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It’s been a few hours since the cops showed up and ran David and his groupies off thanks to my dad. Apparently they had gotten a call from an annoyed citizen about some unruly kids who were bugging some poor innocent girl on his street. When I walked in the house my dad was sitting by the telephone with a smirk on his face looking out the window. I just shook my head and went up to my room locking the door behind me. I waited until I could hear the deep snores of my dad that signaled he wouldn’t wake up even if the world was ending. I open the window and pull a bag from under my bed. If my dad knew I had this he would kill me. He didn’t want me going back to jail and this would be my one way ticket, and they wouldn’t let me back out no matter how good I was. I reach into my back pocket and pull out a plain lighter and light my bag of weed on fire. I get up and stuff a towel under the door to keep the smoke from going downstairs and look out the window, occasionally inhaling the drug. My mind starts to go fuzzy and my body relaxes as the small amount I had dwindles away in the tiny flames. As soon as the smoke clears I close the window and reach under my bed once more to spray some flower scented air freshener just in case. I slip the lighter back in my pocket and climb into bed, still in my outfit from school. The drugs are starting to really take hold now and I smile as my muscles relax and I fall into a deep very interesting dream filled sleep.

                My alarm blaring jolts me out of my peaceful sleep where I was chasing a rabbit that looked and sounded like David and I had a very sharp knife. I smile and hop out of bed, in a good mood for once. I skip to my dresser turning off my alarm in the process then hurry off to the shower. After a thirty minute shower where I’m almost positive I used up all the hot water, I skip down stairs surprising my dad with both a kiss on the cheek and my early appearance that doesn’t include my growling and grumbling. I make sure he can’t see the pack of cigarettes in my back pocket before I grab my power bar to help with the munchies and keys to my bike and rush out the door. I pull out and away from town while pulling out my cell phone and dialing a number I try not to use much.

                “Hey Pete you have what I need.” He purrs a replay at me

                “That and so much more baby girl.” I smirk and drop my voice into a seductive alto.

                “I may have to take you up on that offer; no one treats a girl like you do.” I can picture his face scrunched up trying to contain himself. “I’ll be there in twenty minutes to help you with your little problem.” The last thing he says before I hang up is

                “Oh babe it’s anything but small.”

                By the time I got to Pete’s house I was going way over the speed limit and peeled into his drive way leaving tracks. The door is thrown open by the man himself as I sprint past him and up the stairs to his bedroom, where at one point I had clothes stashed just in case. As soon as I cross the thresh hold of his bedroom he sweeps me off my feet and throws me onto this bed his muscles bulging. I bounce one before I start to tear my clothes off. He grabs a needle and tugs his shirt off all in one move. By the time he gets over to me I’m lying on my elbows in nothing but my black lacy bra and matching thong. He smirks at me and stalks toward me tossing his light brown hair out of his dark blue eyes. This is where I learned everything about being the reigning bad girl and temptress. He rolls me over and straddles my hips while grabbing my right arm. He pushed the needle filled with some feel good drug into my arm and injects it before pulling another one out of his pants and doing the same to himself. As soon as the needle is away I tug is pants off and his boxers are quick to follow. He start to kiss up and down my neck and unhooks my bra before throwing it somewhere, who knows one time I found it on the ceiling fan and another time it was in the bathroom across the hall. My thong was quick to follow as the drugs take over out every action and we plunge into a few hours of passion. It’s a good thing I got up early.

                After two hours of sweat and yelling in both pain and passion I am pulling my close back on at a break neck speed as Pete feeds me while keeping an eye on the clock. It takes me ten minutes to get to school from here and I have five. If I’m late they call my dad and I don’t need to see him while I still have whatever drug in my system. After pulling on my shoes and stealing another piece of bacon from Pete I run out the door and hop onto my bike. I turn and wave once before speeding off to school hoping that no cops are out today. I make it in five minutes and sprint off into the building running straight to my class no even stopping to get my school stuff, stuff that I wouldn’t need anyway. I slam open the door and sprint into the science room just as the bell goes off.

                “Cutting it a little close aren’t we Mia?” I just shrug my shoulders at the teacher before continuing to my seat. I made it on time and that’s all the matters. I’m not even winded from running that far, when you out run the cops on a daily bases nothing effects you anymore. The drugs are starting to wear off already leaving me with a head ache and no pain pills. I groan before placing my head on the desk and closing my eyes blocking out the light and tuning out the boring old man the let attempt to teach us. He was going on and on about something but I only began to listen when he told us the homework assignment I wouldn’t do and the bell rang. I lazily stood up and walked toward the door, the students around me making a path for me like they expect me to beat them if they don’t. Which I guess isn’t a bad guess I did that at my old school, the one before prison. I smirk as I think about lunch, when I will see the boys. I wonder if they acutely went to jail last night. A small laugh escapes my mouth as I continue on with boring school but the whole time thinking about lunch.

Hey i know its not much but its more than last time. Hope you like it. Comment and Vote



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