Meeting the parents

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I’m not quite sure how I ended up in the back of David’s car with the twins caging me in, they must have used their wolfy speed which means they know that I know about them which means bad things for me. And to top it all off I don’t have my bike nor did I get my hit and I was shaking worse than ever and they thought it was because I was scared. David was saying something but I was more focused on the need of a drug that was taking over my body. At this point I didn’t care what it was hell I might have even been able to make aspirin work. The shaking got worse and my body took over casting logic aside I started to beat on the twins chest catching them enough by surprise I crawled across Trent’s lap and shoved the door open and was ready to jump out when David stomped on the breaks and pulls me back into the car and onto his lap. I start to wiggle, yell, cry, beg, plead, scream, punch, kick anything I thought would get me out of the there so I could get my drugs. David just holds me to his chest and a steal grip and strokes my hair. I could feel the Twins looking at us in surprise, I’m trying to decide if I should use them but at the last second decide not to, they may be monsters but they look like little puppy monsters. I look up at David from under my wet lashes and he locks eyes with me and looks at me like I’m his world.  I will a few more tears to fall and make my bottom lip tremble like I’m going to cry again. He looks like he is in pain which helps me to ask in the most broken voice I can.

“Please.” He looks at me confused, “please David I need it, I need the hit.” He understands before shaking his head. My lip trembles more and tears start to cascade down my cheeks. He looks shocked before the pain in his eyes increases. I’ve never seen a beast this much in pain and I don’t understand why when he hurts something in my chest pings. Slowly he nods his head and I can feel my mood lifting just from the thought of getting the one thing I crave the most. I crawl into the back and grab my jacket from Travis shooting him a dirty glare to which he looks perfectly sorry for. I crawl back up the front and park myself in the shotgun seat. I pull out a baggy of pills and smirk at my favorite one, I reach in and grab two little ecstasy pills, pop them in my mouth and swallow them dry. When I realize the car isn’t moving I look over at David with one eyebrow raised while I’m still coherent. “Why are we still sitting here, you might want to get a move on before the pill where’s off and I’m able to fight and run, trust me its easer this way.” He stars at me for a second more before shaking his head and starting the car back up. The Twins start talking and every now and then I could feel David looking at me, I ignore all of them and focus on the forest, something I’ve missed. We used to live next to the forest but since we’ve had to run daddy stays away from them as much as possible, because as much as I love the forest the mutts love them even more. He slows the car down and pulls into the Drive way of the same mansion I was kept in before, now I know this is the pack house, the meeting place and heart of their “Family”. They same kind of place they plan on how to take down other pack and stuff. Where they decide how to kill innocent people and run kids out of their homes and take away their mommy’s and daddy’s. My temper sky rockets and I start to shake again and this time it has nothing to do with drugs or fear, this is nothing but rage. David rushes over to me and starts to approach me like a wounded animal. Once again he is talking and I can tell that he is almost cooing to me trying to calm me down, but all I see is red, all I want is blood. I see a few muscle guys forming a circle around me and that makes me even madder. They really think they can trap me in here, by now there is no hint of the drug left in my system and my fight or flight instinct has kicked in big time. One of the guys to my right takes a small step forward and I lunge, I wrap my small hands around his throat making sure my nails are right over the most important veins and his jugular. I hear a female gasp and growl almost at the same time but I’m too busy looking at David to pay attention to any clingy sluts right now. The guy doesn’t move but he doesn’t seem afraid either. David just watches me not worried about his pack mate, or really even me, he is watching us with amassment and fascination rather than worry or anger. I sigh in frustration, I needed a bargaining chip to get out of here so I could live to fight another day, I didn’t even get to tell my dad who we were sharing a town with. I can feel his vocal cords move as the guy I’m trying to hold hostage speaks.

“Son as much as I love a girl with fire please remove your mate from me, I don’t want to hurt her but if you don’t your mother will.” Great out of everybody I could have used I get David’s dad who may or may not be in charge I haven’t figured out who was the leader or Alpha or whatever they called them. And why did he call me David’s mate? What the hell is a mate? When David makes no move to grab my I tighten my grip on his neck and took a small step back dragging David’s dad with me. A fierce growl echoes around the crowd the loudest comes from a motherly looking woman with what I would think were kind eyes if they weren’t looking at me with such anger. The pack calms down and some of them shuffle their feet like they are getting ready for battle. The female who I now know is David’s mom locks eyes with me and you can almost taste the hate she is projecting. But I know if I let go I’m free game they can tear me to shreds, as long as daddy dearest is in front of me I have a shield and a way out at least until I have a better plan. David raises his hands in a surrendering gesture and walks toward me once again like a spooked animal. I watch his every move but make sure to also pay attention to my surroundings. If their talking in their freaky ass mind connection thing I’m so screwed and not in the way I want to be. I’ve already been to jail once but something tells me that’s a play date compared to what the monsters would do to me if I’m caught. Especially since I’m almost positive I have the Alpha in a chock hold, what I don’t get is if he is the Alpha he is the strongest male in the pack only rivaled by his son, why didn’t he just snap my neck and solve the problem? Something’s going on here, something I don’t know about which isn’t good, I may not be the smartest person but knowledge is power and I always know enough to survive and this time I may not. I start to shake and I know they can smell my fear but there is no way I’m letting go of the old man, I’ve fought to hard to die now. David is still advancing and I can almost sense another male walking up behind me. I tense my legs and vault myself over the person behind me and into a tree leaving the Alpha stunned in the middle of a circle of his pack. The only one with his eyes on me is David everyone else is flocking around their fearless leader. I shake my head and take off hoping that they don’t follow me, after all little old me was no threat to the three hundred and counting of them. I knew I would be back, and both David and his father knew that to that’s why they let me go so quickly. I had questions and unfortunately they were the only ones with the answers.

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