried to chase after me as I walked away. I was so lost in my dream land where I was able to eat chocolate and whatever other junk food I wanted with no repercussions, when the last bell of the day rang violently jolting me out of my food fantasy. My stomach growls angrily at me begging for me to feed it and soon. Unfortunately that didn’t seem to be the case when I look up to see David and his “Gang” blocking my escape and no one else was in the room, they had ran when they had the chance, looks like I’m on my own. I strut over with a flirty smirk on my face the twins gulp but stand their ground much to my amusement. I stop once I’m in front of David and run my hand up his chest causing his breathing to pick up as he stares into my eyes, Rule number twenty four of the bad kid rule book, never ever look deeply in anyone’s eyes, they instantly get a leg up because no matter how good you are the eyes are the window to the soul. And right now David’s eyes were telling me a lot of thing, lust pride and hurt.

“So big boy what wrong, mad that little old me beat big bad you?” Suddenly he stiffens in more than one place, one thing about going to a co-ed jail was you got really good at beating the opposite sex no matter what weapons you had to use. Even the cold hearted Josh reacted, granted it was a grimace and a disgusted expression but he still reacted. David reins in his emotions and tries to gain control of the situation.

“What are you doing here Ava? Or is that even your name, you did show up in a big hurry and you were hiding who you really are. We don’t need anyone like that around here.” I snort and look up at him through my lashes.

“Oh and I bet you’ve never in your whole life done anything wrong ever?” He opens his mouth but quickly shuts it again. “Oh yeah that right your David James, went to court on multiple charges but got off scot free, known to spend a night in jail here and there for petty crimes accompanied by your partners in crime of course but your dad can afford to bail you out and pay off the media after all we wouldn’t want the town knowing the mayors son is nothing but one big disappointment. “ By now all their faces are bleach white. “Whoops I wasn’t supposed to know that was I?” I grab my stuff and slide past the stupefied boys and skip to my locker a few people gave me weird looks, after all I was now the schools up and coming bad kid and I was skipping like a school girl, but hey I don’t run unless it’s from the cops and walking was to slow I had to be in the parking lot when they came to their senses. I had just thrown all my crap in my locker and shut it when the sounds of footsteps thundering down the hall drift to my ears I smirk in victory and duck into an empty class room. I wait until the pass before I sink to the ground leaning against the door, I jump when I hear a voice.

“Who are you hiding from?” I reach up and flick on the light to see a nerdy looking boy sitting in a desk by the window. I reach up and place a hand over my racing heart, if this boy can startle me like that I really need to get back in shape there is no way I can allow myself to get soft.

“I’m not hiding from anyone,” He raises an eyebrow like he doesn’t believe me and he’s right. He was about to say something when the foot step started to run back along with the sound of

“Look there’s a light,” the boy must have seen my panicked expression because he pointed to a supply closet which I quickly jumped into and softly closed the door. I smiled like a fool when the door closed at the same exact time as the main door open and David’s gruff voice floated around the room.

“Yo kid have you seen a girl come in here?” His voice gave me shiver but not from fear. I felt sorry for the kid as he stuttered out a reply

“N….n…no sir no one in here but me.” I winced because even to me he sounded suspicious. Thankfully one of the boys called to him.

“David over here,” I could hear the shuffling of clothes then the door was shut followed by a

“You can come out now he’s gone.” I slowly open the door and scan the room like I expect David to jump out and grab me. I smile at the boy and start toward the door without another word, I turn back and wave at him only to see he’s hard at work on math or science or something I would never understand. That’s why I would never be able to pull of the nerd thing, I lack incentive. I smile as I sneak past the boys once again. As I run out into the student parking lot I pull on my leather jacket and black tinted helmet and hop on just as the boys run out of the door. One of the twins point at me just as I jam the key into the ignition and start my baby up, they start to run over to me and I just wave before pulling out sharply and speeding down the old back roads with a smile on my face. Oh yeah baby I’m back.

Just like always Comment and Vote, Comment Comment Comment. Let me know what you think or want to happen. I don't know if i should put this book on hold until it has a little more attention or what. Let me know what you think Thanks


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